

‘A Review of the Recent Literature, ’, 149
Access Services, 169
Adobe Acrobat, 74, 109, 113, 140, 144
ALA Interlibrary Loan Code, 28, 139
Alerta a Conocimiento (Chile), 123
Ambrosian, 13
Amazon, 156, 169
American Library Association, 16, 28, 29, 166, 169
ALA Forms, 169
American University, 115
AMICUS, 67, 108, 109
Argentina, 102–3, 123
Ariel, 4, 29, 44, 74, 81, 108, 109, 116, 129, 140, 144, 170
ArticleReach Direct, 170, 179
Asociatión de Estados Iberoamericanos para el Desarrollo de las Bibliotecas Nacionales (ABINIA), , 123
Australia, 98, 104–6
automated payment systems, 78


Babel Fish, 85, 170
Base de Datos Unificada (BDU/Argentina), 123
Biblioteca Acadêmico Luiz Viana Filho, 122
Biblioteca Digital (Mexico), 123
Biblioteca Eletectrónica de Ciencia y Tecnolgía de la República Argentina (BE – MINCTY/Argentina), 123
‘Bibliotek’ database, 46
Bibliothèque Bernheim, 128
Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 19, 28, 177
Big Deals, 145, 146, 149, 154, 157, 170
Bodleian Library, 13
Botswana, 41, 43
Bowker, R., 16
British Library, 29, 69, 135, 136
British Library Document Supply Centre (BLDSC), 171
BSCAN/Bookeye system, 74, 171


Canada, 29, 95, 97, 107–9
Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI), 23–4, 29, 67, 171
Canadian Copyright Law Copyright Act, 108
Canadiana, , 108, 171
Caribbean, 46, 122
Chemical Abstract Service (CAS), 172
China, 13, 46, 94, 111–13
China Academic Library & Information System (CALIS), 112, 172
China Academic Social Science and Humanities Library (CASHL), 112, 172
CISTI/Infotrieve, 135
CLIO, 44, 63, 140, 144, 172
Code of Practice for Inter-Library Loans, 16
Colegio de México, , 122
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) libraries, 118
CONSER, 139, 173
consortium, 49–50, 77, 140, 145, 146, 149, 173
CONTU, 173
COPAC, 67, 173
copyright, 72, 108, 147
CCG and CCL, 171–2
Copyright Act (1968), 105
Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), 173
credit cards, 77–8, 151–152


de Periesc, Nicolas Claude de, 12, 28, 45
DeepDyve, 157
Denmark, 99
deposit accounts, 77
Dewey, Melville, 11, 15
‘Digital Divide’, 43, 174
Digital Rights Management (DRM), 153, 174
digital issues, 147–9
DOCDEL-L, 92, 174
DOCLINE, 71, 78, 79, 135, 174
document delivery, 18–20, 23–5
interoperability, 24–5
document supply
history, 11–29
document delivery, 16–20, 23–5
existence and prevalence, 25–8
highlights, 28–9
principles and rules, 17–18
processes, 20–3
standard procedures, 14–17


ebooks, 48, 147–8, 161, 175
Ebsco, 131
Egypt, 114–16
Egyptian Libraries Network (ELN), 115, 176
Egyptian National Scientific and Technical Information Network (ENSTINET), 115, 175
ejournals, 48, 146–8, 175
electronic document delivery (EDD), 118 See also document delivery
electronic funds transfer, 78, 175 see also IFM and payment methods
Electronic Resource Management (ERM), 176
email, 78
Estonia, 13–14
EThOS, 136, 176
EUCAT, 176
Europe, 12–13, 16, 26
Europeana, 176


Farmington Plan, 18, 29
fax machines, 21, 24, 29, 55, 71, 77, 103, 109, 113, 144
File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 81, 170, 176
fill rates, 176
financial issues, 154
Former Soviet Union, 38, 117–18
FORO Transfronoterizo de Bibliotecas/Transborder Library Forum program, 123
France, 15, 19, 28, 39–40, 94, 128


