The current fascination with immutability

A look at current web trends shows the fascination with utilizing immutability. Libraries such as React can be used without their immutable state counterparts, but they are usually used along with Redux or Facebook's Flow library. Any of these libraries will showcase how immutability can lead to safer code and fewer bugs.

For those of you who do not know, immutability means that we cannot change the variable once it has been set with data. This means that once we assign something to a variable, we can no longer change that variable. This helps prevent unwanted changes from happening, and can also lead to a concept called pure functions. We will not be going into what pure functions are, but just be aware that it is a concept that many functional programmers have been bringing to JavaScript.

But, does that mean we need it and does it lead to a faster system? In the case of JavaScript, it can depend. A well-managed project with documentation and testing can easily showcase how we would possibly not need these libraries. On top of this, we may need to actually mutate the state of an object. We may write to an object in one location, but have many other parts read from that object.

There are many patterns of development that can give us similar benefits to what immutability can without the overhead of creating a lot of temporary objects or even going into a fully pure functional style of programming. We can utilize systems such as Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII). We may find that we want to use some immutability, and in this case, we can utilize built-in browser tools such as Object.freeze() or Object.seal().

However, we are getting ahead of ourselves. Let's take a look at a couple of the libraries mentioned and see how they handle immutable states and how it could potentially lead to problems when we are coding.

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