
This prompt lets us choose additional third-party modules from the JHipster Marketplace ( This can be helpful if we want to use additional features that aren't supported directly by JHipster. We will look at this in later chapters. For now, let's choose no. Don't worry about this; these modules can also be added to the application later when required:

Once all the questions have been answered, the code generation process will start and you will see an output, listing the files that were created and then running the NPM installation to get all the frontend dependencies installed. The generator might present additional prompts, where the Angular team asks you to approve the process of collecting usage statistics. This is up to you.

If you do not want the NPM install and webpack build steps to run, you could use the --skip-install flag while running JHipster to skip these. Just run jhipster --skip-install.

The installation process could take up to a few minutes, depending on your network speed and system configuration.

JHipster will check your environment to see if all the required dependencies, such as Java 8, NodeJS, Git, and NPM/Yarn, are installed. If not, it will show friendly warning messages before code generation starts.

Once the process is complete, you will see messages indicating it's been successful and instructions to start the application:

There are also command-line flags that can be passed while executing the jhipster command. Running jhipster app --help will list all available command-line flags. One interesting flag, for example, is yarn, which lets you use Yarn instead of NPM for dependency management.

JHipster will automatically initialize a Git repository for the folder and commit the generated files. If you wish to do this step yourself, you can do so by providing the skip-git flag during execution. Run jhipster --skip-git and execute these steps manually as follows:

> git init
> git add --all
> git commit -am "generated online store application"
You could also use a GUI tool such as Sourcetree ( or GitKraken ( if you wish to do so to work with Git.

Now, let's take a look at our application code and explore the important parts to understand the application better.

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