Gallica, 177
GEBAY, 177
German Virtual catalogue (KVK), 67, 180
illustration, 68
Germany, 15–16, 26, 40, 48–9, 98
Getting It System Toolkit (GIST), 177
Ghana, 42
Global ILL Framework (GIF) Project, 69, 177
global resource sharing, 1–9
case studies, 89–100
current practices, 61–86
locating a lender, 65
resource sharing cycle, 63
statistics, 83
definition, 2
fees and payments, 76–82
borrowing library: receiving the request, 81–2
future, 143–63
idea and practice, 2–3
international catalogues, 67–8
German Virtual catalogue, 68
issues and challenges, 83–5
fear of loss or damage, 84
language barriers, 85
logistics, 84
shipping costs, 84–5
time, 83
methods of payment, 77–81
IFLA Response Codes, 79–81
IFLA vouchers used to pay for items borrowed internationally, 78
national, international and local
catalogues, 66–70
government documents, 70
national libraries, 66–7
other sources
ShareILL, 69
requesting process, 64–5
discovery and retrieval spheres, 65
scenarios, 150–61
credit card as library card, 151–5
golden age of the global library, 154–9
patchwork quilt, 163–7
selected case studies, 101–45
Argentina, 102–3
Australia, 104–6
Canada, 107–9
China, 111–13
Egypt, 114–16
Former Soviet Union, 117–18
Israel, 120–1
Latin America and the Caribbean, 122–4
Netherlands, 125–7
New Caledonia, 128–9
Singapore, 131–2
Sweden, 133–5
United Kingdom, 136–7
United States, 139–41
shipping process, 70–6
borrowing library: submitting request, 70–2
lending library: electronic delivery, 73–5
lending library: physical delivery, 75–6
lending library: receiving the request, 72–3
survey responses, 92–100
additional countries, 94
barriers to international sharing of library resources, 97
country representation, 93
lending practices, 95
library type, 93, 94
number and location of countries, 93
trends, 145–50
Big Deals, 149
digital issues, 147–9
financial issues, 150
legal issues, 147
open access/scholarly communication, 145, 147
other trends as identified in Interlending & Document Supply 2005–2010, 146
Google Books, 147–8, 177
Google Translator, 85, 178
government documents, 70, 142
Great Britain, 26
Green, S., 14–15
Grupo Amigos, 123


HathiTrust, 151, 178


IDS Project, 177, 178
IFM, 45, 78, 179
ILL-L, 92, 178
ILLiad, 44, 103, 147, 178, 183
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superior de Monterrey (ITESM), 123
interlending, See interlibrary loan
Interlending & Document Supply, 145
interlibrary loan, 3–6, 15
document delivery, 16–20, 23–5
interoperability, 24–5
history, 11–29
existence and prevalence, 25–8
highlights, 28–9
principles and rules, 17–18
standard procedures, 14–17
processes, 20–3
forms, 20–1, 22
interlibrary loan request form, 22
networks, 21, 23
Internal Fee Management See IFM
International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC), 128, 179
international catalogues, 67–8
International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), 17–18, 28, 71, 86, 162, 179
vouchers, 29, 45, 78, 96, 179
international interlending
document delivery, 16–20, 23–5
interoperability, 24–5
history, 11–29
existence and prevalence, 25–8
highlights, 28–9
principles and rules, 17–18
standard procedures, 14–17
processes, 20–3
forms, 20–1, 22
interlibrary loan request form, 22
networks, 21, 23
international interlibrary loan, 5–6, 8, 35–50
PEST analysis, 37–43
economic, 41–2
political, 37–41
social, 42–3
technological, 43
worksheet, 37
SWOT analysis, 44–50
modified diagram, 50
opportunities, 47
strengths, 44
threats, 47–9
weaknesses, 44–7
worksheet, 37
International Interlibrary Loan Procedures for United States Libraries, , 20
International Organization of Standardization (ISO), 159, 180
international resource sharing, 4 See also global resource sharing
Internet Archive, 148
Iran, 43
ISO ILL 10160, 24
ISO ILL 10161, 24
Israel, 120–1


JPEG, 74, 180


Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog (KVK) See German Virtual Catalog


Latin America and the Caribbean, 122–4
League of Nations Committee on Cooperation, 17
Lee Kong Chian Reference Library, 131
legal issues, 147
Libraries Australia Document Delivery (LADD), 105, 181
Libraries Very Interested in Sharing (LVIS), 96, 181
Library and Archives Canada (LAC), 108
licensing, 48, 72, 141, 146–7, 153, 162
Listservs, 69, 144
Louisiana State University, 26


