Bootstrap components using reactstrap

JHipster uses Bootstrap 4 as its UI framework. Since we are building a React application, it makes sense to use a Native React binding instead of Bootstrap's jQuery-based components. Reactstrap ( provides pure React components for Bootstrap 4. We also make use of the Availity reactstrap Validation ( library, which provides form validation support for reactstrap form elements.

Let's take a look at src/main/webapp/app/modules/login/login-modal.tsx:

<Modal isOpen={this.props.showModal} toggle={handleClose} backdrop="static" id="login-page" autoFocus={false}>
<AvForm onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
<ModalHeader id="login-title" toggle={handleClose}>
<Translate contentKey="login.title">Sign in</Translate>
<Col md="12">
<Button color="secondary" onClick={handleClose} tabIndex="1">
<Translate contentKey="entity.action.cancel">Cancel</Translate>
</Button>{' '}
<Button color="primary" type="submit">
<Translate contentKey="login.form.button">Sign in</Translate>

This a simple component that uses some reactstrap components to build the modal pop-up UI.

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