About the Author

Mike Rohde has been writing for over 20 years and playing videogames even longer. This is his second For Dummies book — Adobe Edge Animate CC For Dummies was published in July 2013. He lives in the northern Bay Area of California with his wife, two children, and a black lab named Delilah.


To my kids, Max and Julia — may you shine forever bright.

Author’s Acknowledgments

I dedicated this book to my kids, and for good reason. When they first learned I was writing a book to teach people how to make videogames, their mouths dropped open. Their excitement, energy, and enthusiasm motivated me to write the best possible book I could. Plus, I might have started a game reviewing career for my son. When my daughter asked him what he was playing while he was testing one of my first games, he answered, “It’s called Catch the Clown. It isn’t very much fun.” With that statement, my 7-year old son upped the ante on what he expected from the book. He did appreciate the special effects I made with particles though.

This book would not have been possible without my wife, without whom I probably would have grown hungry, cold, and dirty because I was too busy writing about, making, and playing games. Thank you for helping make life easier.

I want to thank Connie Santisteban from John Wiley & Sons, who helped make this book a reality. Her energy behind this book was amazing right from the start, straight through to the finish.

I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the hard work Elizabeth Kuball put into this book. She is responsible for keeping this a traditional For Dummies book, and not my version of the Wild, Wild West. Thank you for keeping this book on track.

Mark Alexander was the technical editor for this book and is the man responsible for the in-software manual of GameMaker: Studio. His careful eye saved a few mistakes and his expert advice proved valuable for many of the tips in this book. He was also the guiding force behind getting the analog sticks procedures to work in Chapter 13.

To the YoYo Games staff — in particular, the CEO, Sandy Duncan — I want to thank you for responding to my tweet asking if you’d like a For Dummies book for GameMaker: Studio and for making this book possible. To the guys in the GDC booth – Malcolm, Stuart, and Russell – thank you for taking your time to speak with me. Much of our conversations made it into the book.

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

Acquisitions Editor: Connie Santisteban

Project Editor: Elizabeth Kuball

Copy Editor: Elizabeth Kuball

Technical Editor: Mark Alexander

Editorial Assistants: Claire Johnson, Annie Sullivan

Sr. Editorial Assistant: Cherie Case

Project Coordinator: Patrick Redmond

Cover Image: © iStock.com/exdez

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