Azure Spring Cloud

Azure Spring Cloud ( is a fully managed platform from Microsoft Azure tailored for Spring Boot applications. It is jointly built and managed by Microsoft and Pivotal, the company behind the Spring Framework.

As a result, it is well-integrated into the Azure Cloud, with out-of-the-box security and monitoring from Azure, and it also benefits from Pivotal's cloud-native solutions such as the Spring Cloud Config Server and the Spring Cloud Discovery Server (based on Netflix Eureka).

The platform is particularly well suited to run Spring Boot microservices as it provides all the necessary services, such as configuration, service discovery, scalability, and monitoring. It can also run monoliths, although Azure App Service (see next section) might be a better option for those.

As JHipster generates standard Spring Boot applications, its monoliths, microservices, and gateways all run on Azure Spring Cloud. As both the Spring Cloud Discovery Server (provided and managed by Azure Spring Cloud) and the JHipster Registry (provided, by default, by JHipster) are built on top of Netflix Eureka, it is possible to swap both solutions: you can generate a microservice using the JHipster Registry and run it on Azure Spring Cloud without any code change.

In order to ease deployment on Azure Spring Cloud, JHipster provides a dedicated sub-generator. It makes use of the Azure CLI and will require that you have an Azure account in order to create a Spring Cloud cluster and deploy your application.

Visit for more information on this sub-generator.

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