Rendering arrays using Jade

Jade also supports rendering lists of items as other template languages. We can use the each construct to iterate through the elements in the array and output some HTML elements for each.

In this recipe, we're going to render a list of message objects. Each message object will have an author, arrival time, body, and read status. We're going to use a different style to distinguish between read and unread messages.

We're also going to use different backgrounds for odd and even rows.

Getting ready

We need to download jade.min.js in to our recipe folder available at

How to do it...

Follow these steps:

  1. Create index.html containing the CSS style, placeholder, and the template script element:
    <title>Rendering an array with EJS</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    .message {
        border-bottom:solid 1px #ccc;
        width: 250px;
        padding: 5px; }
    .message p { margin: 0.5em 0; }
    .message.unread { font-weight:bold; }    
    .message.odd { background-color:#f5f5f5; }
    .message .date {
        float: right;
        font-style: italic;
        color: #999; }
    <div id="list">
    <script id="template" type="text/jade">
    each msg,i in list
      .message(class=msg.status + (i % 2?' odd':' even'))

    <script src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="jade.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="example.js"></script>
  2. Create example.js to wrap the element and the template with some model data:
    $(function() {
        var template = jade.compile($('#template').html());
            { status: 'read',   name: 'John', date: 'Today',
                text: 'just got back, how are you doing?' },
            { status: 'unread', name: 'Jenny', date: 'Today',
                text: 'please call me asap' },
            { status: 'read',   name: 'Jack', date: 'Yesterday',
                text: 'where do you want to go today?' },

How it works...

Besides allowing us to access the array element, the each construct in Jade can also provide the index of the element.

Using this index we demonstrate that Jade can support arbitrary expressions. We add an odd class to oddly-numbered messages, and an even class to evenly-numbered ones. Of course, it's better to use CSS pseudo-selectors to do this, for example:

.message:nth-child(odd) { ... }
.message:nth-child(even) { ... }

Jade allows us to omit the name of the element and only use a class and/or an ID attribute. In these cases the element is assumed to be a div.

We can append CSS style classes and an ID after the element tag. Jade will add the corresponding attributes to the element.

There's more...

Instead of concatenating the style classes, we can also pass a variable which contains an array of classes to add to the element.

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