13.5. Managing statistics

Earlier in the chapter we looked at the important role played by statistics in providing the query optimizer with information on the selectivity of an index and the likely value it therefore has for use in a given query. In addition to maintaining statistics on index selectivity, statistics are created and maintained for nonindexed columns as well. In this section we'll take a further look at index statistics and introduce column statistics.

13.5.1. Index statistics

The default statistics configuration enables SQL Server to automatically create and update statistics on all indexed columns. This setting reduces maintenance requirements and ensures SQL Server makes accurate decisions when creating query execution plans.

In cases where the index has multiple columns, statistics are also kept for the combination of column prefixes, for example, an index on LastName, FirstName, DOB will keep statistics on (LastName), (LastName + FirstName), and (LastName + FirstName + DOB). This enables the most accurate estimate to be made on the index's selectivity when evaluating a query containing predicates on one or more of these columns.

In a case where LastName and DOB are specified (but not FirstName), the selectivity would be based on LastName alone. For this reason, if the most selective column is always supplied as a search predicate, and other index columns are not, then it makes sense for the most selective column to be placed first in the index column order.

Updating statistics after an index rebuild

When an index is rebuilt using one of the various options (REBUILD, CREATE WITH DROP EXISTING, or DROP/CREATE), the statistics are updated in full. A common mistake made when creating maintenance plans is to run the UPDATE STATISTICS command after an index rebuild. When run with the default parameters, UPDATE STATISTICS creates statistics based on a sample of rows. When run in this manner, the full statistics from the index rebuild are replaced with less-accurate statistics.

In almost all cases, the default database settings for statistics (Auto Create Statistics and Auto Update Statistics) should remain in place. These settings, accessible via the Database Properties page as shown in figure 13.21, ensure that SQL Server automatically manages both the creation and update of statistics information.

When the query optimizer compiles a query plan requiring statistics, the statistics are automatically updated if they are detected as being out of date. Statistics are deemed as being out of date for a variety of reasons, primarily when a certain percentage of rows have been modified since the statistics were last updated. In such an event, the statistics are updated in line; that is, the query compilation pauses, waiting for the statistics update to complete. Such events, which can be confirmed using a SQL Profiler trace containing the Auto Stats event, may lead to occasional, unpredictable query performance, a situation that sometimes leads to DBAs switching off the automatic statistic options in a bid for more predictable query performance.

Figure 13.21. The default setting for Auto Create Statistics and Auto Update Statistics should remain in place for almost all database implementations.

While automatic statistic events may result in an occasional query execution delay, the benefit of automatic statistics maintenance must be considered, particularly its advantage of avoiding poor query plans based on old statistics. The alternative of hand-crafting customized statistics is simply far too time consuming and inaccurate for all but the most specialized of cases.

Fortunately, a compromise setting was introduced in SQL Server 2005. The Auto Update Statistics Asynchronously option, set using the database property shown earlier in figure 13.21, will trigger automatic statistic update events asynchronously; that is, a query compilation will not wait on the new statistics and will proceed with the old, with subsequent queries benefiting from the newly updated statistics. Using this setting is a trade-off between the most accurate query plan and predictable query performance.

In addition to creating and maintaining indexed column statistics, SQL Server creates and maintains statistics on nonindexed columns. Such statistics are called column statistics.

13.5.2. Column statistics

Along with index statistics, you can view column statistics in SQL Server Management Studio, as shown in figure 13.22. Column statistics are named with a _WA_Sys prefix.

So why and how are column statistics useful? We know that unless an appropriate index exists on a query's predicate column(s), the statistics are not used for evaluating the usage of an index, because there is no index. The answer lies in the query optimizer needing an accurate indication of the likely number of rows that will be returned from a query in order to select the best query plan, in particular, the appropriate join logic. For example, consider this query:

Figure 13.22. Automatic ally created column statistics are prefixed with _WA_Sys_.

-- Statistics on large + red products may help to optimize the join ...
SELECT orders.*
FROM dbo.product
   INNER JOIN dbo.orders on product.productId = orders.productId
   product.color = 'red'
   AND product.size = 'large'

Assuming there are no indexes on the color and/or size columns, what good is it to maintain statistics on them? How many rows SQL Server thinks will be returned after applying the filter condition on the products table determines the type of join operation that will be used, that is, hash join, nested loop, or merge. Join logic is beyond the scope of this book, but suffice to say that nested loop joins perform very well or very poorly depending on the row count from one side of the join. By having accurate statistics on the columns, the query optimizer is given the best chance to choose the best join technique.

