Resource allocation is initialization (RAII)

The idea of RAII comes from C++, where we have no such thing as a memory manager. We encapsulate logic where we potentially want to share resources that need to be freed after their use. This makes sure that we do not have memory leaks, and that objects that are utilizing the item are doing so in a safe manner. Another name for this is scope-bound resource management (SBRM), and is also utilized in another recent language called Rust.

We can apply the same types of ideas that C++ and Rust do in terms of RAII in our JavaScript code. There are a couple of ways that we can handle this and we are going to look at them. The first is the idea that when we pass an object into a function, we can then null out that object from our calling function.

Now, we will have to use let instead of const in most cases for this to work, but it is a useful paradigm to make sure that we are only holding on to objects that we need.

This concept can be seen in the following code:

const getData = function() {
return document.getElementById('container').value;
const encodeData = function(data) {
let te = new TextEncoder();
return te.encode(data);
const hashData = function(algorithm) {
let str = getData();
let finData = encodeData(str);
str = null;
return crypto.subtle.digest(algorithm, finData);
let but = document.getElementById('submit');
but.onclick = function(ev) {
let algos = ['SHA-1', 'SHA-256', 'SHA-384', 'SHA-512'];
let out = document.getElementById('output');
for(let i = 0; i < algos.length; i++) {
const newEl = document.createElement('li');
hashData(algos[i]).then((res) => {
let te = new TextDecoder();
newEl.textContent = te.decode(res);
out = null;
but = null;

If we run the following code, we will notice that we are trying to append to a null. This is where this design can get us into a bit of trouble. We have an asynchronous method and we are trying to use a value that we have nullified even though we still need it. What is the best way to handle this situation? One way is to null it out once we are done using it. Hence, we can change the code to look like the following:

for(let i = 0; i < algos.length; i++) {
let temp = out;
const newEl = document.createElement('li');
hashData(algos[i]).then((res) => {
let te = new TextDecoder();
newEl.textContent = te.decode(res);
temp = null

We still have a problem. Before the next part of the Promise (the then method) runs, we could still modify the value. One final good idea would be to wrap this input to output in a new function. This will give us the safety that we are looking for, while also making sure we are following the principle behind RAII. The following code is what comes out of this:

const showHashData = function(parent, algorithm) {
const newEl = document.createElement('li');
hashData(algorithm).then((res) => {
let te = new TextDecoder();
newEl.textContent = te.decode(res);

We can also get rid of some of the preceding nulls since the functions will take care of those temporary variables. While this example is rather trivial, it does showcase one way of handling RAII inside JavaScript.

On top of this paradigm, we can also add properties to the item that we are passing to say that it is a read-only version. This would ensure that we are not modifying the item, but we also do not need to null out the element on the calling function if we still want to read from it. This gives us the benefit of making sure our objects can be utilized and maintained without the worry that they will be modified.

We will take out the previous code example and update it to utilize this read-only property. We first define a function that will add it to any object that comes in like so:

const addReadableProperty = function(item) {
Object.defineProperty(item, 'readonly', {
value : true,
writable :false
return item;

Next, in our onclick method, we pass our output into this method. This has now attached the readonly property to it. Finally, in our showHashData function, when we try to access it, we have put a guard on the readonly property. If we notice that the object has it, we will not try to append to it, like so:

if(!parent.readonly ) {

We have also set this property to not be writable, so if a nefarious actor decided to manipulate our object's readonly property, they will still notice that we are no longer appending to the DOM. The defineProperty method is very powerful for writing APIs and libraries that cannot be easily manipulated. Another way of handling this is to freeze the object. With the freeze method, we are able to make sure that the shallow copy of an object is read-only. Remember that this is only for the shallow instance, not any other properties that hold reference types.

Finally, we can utilize a counter to see whether we can set the data. We are essentially creating a read-side lock. This means that while we are reading the data, we do not want to set the data. This means we have to take many precautions that we are properly releasing the data once we have read what we want. This can look like the following:

const ReaderWriter = function() {
let data = {};
let readers = 0;
let readyForSet = new CustomEvent('readydata');
this.getData = function() {
readers += 1;
return data;
this.releaseData = function() {
if( readers ) {
readers -= 1;
if(!readers ) {
return readers;
this.setData = function(d) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if(!readers ) {
data = d;
} else {
document.addEventListener('readydata', function(e) {
data = d;
}, { once : true });

What we have done is set up a constructor function. We hold the data, the number of readers, and a custom event as private variables. We then create three methods. First, getData will grab the data and also add a counter to someone that is utilizing it. Next, we have the release method. This will decrement the counter, and if we are at 0, we will dispatch an event to tell the setData event that it can finally write to the mutable state. Finally, we have the setData function. A promise will be the return value. If there is no one that is holding the data, we will set it and resolve it right away. Otherwise, we will set up an event listener for our custom event. Once it fires, we will set the data and resolve the promise.

Now, this final method of locking mutable data should not be utilized in most contexts. There may only be a handful of times when you will want to utilize this, such as a hot cache where we need to make sure that we do not overwrite something while a reader is reading from this (this can happen on the Node.js side of things especially).

All of these methods help create a safe mutable state. With each of these, we are able to mutate an object directly and share that memory space. Most of the time, good documentation and careful control over our data will make it so we do not need to go to the extremes that we have here, but it is good to have these methods of RAII in our back pocket when we find something crops up and we are mutating something that we should not be.

Most of the time, the immutable and highly functional code will be more readable in the end and, if something does not need to be highly optimized, it is suggested to go for being readable. But, in high optimization cases, such as encoding and decoding or decorating columns in a table, we will need to squeeze out as much performance as we can. This will be seen later in the book where we utilize a mixture of programming techniques.

Even though mutable programming can be fast, sometimes, we want to implement things in a functional manner. The following section will explore ways to implement programs in this functional manner.

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