Azure App Service

Azure App Service ( is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) provided by Microsoft Azure. It supports a wide variety of languages and frameworks, including Java.

This is a more generic solution than Azure Spring Cloud (see the previous section), but it is also more mature and less expensive (as it does not provide Spring Cloud services such as the configuration server or the discovery server). As a result, it is a good option for deploying Spring Boot monoliths, including those generated with JHipster.

There are two ways to deploy a JHipster application on Azure App Service:

  • Bundle the application as a Docker image. As JHipster has great Docker support, it is easy to publish that image and use it on Azure App Service.
  • Provide an executable JAR file and run it on Azure App Service. The second option is the one we recommend since it is faster and easier to build an executable JAR file, and also because that will let Azure manage the operating system, Java versions, and upgrades, resulting in lower security risks.

As with Azure Spring Cloud, JHipster provides a sub-generator so that you can deploy your application to Azure App Service as well. You will also need the Azure CLI and an Azure account. At the moment, it also requires the use of Maven as it uses an Azure Maven plugin to do this deployment, but please note that this might change in the future (Azure is working on a Gradle plugin, and the JHipster team is working to deploy using only the Azure CLI and no plugin).

Visit for more information on this sub-generator.

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