Chrome – an in-depth look at the Rendering tab

The last section that we will look at in the developer tools is going to be the rendering section. This is usually not a default tab that is available. In the toolbar, you will notice a three-dot button next to the Close button. Click that, go to More tools, and click the Rendering option.

There should now be a tabbed item next to the Console tab that looks like the following:

This tab can showcase a few items that we will be interested in when we are developing applications:

  • First, when developing an application that is going to have a lot of data or a lot of eventing, it is suggested having the FPS meter turned on. This will not only let us know if our GPU is being utilized, but it will also show us if we are dropping frames due to constant repainting.
  • Second, if we are developing an application that has a lot of scrolling (think of the infinite scrolling applications), then we will want to turn on the Scrolling performance issues section. This can notify us if there is an item or items in our application that can make the scrolling experience unresponsive.
  • Finally, the Paint flashing option is great to see when there is a lot of dynamic content in our application. It will flash when a paint event has occurred and it will highlight the section that had to be repainted.

We are going to go through an application that is going to cause problems for most of these settings and see how we can improve the performance to make the user experience better. Open up the following file: chrome_rendering.html.

We should see a box in the top-left corner switching colors. If we turn on the Paint flashing option, we should now see a green box appearing whenever the box color changes.

This makes sense. Every time we recolor something, this means that the renderer has to repaint that location. Now, uncomment the following lines:

let appendCount = 0;
const append = function() {
if( appendCount >= 100 ) {
return clearInterval(append);
const temp = document.createElement('p');
temp.textContent = `We are element ${appendCount}`;
appendCount += 1;
setInterval(append, 1000);

We should see elements being added at an interval of around 1 second. A couple of things are interesting. First, we still see that we are getting repainting done on the box that colors itself every second or so. But, on top of this, we will notice that the scrollbar is repainting itself. This means that the scrollbar is part of the rendering surface (some of you may know this since you can target scrollbars with CSS). But, what is also interesting is that when each element is added, it is not having to repaint the entire parent element; it is only painting where the child is being added.

So, a good question now would be: What happens if we prepend an element to our document? Comment out the lines of code that are changing the DOM and uncomment the following lines of code to see this in action:

setTimeout(() => {
const prependElement = document.createElement('p');
prependElement.textContent = 'we are being prepended to the entire
}, 5000);

We can see that around five seconds into the lifetime of the document, both the element that we added and the red box that is sitting there have been repainted. Again, this makes sense. Chrome has to repaint anything that has changed when an update occurred. In terms of what our window looks like, this means it had to change the location of the box, and add in the text we added at the top, causing a repaint of both items.

Now, an interesting thing that we can look at is what happens if we make the element absolutely positioned with CSS. This would mean, in terms of what we see, that only the top portion of the rectangle and our text element should need a repaint. But, if we do this by making the position absolute, we will still see that Chrome had to repaint both elements.

Even if we change the line document.body.prepend to document.body.append, it will still paint both objects. Chrome has to do this because the box is one DOM object. It cannot repaint only parts of objects; it has to repaint the entire object.

A good thing to always remember is that when changing something in the document, what is it causing to reflow or repaint? Is adding a list item also causing other elements to move, change color, and so on? If it does, we may have to rethink our content hierarchy so we can ensure that we are causing the minimum amount of repainting in our document.

A final note on painting. We should see how painting works with the canvas element. The canvas element allows us to create 2D and 3D imagery through the 2D rendering context, or through the WebGL context. We will specifically focus on the 2D rendering context, but it should be noted that these rules also apply with the WebGL context.

Go ahead and comment out all of the code we have added so far and uncomment the following lines:

const context = canvasEl.getContext('2d');
context.fillStyle = 'green';
context.fillRect(10, 10, 10, 10);
context.fillStyle = 'red';
context.fillRect(20, 20, 10, 10);
setTimeout(() => {
context.fillStyle = 'green';
context.fillRect(30, 30, 10, 10);
}, 2000);

After about two seconds, we should see the addition of a green box to our little diagonal group of squares. What is interesting about this paint is that it only showed us a repaint for that little green square. Let's comment out that piece of code and add in the following code:

const fillStyles = ['green', 'red'];
const numOfRunsX = 15;
const numOfRunsY = 10;
const totalRuns = numOfRunsX * numOfRunsY;
let currX = 0;
let currY = 0;
let count = 0;
const paint = function() {
context.fillStyle = fillStyles[count % 2];
context.fillRect(currX, currY, 10, 10);
if(!currX ) {
currY += 10;
if( count === totalRuns ) {
setInterval(paint, 1000);

At intervals of about 1 second, we will see that it is truly only repainting where we say to paint. This can have huge implications for applications that need to be constantly changing the information that is on the page. If we find that we need to have something constantly update, it can actually be better to have it done in a canvas than to have it in the DOM. While the canvas API may not lend itself to being a rich environment, there are libraries out there that help with this.

