Message Passing - Learning about the Different Types

In the previous chapter, we looked at Node.js and the base environment we need to create server-side applications. Now, we will look at how we can use the communication techniques we looked at previously to write scalable systems. Message passing is a great way for applications to be decoupled yet still work together. This means that we can create modules that work independently from each other, either through processes or threads, and still achieve a common goal.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Local communication using the net module
  • Utilizing the network
  • A quick glance at HTTP/3

We will also take a look at the future of client/server communication while looking at the HTTP/3 standard that is being developed. Then, we will look at the implementation of the QUIC protocol, a protocol developed by Google that HTTP/3 takes some of its ideas from.

Let's get started!

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