
It took me almost 2 years to write this book. During my journey of book writing, I have been helped and supported by my family, friends and collegues. I express my gratitude to one and all for their extensive support in this endeavour.

I am grateful to Dr. S. C. Gupta, Prof. S. K. Wasan and Dr. Mukul Sinha for encouraging me to write a book. I thank them for their valuable advice and for their encouragement to disseminate information. I also thank them for continually inspiring me to write a good book.

I thank Mr Neeraj Saxena, Ms Renu Saxena and Mr Rajendra for their extensive help in clicking the photographs in this book.

My special thanks go to all my students, Amit Jain in particular, who have always been eager to inform me the the expectations of the students of a book. Their suggestions and feedback have helped me write the book in a student-friendly manner.

Thanks to Mr Sachin Saxena and the team of Pearson Education for their extensive support. The book in its present form is a result of the long discussions and the brainstorming sessions with Sachin. I am grateful to Sachin for his ideas, suggestions and excellent support provided to me during the writing of this book.

I express my regards and love to my mother Urmila, and my father Amar Chand. Being their child makes me feel special, and I thank them both for guiding me through life. Through this book, I carry forward the legacy of book writing from my maternal grandfather late Mr C. S. Jain. I express my respect and thanks to my father-in-law Gopal Krishan for his motivation and cooperation, and for taking care of matters while I was busy writing the book. My thanks are due, in memory of my mother-in-law Pushpa who has always loved and supported me.

Thanks to my loving husband, Ajay, for standing by me in the difficult times during the course of writing this book. He is a bagful of innovative ideas and has contributed creatively to the writing of this book. My special thanks to my lovely and beautiul children, Anirudh and Ashima, who brilliantly contributed towards the creation and editing of this book. They are my greatest source of inspiration and motivation.

Since this is not the first book on this topic, I thank the authors of other books on similar topic, whose books have been a source of ideas for me.

I thank the Almighty without whose grace it would have been impossible for me to accomplish this task.

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