A dive into modern JavaScript

As stated in the introduction, the language has changed for the better in a lot of ways. We now have proper scoping, better handling for async operations, more collection types, and even metaprogramming features such as reflection and proxies. All of these features lead to a more involved language, but they also lead to more effective problem-solving. We will be looking at a few of the best items to come out of the new standards and what they can be used for in our code.

One thing to also note moving forward is that any JavaScript code that is shown can be run in the following ways:

  1. Adding it to the developer's console by hitting F12 on the keyboard
  2. Utilizing snippets in the developer's console that can be seen on the Sources tab, and in the left panel an option should be called Snippets
  3. Writing a base level index.html that has a script element added to it
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