
Destructuring is the process of taking an array or an object and passing the items to the variable we are assigning to in an easier fashion. This can be seen with the following code:

const desObj = {item1 : 'what', item2 : 'is', item3 : 'this'};
const {item1, item2} = desObj;
console.log(item1, item2);

const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const [a, ,b, ...c] = arr;
console.log(a, b, c);

Both of these examples showcase some cool properties. First, we can pick and choose the items that we want from the object. We can also reassign the value to something else if we want to, on the left-hand side. On top of this, we can even do nested objects and destructuring.

For the array, we are able to pick and choose all of the items, some of the items, or even use the rest syntax by putting the rest of the array in a variable. In the preceding example, a will hold 1, b will hold 3, and c will be an array with 4 and 5 inside it. We skipped 2 by making that space empty. In other languages, we would use something like _ to showcase this, but we can just skip it here. Again, all of this is just syntactic sugar that enables tighter and cleaner code to be written.

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