12.6 Farewell

We have now reached the end, not only of the research process but also of this book. I hope that it has conveyed ideas and perspectives that will not only make your research easier but also enhance your experience of doing research. Whatever path you choose to take in the future, I hope that some bits of this book will remain helpful when approaching new challenges.

Personal development consists of two parts that mutually feed each other. The first is the development of skills. Skills can be seen as a toolbox that comes about through practice and reflection. It is my hope that this book has contributed to developing some of your skills. The other part is the development of new ideas. This book cannot develop new ideas for you, nor can any other. You must find your own ways to let them grow from within. It is important to realize that ideas are the material on which we apply our skills. Without them our skills are useless. Ideas are the very stuff from which we build the future.

I hope that you will find ample opportunity to apply and develop your skills. And do not let the occasional chance to develop an original idea pass you by. As Douglas Adams put it, “You live and learn. At any rate, you live”.

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