Understanding a program

Let's take a look at a very basic C program:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("Hello, World!");
return 0;

This program has an entry point. In our case, it is the main function. From here, we utilize a function that is declared in the stdio header file (a header file gives us function declarations so that we don't have to fully import all of the code into this file). We utilize the printf function to print out Hello, World! to the console and then we return with a 0 to signify that we have a successful program.

Since we won't be talking about the C/C++ code that we will be writing in depth, for those that are interested, a great resource is https://www.learn-c.org/.

While this is a program in a format that we, as programmers, generally understand, it needs to be turned into a format that the computer will actually understand. This means it needs to be compiled. This compilation process involves bringing in any external files (stdio, in this case) and linking them in. This also means we need to turn each of our instructions into one or more computer instructions.

Once the process of linking and compilation happens, we will usually get a binary file that can be read by our computer. If we opened this file in a byte reader, we would see a bunch of hexadecimal numbers. Each of these numbers corresponds to the instructions, data points, and so on, that we put in our file.

Now, this is just a basic understanding of how a program gets turned into something our computer understands and how the binary we created is understood by the computer. On most machines, a program runs as a stack of instructions and data. This means that it pulls instructions off of the top of the stack one at a time. These instructions can be anything from loading this number into a location or adding these two numbers together. As it peels these instructions off, it discards them.

We can store various pieces of data local to this stack, or we can store data at a global level. Those local to the stack are held on exactly that—the stack. Once that stack has been exhausted, we no longer have access to those variables.

The global ones are put into a location called the heap. The heap allows us to grab the data from anywhere in our system. Once the stack of our program has been exhausted, those heap objects can be left there if our program is still running.

Finally, we get a stack per function that we write. Because of this, we can treat each function as a mini-program. This means it will perform one task or a couple of tasks and then it will be exhausted, and we will go back to the stack of the function that called us. We can do two things when we exhaust this stack. The first thing we can do is go back to the stack of the function that called us with no data. Alternatively, we could give some data back (this is the return statement that we see in most languages).

Here, we can share data through these two mechanisms either by returning values from one of our subfunctions or by putting our results onto the heap so that others can access them. Putting it on the heap means that it will last for the duration of our program, but it also needs to be managed by us, whereas if we return values from the stack, it will be cleaned up as soon as the function that called us is exhausted. Most of the time, we will use simple data and return it through the stack. For complicated data, we will put it on the heap.

Before we look at WebAssembly, there's one final note you should know about: if we put data on the heap, we need to tell other parts of our program where to find that data. To do this, we pass a pointer to that location. This pointer is just an address that tells us where to find this data. We will be utilizing this in our WebAssembly code.

The topic of computers and how programs work is quite interesting. For those of you who are interested, it may be beneficial to take a formal course at a community college. For those that like to self-learn, the following resource is of great help: https://www.nand2tetris.org/.

Now, let's set up our environment so that we can program in WebAssembly.

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