2.5. SQL Server and SANs

Don't make the mistake of thinking that because SANs are big and expensive you'll be guaranteed to get good I/O performance. SAN storage design goals are often in conflict with those of SQL Server. SANs are effective at maximizing disk utilization by sharing a large central store of disks between many servers. In contrast, SQL Server benefits from striping over dedicated disks, with an emphasis on disk quantity rather than utilization.

This section addresses some of the common issues that DBAs face in SAN-based environments, including the relationship with the SAN administrator, LUN configuration, performance tuning, and disaster-recovery options.

2.5.1. The SAN administrator

If you're like me, you like being in control. You like having operating system administrator privileges to all database servers, despite best practice, and you like having direct control over disk configuration. In environments with multiple servers and different applications sharing SAN storage, such control is unlikely, particularly when the DBA and SAN administration roles are separated. In such sites, it's not uncommon for the SAN administrator to be dismissive of the DBA's concerns about SAN configuration; often with a let the SAN take care of it attitude.

Like any other storage system, SAN disks that are presented to SQL Server need to be configured in line with the storage practices we've already covered. Given the complex, shared nature of SANs and the difficulty of changing a design after deployment, it's critical for you to become involved in the SAN configuration as early as possible and present storage requirements from a DBA's perspective.

I've been fortunate to work in environments with highly skilled SAN administrators who were receptive to the unique storage requirements of SQL Server. Through our good working relationship, we were able to combine our skill sets to deliver reliable, high-performance SAN storage for SQL Server. Unfortunately, such outcomes aren't always achieved; the most common problem is LUN configuration, which we'll look at next.

2.5.2. LUN configuration

A LUN is a logical unit of SAN disk created by the SAN administrator and presented to an attached server's operating system. The server is unaware of the physical makeup of the disks involved in the LUN, and sees it as a single locally attached disk.

As shown in figure 2.7, each physical disk in the SAN can be carved up into parts and used in the creation of separate LUNs. As a result, LUNs from many servers can all be using different parts of the same physical disk.

Figure 2.7. A sample LUN composition. Physical disks are broken up into slices, or hypers. A LUN is constructed by combining hypers from several disks.

When troubleshooting performance problems involving SAN storage, I've found it useful to ask the SAN administrator a series of questions involving the makeup of the LUNs:

  • How many individual physical disks are included in the SQL Server LUNs? Remembering the principle of striping across many physical disks, if a LUN consists of a small number of physical disks, then performance may be less than ideal.

  • What other servers are sharing the physical disks in the LUNs, and what is their I/O profile? If many servers' LUNs share the same physical disks, performance may be reduced.[] This is particularly important for transaction log LUNs. Transaction log I/O is sequential in nature, and dedicated physical disks mean the disk heads are able to stay in position, with writes proceeding in a sequential manner. This is obviously not possible if the transaction log LUNs are created on disks containing other LUNs. For SQL Server applications with high transaction log rates, this can have a large impact on transaction response time, leading to decreased performance and throughput.

    [] Some SAN solutions use a balancing mechanism whereby hypers are moved between physical disks for better I/O balancing.

  • What are the RAID levels of the LUNs? Earlier in the chapter, we covered the various RAID levels, and noted that RAID 5 has a disk write overhead and is therefore not an ideal choice for SQL Server applications with a high percentage of disk writes. Given the SAN goal of increased disk utilization, RAID 5 is often chosen as the default RAID level. The SAN administrator should be able to tell you the current RAID level and the different levels supported in the SAN.

  • Are my LUNs zoned? Zoning is the process of matching disks and LUNs to particular servers via storage array ports, increasing security and I/O bandwidth as a result. In SANs with thousands of LUNs and attached servers, this is particularly important in guaranteeing minimum service levels.

The answers to these questions (or lack thereof in some cases) quickly establish the SAN administrator's degree of skill and knowledge of the SAN in regard to SQL Server's unique storage requirements. A correctly configured SAN is a vital component in any performance-tuning process, our next subject.

2.5.3. Performance tuning

Like any other storage system, performance testing a SAN before operational commissioning is critical in establishing a degree of confidence in the configuration. Unlike DAS, SANs have a number of specific (often vendor-specific) configuration settings that require specialist knowledge to derive maximum benefit.

Storage virtualization and large amounts of cache often obscure disk performance from tools such as Windows Performance Monitor. Therefore, it's wise to involve storage administrators and/or SAN vendors with vendor-supplied SAN monitoring tools and techniques to measure actual performance during any performance monitoring and baseline exercise.

Two commonly tuned SAN settings are the storage cache and the HBA queue depth setting. The SAN cache size is typically much larger than direct-attached cache, with more options for adjusting the read/write percentage. Take care when performance testing SANs containing large disk cache: make sure the tests are large enough, and run for long enough, to exhaust the disk cache and deliver real I/O performance metrics, not just those satisfied from cache. Like standard disk controller cache, SAN cache should be optimized for writes rather than reads. We'll discuss storage cache in greater detail in chapter 3.

HBA cards connecting the server to the SAN have a setting called Queue Depth that governs the number of I/O requests that can be queued at a given time. The default HBA queue depth setting is typically between 8 and 32. For SQL Server deployments, a queue depth value of 32 or greater often results in increased I/O performance, although changes to this setting should be confirmed with the storage vendor and validated with performance tests that confirm the effect of the change.

2.5.4. Disaster-recovery options

One of the main benefits of SAN storage from a DBA's perspective is the enhanced disaster-recovery options provided. SANs such as the EMC Symmetrix provide features such as block-level disk replication to a remote data center and near-instant, split mirror backup and recovery using SQL Server's VDI.

You should investigate such features as part of database disaster-recovery planning. While they may incur additional costs due to software licensing and increased storage requirements, they are important features to consider as part of realizing the full investment in the SAN.

SQL Server is capable of working with most modern SAN solutions from vendors such as EMC, Hitachi, IBM, and HP. Before purchasing, you should ensure the vendor guarantees the SAN's compatibility with SQL Server's specific I/O requirements such as write ordering. These I/O requirements are well known to SAN vendors and available for download from the Microsoft website. More information is available at http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/967576.

In closing the chapter, let's examine an emerging storage technology that has the potential, among other benefits, of dramatically increasing I/O performance.

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