IDE configuration

JHipster applications can be created by using a command-line interface and JHipster CLI. Technically speaking, an IDE is not a requirement, but when you continue the development of a generated application, it is highly recommended that you use a proper Java IDE such as IntelliJ, Eclipse, or NetBeans. Sometimes you can also use advanced text editors such as Visual Studio Code or Atom with appropriate plugins to get the work done. Depending on the IDE/text editor you choose, it is recommended to use the following plugins to make development more productive:

  • Angular/React: TSLint, TypeScript, editor config
  • Java: Spring, Gradle/Maven, Java language support (VS Code)

Regardless of IDE/text editor, always exclude the node_modules, git, build, and target folders to speed up indexing. Some IDEs will do this automatically based on the .gitignore file.

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