Chapter 15. Data Collector and MDW

Automating and scheduling the collection, storage, and archival of SQL Server performance and management information is a task that most DBAs recognize as being of value, particularly for baseline analysis purposes. Until SQL Server 2008, such a task required third-party products or a custom-developed process. As a result, its implementation was often avoided, delayed, or half-baked. Fortunately, Microsoft recognized the value of such a process and included an out-of-the-box, customizable data collection process in SQL Server 2008.

Commonly referred to as the Data Collector, it comprises a number of key components, all of which work together to provide automated data collection and management services for participating server instances.

We'll begin this chapter with a general overview of the data collection platform before looking at the setup and initial configuration process. We'll then move on to cover the Data Collector configuration process and look at some important considerations for using a centralized management data warehouse (MDW). We'll conclude the chapter with the major benefit of the data collection platform, reporting against the collected data.

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