

academic library leadership
academic libraries and leadership, 150–1
literature on, 133, 150
niche leadership in, 137
US, UK, Canada and Australia, 133–59
adjourning, 66
altruism, 168
American Library Association, 11
“Are Leadership Styles Linked to Turnover Intention: An Examination in Mainland China?” 100
Asian Pacific Librarian Association, 154
Association of College and Research Libraries, 11
Association of Research Libraries, 11, 151
Aurora Institute Emerging Leaders, 153
Aurora Leadership Program, 152–3
Australia, 4
ethnic-minority librarians survey, 155–6
leadership programs for ethnic-minority librarians, 152–3
regions of birth, proportion of Australia’s population, 5
school library leadership, 136
statistics on visible minorities, 3–4
Australian Computer Society, 134
Australian Library and Information Association, 136, 147
Australian Library and Information Science Abstracts, 134
Australian Library Journal, 134
Australian School Library Association, 136
authoritarianism, 85–6


behavioural theory, 13, 80–1
Bennis, W., 55
Black Caucus of the American Library Association, 154


Canada, 3–4
ethnic-minority librarians survey, 155–6
leadership programs for ethnic-minority librarians, 152
leadership programs in, 152
school libraries in, 137
statistics on visible minorities, 3
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, 37
Canadian Library Association, 38, 147
case-in-point methodology, 35
Cawthone, D., 79
challenger, 65
charismatic leadership, 83–4
Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Encompass Toolkit, 146, 153
ethnic-minority librarians, 153
survey, 157–8
Chinese American Librarians Association, 154
classical theory, 67–8
collaborator, 65
communication skills
and cultural differences, 112–14
electronic communication, 118
kinds of communication, 114–18
language and communication, 119–20
communicator, 65
conceptual skills, 121–3
confirmation bias, 112
contingency theory, 13, 81–5
contributor, 65
coordination, 66
cost accounting, 123
Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries, 156
critical thinking skills, 120–1
cross-cultural leadership, 2–3, 22
cross-cultural training, 166
cultural change, 29
cultural intelligence, 29–31
culture, 20
and leadership, 19–20
role in shaping a person, 22–9


decision-making skills, 121–3
“Digital Tidbits”, 110
discrimination, 36–8
diversity, 9
American Library Association, 152
female leaders, 11, 150
Group e-list, 155
and human relations, 126
and library profession, 60
and organizational success, 151
in leadership, 83
Doherty, G., 148


electronic communication, 118–19
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1965), 135
emotional intelligence, 32
Employment Equity Act (1995), 3, 23
Encompass Toolkit, 146, 153
entrepreneur, 47–8
equity theory, 71
leadership development, 166–7
motivation, 61–2
ethnic-minority leadership, 2–3, 22–3
public libraries, 146–7
ethnic-minority librarians
questions, 171–3
statistics, 154
survey, 155–6
ethnocentrism, 112
Expanded Academic Index, 134
expectancy theory, 72


financial accounting, 124
fiscal skills, 123–5
formation, 66
forming, 66
Fullan, M., 87


gender in leadership, 19, 39, 45, 91, 98 See also women
Gibson, C., 86
Great Man theory, 13, 79–80


Hall, E., 112
Hawthorne experiment, 70
Hayward, T., 169
Heifetz, R., 35
high-context cultures, 112–14
House, R., 87
human relations skills, 126–8
human resources model, 70
human resources skills, 126–8
Human Rights Act (1993), 37


“Indian time”, 106


joint-use libraries, 137, 142, 150
joint-venture libraries See joint-use libraries


