
The final concept that we will be looking at is currying. Currying is the ability of a function that takes multiple arguments to actually be a series of functions that takes a single argument and returns either another function or the final value. Let's take a look at a simple example to see this concept in action:

const add = function(a) {
return function(b) {
return a + b;

What we are doing is taking a function that accepts multiple arguments, such as the add function. We then return a function that takes a single argument, in this case, b. This function then adds the numbers a and b together. What this allows us to do is either use the function as we normally would (except we run the function that comes back to us and pass in the second argument) or we get the return value from running it on a single argument and then use that function to add whatever values come next. Each of these concepts can be seen in the following code:

console.log(add(2)(5), 'this will be 7');
const add5 = add(5);
console.log(add5(5), 'this will be 10');

There are a couple of uses for currying and they also show off a concept that can be used quite frequently. First, it shows off the idea of partial application. What this does is set some of our arguments for us and return a function. We can then pass this function along in the chain of statements and eventually use it to fill in the remaining functions.

Just remember that all currying functions are partially applied functions, but not all partially applied functions are currying functions.

An example of partial application can be seen in the following code:

const fullFun = function(a, b, c) {
console.log('a', a);
console.log('b', b);
console.log('c', c);
const tempFun = fullFun.bind(null, 2);
setTimeout(() => {
const temp2Fun = tempFun.bind(null, 3);
setTimeout(() => {
const temp3Fun = temp2Fun.bind(null, 5);
setTimeout() => {
}, 1000);
}, 1000);
}, 1000);
tempFun(3, 5);

First, we create a function that takes three arguments. We then create a new temporary function that binds 2 to the first argument of that function. Bind is an interesting function. It takes the scope that we want as the first argument (what this points to) and then takes an arbitrary length of arguments to fill in for the arguments of the function we are working on. In our case, we only bind the first variable to the number 2. We then create a second temporary function where we bind the first variables of the first temporary function to 3. Finally, we create a third and final temporary function where we bind the first argument of the second function to the number 5.

We can see at each run that we are able to run each of these functions and that they take a different number of arguments depending on which version of the function we have used. bind is a very powerful tool and allows us to pass functions around that may get arguments filled in from other functions before the final function is used.

Currying is the idea that we will use partial application, but that we are going to compose a multi-argument function with multiple nested functions inside it. So what does currying give us that we cannot already do with other concepts? If we are in the pure functional world, we can actually get quite a bit. Take, for example, the map function on arrays. It wants a function definition of a single item (we are going to ignore the other parameters that we normally do not use) and wants the function to return a single item. What happens when we have a function such as the following one and it could be used inside the map function, but it has multiple arguments? The following code showcases what we are able to do with currying and this use case:

const calculateArtbitraryValueWithPrecision = function(prec=0, val) {
return function(val) {
return parseFloat((val / 1000).toFixed(prec));
const arr = new Array(50000);
for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
arr[i] = i + 1000;

What we are doing is taking a generic function (an arbitrary one at that) and utilizing it in the map function by making it more specific, in this case by giving the precision two decimal places. This allows us to write very generic functions that can work over arbitrary data and make specific functions out of them.

We will utilize partial application a bit in our code and we may use currying. In general, however, we will not utilize currying as is seen in purely functional languages as this can lead to a slowdown and higher memory consumption. The main ideas to take away are partial application and the idea of how variables on the outer scope can be used in an inner scoped location.

These three concepts are quite crucial to the idea of pure functional programming, but we will not utilize most of them. In highly performant code, we need to squeeze out every ounce of speed and memory that we can and most of these constructs take up more than we care for. Certain concepts can be used to great lengths in high-performance code. The following will be used in later chapters: partial application, streaming/lazy evaluation, and possibly some recursion. Being comfortable with seeing functional code will help when working with libraries that utilize these concepts, but as we have talked about at length, they are not as performant as our iterative methods.

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