
Again, utilizing immutability, we can code in an easier-to-understand fashion. However, it will usually mean we can't scale to the levels that we need for truly high-performance applications.

First, Immutable.js takes a great stab at the functional-style data structures and methods needed to create a functional system in JavaScript. This usually leads to cleaner code and cleaner architecture. But, what we get in terms of these advantages leads to a decrease in speed and/or an increase in memory.

Remember, when we're working with JavaScript, we have a single-threaded environment. This means that we do not really have deadlocks, race conditions, or read/write access problems.

We can actually run into these issues when utilizing something like SharedArrayBuffers between workers or different tabs, but that is a discussion for later chapters. For now, we are working in a single-threaded environment where the issues of multi-core systems do not really crop up.

Let's take a real-world example of a use case that can come up. We want to turn a list of lists into a list of objects (think of a CSV). What might the code look like to build this data structure in plain old JavaScript, and another one utilizing the Immutable.js library? Our Vanilla JavaScript version may appear as follows:

const fArr = new Array(fillArr.length - 1);
const rowSize = fillArr[0].length;
const keys = new Array(rowSize);
for(let i = 0; i < rowSize; i++) {
keys[i] = fillArr[0][i];
for(let i = 1; i < fillArr.length; i++) {
const obj = {};
for(let j = 0; j < rowSize; j++) {
obj[keys[j]] = fillArr[i][j];
fArr[i - 1] = obj;

We construct a new array of the size of the input list minus one (the first row is the keys). We then store the row size instead of computing that each time for the inner loop later. Then, we create another array to hold the keys and we grab those from the first index of the input array. Next, we loop through the rest of the entries in the input and create objects. We then loop through each inner array and set the key to the value and location j, and set the value to the input's i and j values.

Reading in data through nested arrays and loops can be confusing, but results in fast read times. On a dual-core processor with 8 GB of RAM, this code took 83 ms.

Now, let's build something similar in Immutable.js. It should look like the following:

const l = Immutable.List(fillArr);
const _k = Immutable.List(fillArr[0]);
const tFinal =, index) => {
if(!index ) return;
return Immutable.Map(;
const final = tfinal.shift();

This is much easier to interpret if we understand functional concepts. First, we want to create a list based on our input. We then create another temporary list for the keys called _k. For our temporary final list, we utilize the map function. If we are at the 0 index, we just return from the function (since this is the keys). Otherwise, we return a new map that is created by zipping the keys list with the current value. Finally, we remove the front of the final list since it will be undefined.

This code is wonderful in terms of readability, but what are the performance characteristics of this? On a current machine, this ran in around 1 second. This is a big difference in terms of speed. Let's see how they compare in terms of memory usage.

Settled memory (what the memory goes back to after running the code) appears to be the same, settling back to around 1.2 MB. However, the peak memory for the immutable version is around 110 MB, whereas the Vanilla JavaScript version only gets to 48 MB, so a little under half the memory usage. Let's take a look at another example and see the results that transpire.

We are going to create an array of values, except we want one of the values to be incorrect. So, we will set the 50,000th index to be wrong with the following code:

const tempArr = new Array(100000);
for(let i = 0; i < tempArr.length; i++) {
if( i === 50000 ) { tempArr[i] = 'wrong'; }
else { tempArr[i] = i; }

Then, we will loop over a new array with a simple for loop like so:

const mutArr = Array.apply([], tempArr);
const errs = [];
for(let i = 0; i < mutArr.length; i++) {
if( mutArr[i] !== i ) {
errs.push(`Error at loc ${i}. Value : ${mutArr[i]}`);
mutArr[i] = i;

We will also test the built-in map function:

const mut2Arr = Array.apply([], tempArr);
const errs2 = [];
const fArr =, index) => {
if( val !== index ) {
errs2.push(`Error at loc: ${index}. Value : ${val}`);
return index;
return val;

Finally, here's the immutable version:

const immArr = Immutable.List(tempArr);
const ierrs = [];
const corrArr =, index) => {
if( item !== index ) {
ierrs.push(`Error at loc ${index}. Value : ${item}`);
return index;
return item;

If we run these instances, we will see that the fastest will go between the basic for loop and the built-in map function. The immutable version is still eight times slower than the others. What happens when we increase the number of incorrect values? Let's add a random number generator for building our temporary array to give a random number of errors and see how they perform. The code should appear as follows:

for(let i = 0; i < tempArr.length; i++) {
if( Math.random() < 0.4 ) {
tempArr[i] = 'wrong';
} else {
tempArr[i] = i;

Running the same test, we get roughly an average of a tenfold slowdown with the immutable version. Now, this is not to say that the immutable version will not run faster in certain cases since we only touched on the map and list features of it, but it does bring up the point that immutability comes at a cost in terms of memory and speed when applying it to JavaScript libraries.

We will look in the next section at why mutability can lead to some issues, but also at how we can handle it by utilizing similar ideas to how Redux works with data.

There is always a time and a place for different libraries, and this is not to say that Immutable.js or libraries like it are bad. If we find that our datasets are small or other considerations come into play, Immutable.js might work for us. But, when we are working on high-performance applications, this usually means two things. One, we will get a large amount of data in a single hit or second, and second, we will get a bunch of events that lead to a lot of data build-up. We need to use the most efficient means possible and these are usually built into the runtime that we are utilizing.
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