Understanding classes and modules

With the new ECMAScript standard, we got the new class syntax for having a form of object-oriented programming (OOP) and, later, we also got modules, a way of importing and exporting user-defined collections of functions and objects. Both of these systems have enabled us to remove certain hacks that we built into the system, and also remove certain libraries that were close to essential for modularizing our code bases.

First, we need to understand what type of language JavaScript is. JavaScript is a multi-paradigm language. This means that we can utilize many of the ideas that are out there for different programming styles and incorporate them into our code base. One style of programming that we have touched on in previous chapters is the functional style of programming.

In pure functional programming, we have pure functions, or functions that perform an action and have no side effects (do something outside what the function is supposed to do). When we write in this way, we can create generalized functions and put them together to create a chain of simple ideas that can work on complex ideas. We also treat functions as first-class citizens in the language. This means that functions can be assigned to variables and passed to other functions. We can also compose these functions, as we have seen in previous chapters. This is one way to think about a problem.

Another popular style of programming is object-oriented programming. This style states that a program can be described with a hierarchy of classes and objects that can be built and used together to create this complex idea. This idea can be seen in most of the popular languages that are out there. We build base classes that have some general functionality or some definitions that specific versions of them need to incorporate. We inherit from this base class and add our own specific functionality and then we create these objects. Once we put all of these objects together, we can work on the complex idea that we need to.

With JavaScript, we get both of these ideas, but the OOP design in JavaScript is a bit different. We have what is known as prototypal inheritance. What this means is that there is really no idea of these abstract ideas called classes. All we have in JavaScript are objects. We inherit an object's prototype that has methods and data on it that all objects with the same prototype share, but they are all instantiated instances.

When we talk about class syntax in JavaScript, we are talking about syntactic sugar for constructor functions and methods/data that we are adding to their prototype. Another way to think about this type of inheritance is to note that there are not abstract ideas in JavaScript, only concrete objects. If this seems a bit esoteric or confusing, the following code should clarify what these statements mean:

const Item = funciton() {
this.a = 1;
this.b = 'this';
this.c = function() {
console.log('this is going to be a new function each time');
Item.prototype.d = function() {
console.log('this is on the prototype so it will only be here
const item1 = new Item();
const item2 = new Item();

item1.c === item2.c; //false
item1.d === item2.d; //true

const item3 = new (Object.getPrototypeOf(item1)).constructor();
item3.d === item2.d ;//true
Object.getPrototypeOf(item1).constructor === Item; //true

We have shown a few things with this example. First, this is the older way of creating constructor functions. A constructor function is a function that sets up the scope and all of the functions that are directly available to an object when it gets instantiated. In this case, we have made a, b, and c as instance variables on an Item constructor. Second, we have added something to the item's prototype. When we declare something on the prototype of a constructor function, we are making that available to all instances of that constructor function.

From here, we declare two items that are based on the Item constructor. This means that they will both get separate instances of the a, b, and c variables, but they will share the function d. We can see this in action with the next two statements. This showcases that if we add something directly to the this scope of a constructor function, it will create a brand-new instance of that item, but if we put something on the prototype, the items will all share it.

Finally, we can see that item3 is a new Item, but we got to the constructor function in a roundabout way. Some browsers support the __proto__ property on items, but this function should be available in all browsers. We grab the prototype and we notice that there is a constructor function. This is the same exact function that we declared at the top, so we are able to utilize it to make a new item. We can see that it is also on the same prototype as the other items and that the constructor function on the prototype is the exact same thing as the item variable that we declared.

What all of this should showcase is the fact that JavaScript is purely made of objects. There are no abstract types such as true classes in other languages. If we utilize the new syntax, it is best to understand that all we are doing is utilizing syntactic sugar to do what we used to be able to do with the prototype. That said, the next example will showcase the exact same behavior, but one will be old-school prototype-based, and the other will utilize the new class syntax:

class newItem {
constructor() {
this.c = function() {
console.log('this is going to be a new function each time!);
a = '1';
b = 'this';
d() {
console.log('this is on the prototype so it will only be here
const newItem1 = new newItem();
const newItem2 = new newItem();

newItem1.c === newItem2.c //false
newItem1.d === newItem2.d //true

newItem === Object.getPrototypeOf(newItem1).constructor; //true

As we can see with this example, we get some cleaner syntax while creating the same object as what we had before with the prototype version. The constructor function is the same thing as when we declared the Item as a function. We could pass in any parameters and do the setup in here. One interesting thing with classes is that we are able to create instance variables inside the class, just like when we declared them on this in the prototype example. We can also see that the declaration of d is put on the prototype. We will explore more aspects of the class syntax below, but take some time and play with both pieces of code. Understanding how JavaScript is prototype-based helps immensely when we are trying to write highly performant code.

The public variables being inside the class is rather new (Chrome 72). If we do not have access to a newer browser, we will have to utilize Babel to transpile our code back down to a version that the browser will understand. We will also be taking a look at another feature that is only in Chrome and is experimental, but it should come to all browsers within the year.
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