List of Figures

Chapter 1. Ruby on Rails, the framework

Figure 1.1. Welcome aboard!

Figure 1.2. Purchases

Figure 1.3. A new purchase

Figure 1.4. Your first purchase

Figure 1.5. Errors on purchase

Figure 1.6. Cost must be greater than 0

Figure 1.7. A single purchase

Figure 1.8. Editing a purchase

Figure 1.9. Viewing an updated purchase

Figure 1.10. Update fails!

Figure 1.11. Destroy!

Figure 1.12. Last record standing

Chapter 3. Developing a real Rails application

Figure 3.1. Click Account Settings.

Figure 3.2. Add an SSH key.

Figure 3.3. Create a new repository.

Figure 3.4. Welcome aboard: take #2

Chapter 4. Oh CRUD!

Figure 4.1. ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound exception

Figure 4.2. “Page does not exist” error

Chapter 8. More authorization

Figure 8.1. Polymorphic saving

Figure 8.2. Polymorphic loading

Figure 8.3. Sign-in page

Figure 8.4. “Please confirm your account”

Figure 8.5. The permissions screen

Figure 8.6. What admins see

Chapter 9. File uploading

Figure 9.1. File-upload boxes

Figure 9.2. A ticket with spin!

Figure 9.3. No route!

Chapter 10. Tracking state

Figure 10.1. The comment form

Figure 10.2. The home page

Figure 10.3. A comment

Figure 10.4. A ticket’s state

Figure 10.5. State select box

Figure 10.6. A ticket’s state

Figure 10.7. Oops! No states!

Figure 10.8. Ugly state output

Figure 10.9. The correct state

Figure 10.10. State transitions

Figure 10.11. A state transition

Figure 10.12. State transition from itself to itself

Figure 10.13. The states aren’t what they should be...

Figure 10.14. The unescaped states

Figure 10.15. States, now with 100% more style

Figure 10.16. What the user sees

Figure 10.17. Hacked state transition

Figure 10.18. Replay: state transitions

Chapter 11. Tagging

Figure 11.1. The tag box

Figure 11.2. A tag for a ticket

Figure 11.3. Comment form with tags

Figure 11.4. X marks the spot

Figure 11.5. Internal Server Error

Chapter 12. Sending email

Figure 12.1. Your first email

Figure 12.2. A better-looking email

Figure 12.3. The watch button

Figure 12.4. Alice creates a ticket.

Figure 12.5. Bob comments on the ticket.

Figure 12.6. Alice comments on the ticket, too.

Figure 12.7. The “stop watching” button

Figure 12.8. Who’s watching

Figure 12.9. Configuring other mail clients

Chapter 14. Deployment

Figure 14.1. Admin button

Figure 14.2. Paste in the key, and add a title.

Figure 14.3. Nginx request path

Figure 14.4. Simplified client-server relationship

Figure 14.5. Sign-in page for Ticketee

Chapter 15. Alternative authentication

Figure 15.1. Twitter OAuth

Figure 15.2. Twitter authorization

Figure 15.3. Twitter authorization request

Figure 15.4. A brand-new application!

Figure 15.5. Sign in with Twitter

Figure 15.6. GitHub login

Chapter 16. Basic performance enhancements

Figure 16.1. Tickets for a project

Figure 16.2. Pagination helper

Figure 16.3. Paginated tickets

Figure 16.4. First request, no cached page

Figure 16.5. Subsequent requests, cached page

Figure 16.6. Signed in as admin

Figure 16.7. Signed in as a user

Figure 16.8. Still signed in as [email protected]?

Figure 16.9. Signed in as admin for a cached page

Figure 16.10. ETag caching

Figure 16.11. 304 Not Modified response

Chapter 17. Engines

Figure 17.1. The forem engine, directory structure

Figure 17.2. A simple middleware stack

Figure 17.3. Application route cycle

Figure 17.4. Routing cycle of an engine

Chapter 18. Rack-based applications

Figure 18.1. Application request through the stack

Figure 18.2. Success or FAILURE?!

Figure 18.3. Full request stack, redux

Figure 18.4. ActionDispatch::Static request

Figure 18.5. ActionDispatch::BestStandardsSupport request

Figure 18.6. What’s a Tickataa?!

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