Mead, M., 143
Medical Library Association of Chinese Universities and Colleges, 112
microform technologies, 19
Milan, 13
Million Book Project, 112


National Diet Library, 181
National Information Standards Organization Circulation Interchange Protocol (NCIP), 25, 181
National Interlibrary Loan Code, 111
national libraries, 66–7, 182
National Library Board (NLB), 131
National Library of Canada, 24
National Library of Belarus, 118
National Library of China (NLC), 112, 182
National Library of Medicine, 28, 29, 174–5
National Library of Singapore, 131
National Science and Technology Library (NSTL), 112
National Union Catalogue, 139
Netherlands, 125–7
New Caledonia, 95, 98, 128–9
New Zealand, 98, 105
North America, 69, 96, 129, 131, 139
Norway, 26


OCLC WorldCat Resource Sharing, 113, 139, 23 See also WorldCat Resource Sharing (WCRS)
Odyssey, 44, 74, 81, 183
Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), 23, 29, 65, 79, 91, 182, 188
interlibrary loan system, 122
open access/scholarly communication, 145, 147, 183
OpenURL, 25, 183


Pakistan, 39, 42
PDF, 74, 77, 81, 184
photoduplication, 19, 28
Photostat, 19, 28
political, economic, social and technological analysis, 35, 184
international interlibrary loan, 37–43
economic, 41–2
political, 37–41
social, 42–3
technological, 43
worksheet, 37
Programa Brasileiro de Acesso à Informaçâo Científi ce Tecnológica: Portal de Periodicos (CAPES/Brazil), 123
ProQuest, 131
Purchase on Demand (POD), 184


RACER, 71, 109, 185
RapidILL, 140, 184
Reasons for No See response codes
reciprocal agreements, 77, 159, 185
Relais, 44, 71, 185
Research Libraries Group (RLG), 29, 90, 140, 185
response codes, 79–81, 185
Rethinking Resource Sharing Initiative, 185
study, 62
RLIN, 24, 29
Royal Library, 12
RUSA STARS, 62, 86, 90–1, 186 see Sharing and Transforming Access to Resources Section (STARS)
Russian State Library (RSL), 38, 117, 186


SAGA, 134, 186
scanning, 24, 186
ShareILL, 66, 69, 186
SHARES, 29, 62, 140, 186 See also RLG SHARES
Sharing and Transforming Access to Resources Section (RUSA STARS), 91, 140
shipping, 46, 75, 84
Singapore, 47, 131–2
Singapore Integrated Library Automation Services (SILAS), 131, 187
South Africa, 41, 42
standard invoices, 77
statistics, 83, 150, 166
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis, 35, 187
international interlibrary loan, 44–50
modified diagram, 50
opportunities, 47
strengths, 44
threats, 47–9
weaknesses, 44–7
worksheet, 37
SUBITO, 67, 135, 187
SurveyMonkey, 92, 101
Sweden, 26, 133–5
Swedish Royal Library, 134
Symbols and Interlibrary Loan Policies in Canada, , 108


Tagged Image File Format (TIF or TIFF), 74, 187
technology, 3–4
teletype network, 28
telex, 29, 187
Trama Interinstucional y Multidiscipliaria de Bibliografia On-Line (TIMBÓ/Uruguay), 123
Trans-Tasman Interloan Gateway, 105, 187
Turkey, 43, 47
Turn around time (TAT), 69, 155, 161, 188


UNESCO, 66, 123
union catalogues, 28, 29, 188
United Kingdom, 99, 136–7
United Nations,
Official Document System (ODS), 70, 183 See also UNESCO
United States, 99, 139–41
University Library of Karolinska Institutet (KIB), 134
University of Lund, 134, 135
Univesidad Autónoma de Nuevo Leon (UANL), 122
U.S. Library of Congress, 16, 26, 29


2020 vision, 136
Vatican Library, 12
VDX, 71, 104–6, 109, 125, 140, 188


WLN, 24, 29
World Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (WANGO), 70, 188
WorldCat, 4, 23, 26–7, 44, 65, 67, 104, 112, 188
WorldCat Resource Sharing (WCRS), 23, 189


Z39.50 Distributed library and interlibrary loan protocol, 46, 128–9, 189
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