Data Formats - Looking at Different Data Types Other Than JSON

We have almost finished our discussion on server-side JavaScript. One topic that seems to fly under the radar, but does come up quite a bit when interfacing with other systems or even making things faster, is transmitting data in different formats. One of the most common, if not the most common, formats is JSON. JSON is quite easily one of the easiest data formats to interface with, especially in JavaScript.

In JavaScript, we do not have to worry about JSON objects that do not match a class. If we were utilizing a strongly typed language such as Java (or TypeScript for those that are using it), we would have to worry about the following things:

  • Creating a class that mimics the format of the JSON object.
  • Creating a map structure that keeps nesting based on how many nested objects there are.
  • Creating on-the-fly classes based on the JSON that we get.

None of these are necessarily hard, but it can add to speed and complexity when we are interfacing with systems that are written in these languages. With other data formats, we may get some major speed benefits; not only from possibly smaller data transfers, but also from the other languages being able to parse the objects more easily. There are even more benefits when we move to a schema-based data format, such as versioning, which can make backward compatibility easier.

With all of this in mind, let's go ahead and take a look at JSON and see some of the benefits, but also the losses that we get with utilizing it. On top of this, we will take a look at a new custom format that we will create for our services to transfer data at a hopefully smaller size. After this, we will take a look at a schema-less data format such as JSON and, finally, take a look at a schema-based format.

This chapter might be lighter than almost all of the other chapters, but it is one that will prove useful when developing enterprise applications or interfacing with them.

The topics covered in this chapter are as follows:

  • Using JSON
  • Encoding in JSON
  • Decoding in JSON
  • A look at data formats

In TypeScript, we could just use the any type if we wanted to, but that would partially defeat the purpose of TypeScript. While we will not be looking at TypeScript in this book, it is good to know that it is out there, and it is easy to see how developers may run into it when developing backend applications.

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