What this book covers

Chapter 1, Tools for High Performance on the Web, will cover the various browsers that our applications can run on. We will also take a look at the various tools that help us to debug, profile, and even run ad hoc code to test the functionality of our JavaScript.

Chapter 2Immutability versus Mutability – The Balance between Safety and Speed, will take a look at the concepts of mutable/immutable state. We will cover when and where to use each. On top of this, we will cover how to create the illusion of immutability while having a mutable data structure.

Chapter 3Vanilla Land – Looking at the Modern Web, will take a look at how far JavaScript has come and all of the new and notable features up to ECMAScript 2020. On top of this, we will look at various advanced features, such as currying and writing in a functional manner.

Chapter 4Practical Example – A Look at Svelte and Being Vanilla, will cover a fairly new framework called Svelte. It will go over this compile to Vanilla JavaScript framework and explore how it achieves lightning-fast results with an intuitive framework.

Chapter 5Switching Contexts – No DOM, Different Vanilla, will cover the low-level Node.js work. This means taking a look at the various modules available to us. We will also take a look at how we can achieve amazing results with no extra libraries.

Chapter 6, Message Passing – Learning about the Different Types, will take a look at different ways to talk among different processes. We will cover unnamed pipes, named pipes, sockets, and transmission via TCP/UDP. We will also take a look at HTTP/2 and briefly look at HTTP/3.

Chapter 7Streams – Understanding Stream and Non-Blocking I/O, will cover the Stream API and how to utilize it. We will cover each type of stream and the use cases for each. On top of this, we will implement some practical streams that, with some modification, could be used in other projects.

Chapter 8Data Formats – Looking at Different Data Types Other Than JSON, will look into schema and schema-less data types. We will look into implementing a data format and then see popular data formats in action.

Chapter 9Practical Example – Building a Static Server, will take the previous four chapters and apply these concepts and build a static site generator. While it may not be as powerful as GatsbyJS, it will have most of the features we expect from a static site generator.

Chapter 10Workers – Learning about Dedicated and Shared Workers, will move back to the frontend and take a look at two of the web worker types. We will utilize these to process data from the main thread. On top of this, we will take a look at how we can talk among our workers and the main process.

Chapter 11Service Workers – Caching and Making Things Faster, will look at the service worker and the life cycle of the service worker. On top of this, we will look at practical examples of how to utilize a service worker in a progressive web application.

Chapter 12Building and Deploying a Full Web Application, will look at continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) with the tool CircleCI. We will see how we can use it to deploy our web application built in Chapter 9, Practical Example – Building a Static Server, to a server. We will even take a look at adding some security checks to our application before deployment.

Chapter 13WebAssembly – A Brief Look into Native Code on the Web, will look at this relatively new technology. We will see how to write low-level WebAssembly and how it runs on the web. We will then turn our attention to writing C++ for the browser. Finally, we will take a look at a ported application and the WebAssembly that is behind it.

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