Lazy evaluation

In JavaScript, we can perform what is called lazy evaluation. Lazy evaluation means that the program does not run what it does not need to. One way of thinking about this is when someone is given a list of answers to a problem and they are told to put the correct answer to the problem. If they see that the answer was the second item that they looked at, they are not going to keep going through the rest of the answers they were given; they are going to stop at the second item. The way we use lazy evaluation in JavaScript is with generators.

Generators are functions that will pause execution until the next method is called on them. A simple example of this is shown as follows:

const simpleGenerator = function*() {
let it = 0;
for(;;) {
yield it;

const sg = simpleGenerator();
for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

First, we notice that function has a star next to it. This shows that this is a generator function. Next, we set up a simple variable to hold our value and then we have an infinite loop. Some may think that this will run continuously, but lazy evaluation shows that we will only run up to the yield. This yield means we will pause execution here and that we can grab the value that we send back.

So, we start the function up. We have nothing to pass to it so we just simply start it. Next, we call next on the generator and grab the value. This gives us a single iteration and returns whatever was on the yield statement. Finally, we call return to say that we are done with this generator. If we wanted to, we can grab the final value here.

Now, we will notice that when we call next and try to grab the value, it returns undefined. We can take a look at the generator and notice that it has a property called done. This can allow us to see with finite generators if they are finished. So, how can this be helpful when we want to do something? A rather trivial example is a timing function. What we will do is start off the timer before we want to time something and then we will call it another time to calculate the time it took for something to run (very similar to console.time and timeEnd, but it should showcase what is available with generators).

This generator could look like the following:

const timing = function*(time) {
yeild - time;
const time = timing(;
let sum = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
sum = sum + i;

We are now timing a simple summing function. All this does is seed the timing generator with the current time. Once the next function is called, it runs the statements up to the yield and returns the value held in the yield. This will give us a new time against the time that we passed in. We now have a simple function for timings. This can be especially useful for environments where we may not have access to the console and we are going to log this information somewhere else.

Just as shown in the preceding code block, we can also work with many different types of lazy loading. One of the best types that utilize this interface is streams. Streams have been available inside Node.js for quite some time, but the stream interface for browsers has a basic standardization and certain parts are still under debate. A simple example of this type of lazy loading or lazy reading can be seen in the following code:

const nums = function*(fn=null) {
let i = 0;
for(;;) {
yield i;
if( fn ) {
i += fn(i);
} else {
i += 1;
const data = {};
const gen = nums();
for(let i of gen) {
if( i > 100 ) {

const fakestream = function*(data) {
const chunkSize = 10;
const dataLength = data.length;
let i = 0;
while( i < dataLength) {
const outData = [];
for(let j = 0; j < chunkSize; j++) {
yield outData;

for(let i of fakestream(data)) {

This example shows the concept of lazy evaluation along with a couple of concepts for streaming that we will see in a later chapter. First, we create a generator that can take in a function and can utilize it for our logic function in creating numbers. In our case, we are just going to use the default case and have it generate one number at a time. Next, we are going to run this through a for/of loop to generate numbers up to 101.

Next, we create a fakestream generator that will chunk our data for us. This is similar to streams that allow us to work on a chunk of data at a time. We can transform this data if we want to (known as a TransformStream) or we can just let it pass through (a special type of TransformStream called a PassThrough). We create a fake chunk size at 10. We then run another for/of loop over the data we had before and simply log it. However, we could decide to do something with this data if we wanted to.

This is not the exact interface that streams utilize, but it does showcase how we can have lazy evaluation inside our code with generators and that it is also built into certain concepts such as streaming. There are many other potential uses for generators and lazy evaluation techniques that will not be covered here, but they are available to developers who are looking for a more functional-style approach to list and map comprehensions.

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