For nonindexed columns, statistics are maintained only for singular column values. In the previous example, statistics would be automatically created and maintained on the color column but not the combination of color and size. Consider a case where the table contained a million records with red products but only two with large red products. The quality of the compiled execution plan depends on whether the query optimizer has the required statistics. Depending on the selectivity of color, compared to color and size, it may be worthwhile to manually create multicolumn statistics, as per the following example:

-- Create custom column statistics
ON dbo.product (color, size)

In addition to the CREATE STATISTICS command shown above, SQL Server provides a number of other commands enabling manual control over statistics.

13.5.3. Manually creating/updating statistics

Assuming the automatic statistics options are in place, there are a few cases that call for manual intervention. As we've just discussed, creating multicolumn statistics on combinations of certain nonindexed columns is one such case. Another may be where the default sampling frequency is inadequate and is producing inaccurate plans.[]

[] Indexes on monotonically increasing values such as IDENTITY columns is a common example where high insert rates cause a large number of rows to fall outside the known statistics range.

SQL Server Books Online provides a full description of the statistics management commands, summarized briefly as follows:

  • DROP STATISTICS—This command enables a specified statistics set to be dropped, whether created manually or automatically. Index statistics, however, cannot be dropped.

  • CREATE STATISTICS—This command can be used to create statistics for a supplied column or set of columns. If you're using the default automatic statistics settings, this command is typically used only to create multicolumn statistics, an example of which you saw earlier. New to SQL Server 2008 is the ability to create filtered statistics, which, similar to filtered indexes, maintain statistics for a subset of data.

  • sp_createstats—This command creates single-column statistics for all eligible columns in all user tables in the database in which the command in executed.

  • UPDATE STATISTICS—Updates statistics for a given statistics name. Again, if the automatic statistics settings are in place, this command is typically used only when statistics are suspected of being out of date. Running this command enables a more frequent refresh compared to the automatic default.

  • sp_updatestats—This command runs UPDATE STATISTICS against all user tables using the ALL keyword, therefore updating all statistics maintained for each user table.

With the exception of DROP STATISTICS, all of the above commands take an optional parameter for the sampling rate. Without specifying a value, SQL Server estimates the appropriate number of rows to inspect, with the goal of striking a balance between useful statistics and low impact. In all cases, the FULLSCAN (or 100 percent) option can be used to sample every row, thereby achieving maximum accuracy.

As we covered earlier, rebuilding an index will update the statistics with the equivalent of a manual full scan. A common reason for performing a full index rebuild is to ensure the statistics are kept at their most accurate. However, as we also discussed, unnecessary index rebuilds create a lot of transaction log data, in turn causing potential issues with log shipping and mirroring solutions. If indexes are being rebuilt for the express purpose of maintaining statistics, that is, fragmentation levels are not of concern, then manually running UPDATE STATISTICS using the FULLSCAN option is perhaps a better choice; statistics will be updated in full, without the overhead of the index rebuild.

In closing the chapter, let's see how to inspect the statistics information kept by SQL Server.

13.5.4. Inspecting statistics

The DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS command can be used to view the statistics information for a given index, as per the example shown in figure 13.23.

DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS provides a great deal of information useful in inspecting the statistics for a given index. The output is grouped into three sections, referred to as STAT_HEADER, DENSITY_VECTOR, and HISTOGRAM:

  • STAT_HEADER—Contains information including the date and time of the last stats update, number of rows sampled versus table rows, and any filtering conditions.

  • DENSITY_VECTOR—Contains the length and selectivity of each column prefix. As discussed previously, stats are kept for all depth levels of the index.

    Figure 13.23. DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS is used to inspect statistics information, including the histogram, date and time of the last update, and column information.
  • HISTOGRAM— The histogram is the most descriptive section of output, containing the actual sampled values and associated statistics such as the number of records that match the sampled value.

We've covered a lot of ground in this chapter but still only scratched the surface of the inner workings of indexes and statistics. SQL Server Books Online contains a wealth of information for gaining a deeper and broader understanding of the crucial role played by indexes and statistics.

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