Content indexing

Everything stored within Confluence is considered to be content. To be able to search this content, it needs to be indexed first. Confluence Administrators can adjust the behavior of the indexes and Confluence search.

Content is not directly added to the index. New and modified content is placed in a queue and the queue is processed once every minute.

Rebuilding the indexes

Normally the content indexes are maintained automatically, but you may need to rebuild the indexes manually under the following circumstances:

  • Created content doesn't appear in "Recently Updated" or the search results
  • The Did You Mean feature is not working
  • After a Confluence upgrade, if mentioned in the upgrade release notes
  • If you changed the indexing language

To rebuild a content index, perform the following steps:

  1. Browse to the Administration Console (Administration | Confluence Admin).
  2. Choose Content Indexing in the left-hand side menu.

    This will display both Search Indexes and the current status:

    Rebuilding the indexes
  3. Click on the Rebuild button below the index you wish the rebuild. The button is called Build if the index has never been built before.

Building the Confluence content index can take a long time to complete, this depends on:

  • The number of pages in your installation
  • The number, type, and size of the attachments
  • The amount of memory available to Confluence

Changing the indexing language

If the majority of your content is in a different language than English, changing the indexing language in Confluence may improve the accuracy of the Confluence search results. Confluence supports content indexing in English, German, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, French, Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, and Greek.

To change the indexing language:

  1. Browse to the Administration Console (Administration | Confluence Admin).
  2. Choose General Configuration in the left-hand menu.
  3. Choose Edit.
  4. Select the indexing language from the drop-down list in the Formatting and International Settings section.
  5. Click on Save to apply the settings.


    Even in an unsupported language (for example, Dutch), the content indexing function works rather well, as it does not only rely on an idiom but it will also look into the available content (pages and attachments) to build the search index.

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