Query selector

Before we had this API (or we were trying to be as cross-browser as we could), we relied on systems such as getElementById or getElementsByClassName. Each of these provided a way in which we could get DOM elements, as in the following example:

<p>This is a paragraph element</p>
<ul id="main">
<li class="hidden">1</li>
<li class="hidden">2</li>
<li class="hidden">4</li>
<script type="module">
const main = document.getElementById('main');
const hidden = document.getElementsByClassName('hidden');

One difference between this older API and the new querySelector and querySelectorAll is that the old API implements a collection of DOM nodes as an HTMLCollection and the newer API implements them as a NodeList. While this may not seem like a major difference, the NodeList API does give us a forEach already built into the system. Otherwise, we would have to change both of these collections to a regular array of DOM nodes. The preceding example, implemented in the new API, appears as follows:

const main = document.querySelector('#main');
const hidden = document.querySelectorAll('.hidden');

This becomes much nicer when we want to start adding other features to our selection process.

Let's say that we now have a few inputs and that we want to grab all inputs that are of the text type. How would this look inside the old API? We could attach a class to all of them if need be, but this would pollute our use of classes and is probably not the best way of handling this information.

The other way that we could get this data would be to utilize one of the old API methods and then check whether those elements have the input attribute set to text. This could look like the following:

const allTextInput = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('input'))
.filter(item => item.getAttribute('type') === "text");

But we now have a certain level of verbosity that is not needed. Instead, we could grab them by utilizing CSS selectors, utilizing the Selector API as follows:

const alsoTextInput = doucment.querySelectorAll('input[type="text"]');

This means we should be able to get to any DOM node utilizing the CSS syntax, just like jQuery does. We can even start from another element so that we do not have to parse the entire DOM, like so:

const hidden = document.querySelector('#main').querySelectorAll('.hidden');

The other nice thing about the Selectors API is that it will throw an error if we do not utilize a correct CSS selector. This gives us the added benefit of the system running checks for us. While the new Selector API has been around, it has not been utilized much because of Internet Explorer needing to be included in the supported web browsers. It is highly suggested to start to utilize the new Selector API as it is less verbose and we are able to do a lot more with it than our old system.

jQuery is a library that gives us a nicer API to utilize than the base system had. Most of the changes that jQuery supported have now become obsolete, with many of the new web APIs that we have been talking about taking over. For most new applications, they will no longer need to utilize jQuery.
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