About the author

Justin Scherer has been professionally developing JavaScript applications for over 10 years. On top of this, he has worked in a variety of fields, ranging from embedded systems to high-performance cluster applications. Utilizing JavaScript to cluster simulation models, write RFID tracking systems, and even to hook Fortran code together, Justin brought JavaScript to Argonne National Laboratory as a way of quickly prototyping and building out ideas.

Justin then went on to work for an e-learning start-up and lead the frontend development team. He currently works for a large financial institution, where he is leading the charge on developing a highly performant frontend and middleware through the use of JavaScript.

During his time off, he has a handful of hobbies, including but not limited to playing the piano, going to concerts, repairing watches, reading, and spending time with his wife. He enjoys his time with his wife and their cat and dog. His mind is constantly wandering to new areas where technology, especially web technology, could prove useful.


I would first like to thank my wife for being the wonderful person she is. If it were not for her, I would still be wondering whether I could even write a book in the first place. She has always pushed me to be the best person, even when she does not realize she is doing it. I would also like to thank my mom for always being the most wonderful person I have ever known and for always being the biggest supporter no matter what I decided to do. I would like to thank my dad for always being one step ahead of me and keeping me on my toes; he is my role model and I strive to be as good of a man as he is. Finally, I would like to thank my brother. While he may not realize the impact he has had on me, he has always shown me what it means to work hard and to achieve your goals.

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