leader-manager, 36
and managers, 45–72
and motivation, 63
libraries and their managers, 59–61
managers as, 36
similarities with managers, 56–8
vs managers, 50–5
who are leaders, 45–7
leadership, 1–15, 165–9
bad leadership, 168–9
culture, profession and gender, 19–41
and culture, 19–20
and discrimination, 36–8
and gender, 19, 39, 45, 91, 98
and occupation, 33–4
and women, 38–40
can it be taught?, 34–6
cultural intelligence, 29–31
culture, 20–2
definition, 40–1
emotional intelligence, 32
managers as leaders, 36
social intelligence, 32
diversity in diversity, 9
ethnic minorities, 166–7
ethnic-minority leadership, 2–3
four stages of development, 166–7
literature on minority leadership in libraries, 10–15
minority leadership, 10
public libraries, 142–6
school, public, and academic libraries in US, UK, Canada and Australia, 133–59
and school libraries, 135–40
ethnic-minority librarians survey, 155–6
libraries and their leadership programs, 157
programs for ethnic-minority librarians, 151–3
statistically speaking, 154
survey for deans and directors of libraries, 156–8
theories, 79–85
visible minorities, 3–5
Leadership and Career Development Program, 11
Leadership Can Be Taught, 35
“Leadership Communication: A Status Report”, 55
Leadership in the Canadian Forces: Doctrine, 33
leadership skills, 105–29
communication skills and cultural differences, 112–20
conceptual and decision-making skills, 121–3
critical thinking skills, 120–1
fiscal skills, 123–5
human relation skills (or people skills), 126–8
IQ matrix: accelerating your human potential, 109
kinds of communication, 114–18
language and communication, 119–20
technical skills, 125–6
time management and being organized, 106–11
time management process, 111
leadership styles, 77–101
definition, 78–9
distribution of employment by occupation, 92–3
factors, 88–98
leadership attributes, 90
percentage of visible-minority and Aboriginal librarians by occupation, 96
six styles at a glance, 82
styles that work, 85–8
theories of leadership, 79–85
women leaders, 98–101
“Leadership: The Great Man Theory Revisited”, 79
four layers of challenges for minority librarians, 19–41
leadership as defined by culture, profession and gender, 19–41
and their leadership programs, 157
ethnic-minority librarians survey, 155–6
questions for deans and directors of libraries, 175–7
questions for deans and directors of library schools, 179–80
questions for ethnic-minority librarians, 171–3
statistically speaking, 154
survey for deans and directors of libraries, 156–8
survey for deans and directors of library schools, 158–9
with external leadership programs, 158
low-context cultures, 112–14


classical theory, 67–8
commonalities, 56–8
contemporary motivation theories, 71–2
early behavioural theory, 68–70
evolvement, 49–50
leaders and motivation, 63
libraries and their leaders and managers, 59–61
managers and leaders, 45–72
managers vs leaders, 50–5
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, 62
motivating ethnic minorities, 61–2
origin of managers or management, 47–9
team motivation, 64–7
what is motivation and how does one motivate others?, 63–4
who are leaders, 45–7
who are managers, 47
managerial accounting, 123
managerial manager, 36
and leaders, 45–72
as leaders, 36
libraries and their leaders and, 59–61
origin, 47–9
similarities with leaders, 56–8
vs leaders, 50–5
who are managers, 47
marginal leadership, 35
Martinez, E., 85
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, 61–2
McCain, L., 169
McIntosh, M., 39
Minnesota Institute, 152
minority leadership, 10
literature, 10–15
stages, 166–7
motivation, 63–4, 72
ethnic-minority, 61–2
and leaders, 63
motivation-hygiene theory, 70
motivational skills, 14, 105
multigenerational librarians, 91
multi-rater feedback, 31
multi-source feedback, 31
multitasking, 14
Munn-Pitt Report (1935), 144
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 117


National Institute of Quality Teaching and School Leadership (Australia), 136
non-verbal communication, 114–18
norming, 66


Obama, B., 6–7
occupation, 33–4
and culture, 12, 14, 101
and leadership style, 81
and teams, 66


people skills See human relations skills
performing, 66
Public Libraries Act (1850), 142
Public Libraries Act (1964), 142
Public Libraries Australia, 144, 147
public library leadership
how can leadership help public librarians, 149
leadership programs for public librarians, 147–8
public libraries and leadership, 142–6
public libraries on ethnic-minority leadership, 146–7
US, UK, Canada and Australia, 133–59


Racial Discrimination Act (1975), 37
Ranganathan, S.R., 59
Ranganathan’s style, 77
reculturing, 87
reflective practice, 127–8


Saskatoon Public Library, 1, 21
Say, J.B., 47
school library leadership
lack of applications from school librarians, 140–1
school libraries and leadership, 135–40
US, UK, Canada and Australia, 133–59
situational theory, 13, 81–5
social intelligence, 32
Spectrum Scholarship Program, 11, 152
stereotyping, 112
sticky notes, 110
storming, 66
survivor’s guilt, 26


team motivation, 64–7
technology, 64, 69, 89, 125–6, 138–9, 141, 148–9
“The Crisis and Opportunities in Library Leadership”, 51
The Emerging Leader Program in Calgary, 152
The Future of Human Resources in Canadian Libraries, 95
“The Importance of Leadership Diversity: The Relationship between Diversity and Organisational Success in the Academic Environment”, 150–1
The Northern Exposure to Leadership in Edmonton, 152
time management, 106–11
Toastmasters International, 116
Toronto City Summit Alliance, 23
trait theory, 13, 80
transactional leadership, 83
transformational leadership, 83, 87
Tuckman and Jensen’s five critical stages of successful team building, 66


United Kingdom, 4
ethnic-minority librarians survey, 155–6
leadership programs for ethnic-minority librarians, 153
school library leadership, 135–6
United States, 4
ethnic-minority librarians survey, 155–6
leadership programs for ethnic-minority librarians, 151–2


verbal communication, 114–17
virtual leadership, 84
visible minorities, 3–5, 23, 97–8


and leadership, 38–40
leadership styles, 98–101 See also gender in leadership
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