Getting ready

Follow these steps:

  1. We will start by checking out a local branch that tracks a remote branch:
$ git checkout -b remoteBugFix --track origin/stable-3.2 
Branch remoteBugFix set up to track remote branch stable-3.2 from origin. 
Switched to a new branch 'remoteBugFix'
  1. The previous command creates and checks out the remoteBugFix branch that will track the origin/stable-3.2 branch. Therefore, for instance, executing git status will automatically show how different your branch is from origin/stable-3.2, and it will also show whether your branch's HEAD can be fast forwarded to the HEAD of the remote branch or not.
  2. To provide an example of how the previous step works, we need to do some manual work that will simulate this situation. First, we find a commit:
$ git log -10 origin/stable-3.2 --oneline 
f839d383e (HEAD -> remoteBugFix, origin/stable-3.2) Prepare post 3.2.0 builds
699900c30 (tag: v3.2.0.201312181205-r) JGit v3.2.0.201312181205-r
0ff691cdb Revert "Fix for core.autocrlf=input resulting in modified file..."
1def0a125 Fix for core.autocrlf=input resulting in modified file and unsmudge
0ce61caef Canonicalize worktree path in BaseRepositoryBuilder if set via config
be7942f2b Add missing @since tags for new public methods in Config
ea04d2329 Don't use API exception in RebaseTodoLine
3a063a0ed Merge "Fix aborting rebase with detached head" into stable-3.2
e90438c0e Fix aborting rebase with detached head
2e0d17885 Add recursive variant of Config.getNames() methods
  1. The command will list the last 10 commits on the stable-3.2 branch from the remote origin. The --oneline option will show the abbreviated commit hash and the commit subject. For this recipe, we will be using the following commit:
$ git reset --hard 2e0d178 
HEAD is now at 2e0d178 Add recursive variant of Config.getNames() methods 
  1. This will reset the remoteBugFix branch to the 2e0d178 commit hash. We are now ready to continue using the free benefits of Git when we have a remote tracking branch.

We are resetting to a commit that is accessible from the origin/stable-3.2 remote tracking branch; this is done to simulate that we have performed a Git fetch and new commits were downloaded for the origin/stable-3.2 branch.

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