Chrome – an in-depth look at the Memory tab

As we move from the performance section to the memory section, we will revisit a good number of concepts from the performance tool. The V8 engine provides a great amount of support for developing applications that are both efficient in terms of CPU usage and also memory usage. A great way to test your memory usage and where it is being allocated is the memory profiling tool.

With the latest version of Chrome at the time of writing, the memory profiler appears as follows:

We will mainly be focusing on the first option that is selected, the Heap snapshot tool. The Allocation instrumentation on timeline tool is a great way to visualize and playback how the heap was being allocated and which objects were causing the allocations to occur. Finally, the Allocation sampling tool takes periodic snapshots instead of providing a continuous look, making it much lighter and able to perform memory tests while cumbersome operations are conducted.

The heap snapshot tool will allow us to see where memory is being allocated on the heap. From our previous example, let's run the heap snapshot tool (if you have not commented out the for loop that allocated 10,000 more DOM nodes, comment it out now). After the snapshot has run, you should get a table with a tree view on the left-hand side. Let's go looking for one of the global items that we are able to get to in the console.

We currently have items grouped by what they are or who they belong to. If we open up the (closure) list, we can find the runTemplate() function being held there. If we go into the (string) list, we can find the strings that were used to create our list. A question that may be raised is why some of these items are still being held on the heap even though we no longer need them. Well, this goes back to how the garbage collector works and who is currently referencing these items.

Take a look at the list items that are currently being held in memory. If you click on each of them, it shows us they are being referenced by loopEls. If we head back into our code, it can be noted that the only line of code that we use, loopEls, is in the following:

const tempFun = runTemplate.bind(null, loopTemp);
loopEls =;

Take this out and put the basic for loop back in. Run the heap snapshot and go back into the (strings) section. These strings are no longer there! Let's change the code one more time using the map function, but this time let's not use the bind function to create a new function. The code should look like the following:

const loopEls = => {
return runTemplate(loopTemp, item);

Again, run a heap snapshot after changing out the code and we will notice that those strings are no longer there. An astute reader will notice that there is an error in the code from the first run; the loopEls variable does not have any variable type prefix added to it. This has caused the loopEls variable to go onto the global scope, which means that the garbage collector cannot collect it, since the garbage collector thinks that the variable is still in use.

Now, if we turn our attention to the first item in this list, we should observe that the entire template string is still being held. If we click on that element, we will notice that it is being held by the template variable. However, we may state that since the variable is a constant, it should automatically be collected. Again, the V8 compiler does not know this and has put it on the global scope for us.

There are two ways that we can fix this issue. First, we can use the old-school technique and wrap it in an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE), which would look like the following:

(function() { })();

Or, if we wanted to and were writing our application only for browsers that support it, we could change the script type to a type of module. Both of these solutions make sure that our code is not now globally scoped. Let's put our entire code base in an IIFE since that is supported across all browsers. If we run a heap dump, we will see that that string is no longer there.

Finally, the last area that should be touched on is the working set of heap space and the amount it actually has allocated. Add the following line to the top of the HTML file:

<script type="text/javascript" src="./fake_library.js"></script>

This is a simple file that adds itself to the window to act as a library. Then, we are going to test two scenarios. First, run the following code:

for(let i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
const j = Library.outerFun(true);
const k = Library.outerFun(true);
const l = Library.outerFun(true);
const m = Library.outerFun(true);
const n = Library.outerFun(true);

Now, go to the performance section and check out the two numbers that are being displayed. If need be, go ahead and hit the garbage can. This causes the major garbage collector to run. It should be noted that the left-hand number is what is currently being used, and the right-hand number is what has been allocated. This means that the V8 engine has allocated around 6-6.5 MB of space for the heap.

Now, let's run the code in a similar fashion, but let's break each of these runs into their own loops, like the following:

for(let i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
const j = Library.outerFun(true);

Check the Performance tab again. The memory should be around 7 MB. Go ahead and click the trash can and it should drop back down to 5.8 MB, or around where the baseline heap should be at. What did this show us? Well, since it had to allocate items for each of those variables in the first for loop, it had to increase its heap space. Even though it only ran it once and the minor garbage collector should have collected it, it is going to keep that heap space due to heuristics built into the garbage collector. Since we decided to do that, the garbage collector will keep more memory in the heap because we are more than likely going to keep repeating that behavior in the short term.

Now, with the second set of code, we decided to use a bunch of for loops and only allocate a single variable at a time. While this may be slower, V8 saw that we were only allocating small chunks of space and that it could decrease the size of the main heap because we are more than likely to keep up the same behavior in the near future. The V8 system has a bunch of heuristics built into the system and it will try and guess what we are going to do based on what we have done in the past. The heap allocator can help show us what the V8 compiler is going to do and what our coding pattern is most like in terms of memory usage.

Go ahead and keep playing with the memory tab and add code in. Take a look at popular libraries (try to keep them small so you can track the memory allocations) and notice how they decided to write their code and how that causes the heap allocator to retain objects in memory and even keep a larger heap size around.

It is generally good practice for a multitude of reasons, but writing small functions that do one thing very well is also great for the garbage collector. It will base its heuristics on the fact that a coder is writing these tiny functions and will decrease the overall heap space it will keep around. This, in turn, will cause the memory footprint of the application to also go down. Remember, it is not the working set size (the left-hand number) but the total heap space (the right-hand number) that is our memory usage.
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