Gateway application pages

Head over to the Terminal and go to the e-commerce-app folder. Navigate to the store folder and start the gateway application in dev mode:

> cd store
> ./gradlew

This will start our gateway application on port 8080. Let's open http://localhost:8080 in our favorite browser:

Now, we can click on the Sign in button on the home page or Account | Sign in from the top menu and enter the username and password as admin and admin, respectively.

Once you've logged in as an admin user, you will see the Administration menu:

In the Administration menu, you can find the following pages:

This includes the following:

Gateway: The Gateway page will show the list of microservice applications for which this application acts as a gateway. It will also show the routes and the services that handle the route, as well as the available servers for the route:

Currently, no microservice application has been booted up, so the page is empty. We will see how this page is changed once we start our notification and invoice services soon. 

User management: This is similar to monolithic user management and holds the basic user information and management options.

Metrics: The metrics page holds information about JVM metrics and service/DB statistics. This is, again, similar to the monolithic application. Added to that, this also shows the metric statistics for the microservice applications that have been registered.

Health: The health page shows the basic health information of the various services that we have in our application:

Similar to the monolithic application, it shows Disk space and Database. However, it also shows the health of the Discovery network (that is, the Discovery client and the Eureka server). It also shows the microservice config server's health, which is spring-cloud-config-server, and then shows the health of the circuit breaker we're using (Hystrix). 

The Configuration, Audits, Logs, and API pages are similar to the ones that we saw for the monolithic application.

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