Part VIII. Techniques to Increase Productivity


Computer /nm./: a device designed to speed and automate errors.

 --From the Jargon File

Perhaps the goal of every single company is to increase productivity, and although the idea may sound simple, actually doing so can be quite a feat to accomplish. There are many levels where productivity could be increased, but the chapters in Part VIII will focus on a couple of techniques that can be employed in your tools to boost productivity for your users. Part VIII focuses on process automation, while Part VII mainly focused on productivity from a user interface perspective.

Essentially, productivity is the overall measure of an output quantity generated by a given input quantity. An increase in productivity comes from an existing process generating a larger output quantity using the regular input quantity. The increase mainly results from a more efficient use of resources due to process improvements or other achievements. The chapters in this part describe a couple of techniques for automating components of your tools in order to produce more output quantity compared to the original approach.


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