It is not suggested that every application out there is going to need the repainting capabilities of the canvas; it should be noted that most will not. However, every piece of technology that we talk through in this book is not going to solve 100% of the issues found in applications. One such issue is repainting problems and this can be solved with canvas-based solutions. Areas that the canvas is especially useful for are graphing and grid-based applications.

We will now look at the scroll option. This can help us when we have a long list of items. This may be in a tree-view, in an infinite scrolling application, or even in a grid-based application. At some point, we are going to run into serious slowdowns due to trying to render thousands of elements at a single time.

First, let's render 1,000,000 paragraph elements into our application with the following code:

for(let i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
const temp = document.createElement('p');
temp.textContent = `We are element ${i}`;

While this may not seem like a real-world scenario, it does showcase how unfeasible infinitely loaded applications would be to run if we had to add everything to the DOM right away. So how would we handle this scenario? We would use something called deferred rendering. Essentially, we will have all of our objects in memory (in this case; for other use cases, we would continually make rest requests for more data) and we will add them as they should appear on the screen. We will need some code to do this.

The following example is by no means a foolproof way of implementing deferred rendering. As with most of the code in this book, it takes a simple view to try to showcase a point. It can easily be built upon to create a real-world system for deferred rendering, but it is not something that should be copied and pasted.

A good way to start deferred rendering is to know how many elements we are going to have, or at least want to showcase in our list. For this, we are going to use a height of 460 pixels. On top of this, we are going to set our list elements to have a padding of 5 pixels and to be a height of 12 pixels with a 1-pixel border on the bottom. This means that each element will have a total height of 23 pixels. This would also mean that the number of elements that can be seen at one time is 20 (460 / 23).

Next, we set the height of our list by multiplying the number of items we have by the height of each item. This can be seen in the following code: = `${itemHeight * items.length}px`;

Now, we need to hold our index that we are currently at (the current 20 items on the screen) and measure when we get a scroll event. If we notice that we are above the threshold, we move to a new index and reset our list to hold that group of 20 elements. Finally, we set the top padding of our unordered list to the total height of the list minus what we have already scrolled by.

All of this can be seen in the following code:

const checkForNewIndex = function(loc) {
let tIndex = Math.floor(Math.abs(loc) / ( itemHeight * numItemsOnScreen
if( tIndex !== currIndex ) {
currIndex = tIndex;
const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
fragment.append(...items.slice(currIndex * numItemsOnScreen,
(currIndex + 2) * numItemsOnScreen)); = `${currIndex * containerHeight}px`; = `${(itemHeight * items.length) - (currIndex *
list.innerHTML = '';

So now that we have all of this, what do we put this function inside of? Well, since we are scrolling, logically, it would make sense to put it in the scroll handler of the list. Let's do that with the following code:

list.onwheel = function(ev) {

Now, let's turn on the Scrolling performance issues option. If we reload the page, we will notice that it is highlighting our list and stating that the mousewheel event could be a potential bottleneck. This makes sense. Chrome notices that we are attaching a non-trivial piece of code to run on each wheel event so it shows us that we are going to potentially have issues.

Now, if we are on a regular desktop, we will most likely not have any issues, but if we add the following code, we can easily see what Chrome is trying to tell us:

const start =;
while( < start + 1000 ) {; }

With that piece of code inside the wheel event, we can see the stuttering happen. Since we can now see stuttering and it being a potential bottleneck for scrolling, what's the next best option? Putting it in a setInterval, using requestAnimationFrame, or even using requestIdleCallback, with the last being the least optimal solution.

The Rendering tab can help flesh out quite a few issues that can crop up inside our applications and should become a regular tool for developers to figure out what is causing stuttering or performance problems in their applications.

These three tabs can help diagnose most problems and should be used quite frequently when developing an application.

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