Tail-end recursion optimization

This is another concept that many functional languages have, but most JavaScript engines do not have (WebKit being the exception). Tail-end recursion optimizations allow recursive functions that are built in a certain way to run just like a simple loop. In pure functional languages, there is no such thing as a loop, so the only method of working over a collection is to recursively go through it. We can see that if we build a function as a tail-recursive function, it will break our stack. The following code illustrates this:

const _d = new Array(100000);
for(let i = 0; i < _d.length; i++) {
_d[i] = i;
const recurseSummer = function(data, sum=0) {
if(!data.length ) {
return sum;
return recurseSummer(data.slice(1), sum + data[0]);

We create an array of 100,000 items and assign them all the value that is at their index. We then try using a recursive function to sum all of the data in the array. Since the last call for the function is the function itself, some compilers are able to make an optimization here. If they notice that the last call is to the same function, they know that the current stack can be destroyed (there is nothing left for the function to do). However, non-optimized compilers (most JavaScript engines) will not make this optimization so we keep adding stacks to our call system. This leads to a call stack size exceedance and makes it so we cannot utilize this purely functional concept.

There is hope for JavaScript, however. A concept called trampolining can be utilized to make tail-end recursion possible by modifying the function a bit and how we call it. The following is the modified code to utilize trampolining and give us what we want:

const trampoline = (fun) => {
return (...arguments) => {
let result = fun(...arguments);
while( typeof result === 'function' ) {
result = result();
return result;

const _d = new Array(100000);
for(let i = 0; i < _d.length; i++) {
_d[i] = i;
const recurseSummer = function(data, sum=0) {
if(!data.length ) {
return sum;
return () => recurseSummer(data.slice(1), sum + data[0]);
const final = trampoline(recurseSummer);

What we are doing is wrapping our recursive function inside one that we run through in a simple loop. The trampoline function works like this:

  • It takes in a function and returns a newly constructed function that will run our recursive function but loop through it, checking the return type.
  • Inside this inner function, it starts the loop up by executing a first run of the function.
  • While we still see a function as our return type, it will continue looping.
  • Once we finally do not get a function, we will return the results.

We are now able to utilize tail-end recursion to do some of the things that we would do in a purely functional world. An example of this was seen previously (which could be seen as a simple reduce function). Another example is as follows:

const recurseFilter = function(data, con, filtered=[]) {
if(!data.length ) {
return filtered;
return () => recurseFilter(data.slice(1), con, con(data[0]) ?
filtered.length ? new Array(...filtered), data[0]) : [data[0]] : filtered);

const finalFilter = trampoline(recurseFilter);
console.log(finalFilter(_d, item => item % 2 === 0));

With this function, we are simulating what a filter-based operation may look like in a pure functional language. Again, if there is no length, we are at the end of the array and we return our filtered array. Otherwise, we return a new function that recursively calls itself with a new list, the function that we are going to filter with, and then the filtered list. There is a bit of weird syntax here. We have to pass back a single array with the new item if we have an empty list, otherwise, it will give us an empty array with the number of items that we pass in.

We can see that both of these functions pass what is known as tail-end recursion and are also functions that could be written in a purely functional language. But, we will also see that these run a lot slower than simple for loops or even the built-in array methods for these types of functions. At the end of the day, if we wanted to write purely functional programming using tail-end recursion, we could, but it is wise not to do this in JavaScript.

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