
In this chapter, we have looked at the ideas of mutability and immutability. We have seen how immutability can lead to slowdowns and higher memory consumption and can be an issue when we are writing high-performance code. We have taken a look at mutability and how to make sure we write code that utilizes it, but also makes it safe. On top of this, we have performed performance comparisons between mutable and immutable code and have seen where speed and memory consumption increases for the immutable types. Finally, we took a look at functional-style programming in JavaScript and how we can utilize these concepts. Functional programming can help with many issues, such as lock-free concurrency, but we also know that the JavaScript runtimes are single-threaded and so this does not give us an advantage. Overall, there are many concepts that we can borrow from the different paradigms of programming and having all of these in our toolkit can make us better programmers and help us write clean, safe, and high-performance code.

In the next chapter, we will take a look at how JavaScript has evolved as a language. We will also take a look at how browsers have changed to meet the demands of developers, with new APIs that cover everything from accessing the DOM to long-term storage.

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