About the authors

Kenneth Geisshirt is a chemist, by education, and a strong free-software advocate. He spent his Christmas holidays in 1992 installing SLS Linux, and GNU/Linux has been his favorite operating system ever since. Currently, he does consultancy work in fields such as scientific computing and Linux clusters. He lives in Copenhagen, Denmark, with his partner and their two children.

As a programmer, I have used many versioning systems. I began with CVS, followed by Subversion and Telelogic Synergy. During the last 7 years, Git has become an integral part of my life. Over the years, many people have been kind with their support, especially my wife and children, who always let me be the geek I am.


Emanuele Zattin is the Continuous Integration Specialist at Realm Inc. with experience in software development and design. He is respected for his work in designing and developing a CM Synergy to Git history conversion tool and rolling out Git-Gerrit-Jenkins in several Nokia divisions.

I would like to thank my coauthor, Kenneth, for convincing me to embark on this adventure; my wife, Cecilie; and our children, Sebastian and Mia, for their patience and support. I would also like to thank Aske and Rasmus, the authors of the first edition of this book, whose work has proven to be an incredibly strong base for the current edition.

Aske Olsson has more than 14 years of experience in the software industry. As an electrical engineer, he has been using every tool available for development, from a soldering iron over Assembly, C, Java Groovy, Python and various DSLs for programming to different SCMs and build-, CI- and issue-tracking systems. He has worked for Nokia for 6 years and, currently, works at Keylane. Aske has experience with Git; he has been teaching Git in regular training sessions, from basic Git to advanced usage.




Rasmus Voss has been working with continuous integration, continuous delivery, automatic testing, and DevOps, in various industries. He has always strived to ensure that where developers, testers, project leaders, and managers can work with the system instead of against the system. Typically, the processes and solutions he develops are clear, precise, and well documented, with relevant feedback to all parts of the software development process.

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