Back to fetch

So now that we have seen what a fetch request looks like, we should take a look at grabbing the underlying readable stream. The fetch system has been adding quite a few features, two of these being piping and streaming. This can be seen in a lot of recent web APIs and it can be observed that browser vendors have taken notice of how Node.js has gone about utilizing streams.

Streams, as stated in a previous chapter, are a way of handling chunks of data at a time. It also makes sure that we do not have to grab the entire payload at once, and instead, we can slowly build up the payload. This means that if we have to transform the data, we can do it on the fly as the blocks of data are coming in. It also means that we can work on data types that are not common, such as JSON and plain text.

We will write a basic example of a TransformStream that takes our input and does a simple ROT13 encoding to it (ROT13 is a very basic encoder that takes the thirteenth letter after the one that we get). We will be going into streams in much more detail later (these will be the Node.js version, but the concepts are relatively similar). The example looks something like the following:

class Rot13Transform {
constructor() {
async transform(chunk, controller) {
const _chunk = await chunk;
const _newChunk = => ((item - 65 + 13) % 26) +

.then(response => response.body)
.then(res => res.pipeThrough(new TransformStream(new Rot13Transform())))
.then(res => new Response(res))
.then(response => response.text())
.then(final => document.querySelector('#content').innerHTML = final)
.catch(err => console.error(err));

Let's break this example down into the actual TransformStream and then the code that utilizes it. First, we create a class that is going to house our rotation code. We then need a method called transform that takes two parameters, the chunk, and the controller. The chunk is the data that we are going to get.

Remember that this is not going to get the data all at once so if we needed to build objects or the like, we would need to create a possible holding location for previous data if the current chunk doesn't give us everything we want. In our case, we are simply running a rotation scheme on the underlying bytes so we don't need to have a temporary holder.

Next, the controller is the underlying system for both flow control and for stating that the data is either ready to be read from (a Readable or Transform stream) or written to (a Writable stream). We next await some data and put it in a temporary variable. We then run a simple map expression over each of the bytes and rotate them 13 to the right and then mod them by 26.

ASCII convention has all the uppercase characters starting at 65. This is the reason for some of the math involved here as we are trying to get the number between 0 and 26 first, do the operations, and then move it back into the normal ASCII range.

Once we have rotated our input, we enqueue it on the controller. This means that the data is ready to be read from another stream. Next, we can look at the series of promises that occur. First, we get our data. We then grab the underlying ReadableStream from the fetch request by grabbing the body of it. We then utilize a method called pipeThrough. The piping mechanism automatically handles flow control for us so it makes our lives easier when working with streams.

Flow control is vital to making streams work. It essentially tells other streams if we are backed up, don't send us any more data, or that we are good to keep receiving data. If we did not have this mechanism, we would constantly be having to keep our streams in check, which can be a real pain when we just want to focus on the logic that we want to incorporate.

We pipe the data into a new TransformStream that takes our rotation logic. This will now pipe all of the data from the response into our transforming code and make sure that it comes out transformed. We then wrap our ReadableStream in a new Response so we can work with it just like any other Response object from a fetch request. We then grab the data as normal text and put it in our DOM.

As we can see, this example showcases that we can do a lot of cool things with the streaming system. While the DOM API is still in flux, these concepts are similar to the streaming interface in Node.js. It also showcases how we could possibly write decoders for more complicated binary types that may come over the wire such as the smile format.

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