Displaying gauges

Analog gauges are useful for visualizing data with values bound between predefined minimums and maximums, which undergo changes over time. Examples include amount of fuel, current speed, disk space, process and memory usage, and so on.

In this recipe, we're going to make a very flexible, data-driven gauge plugin for jQuery. Then we're going to use this plugin to display an analog car speedometer. The following is how the speedometer will look:

Displaying gauges

The recipe makes extensive use of HTML5's canvas.

How to do it...

Let's write the HTML code for our example, the gauge plugin and the code that ties them together.

  1. Make a simple HTML file with a canvas for our gauge:
            <title>Gauge example</title>
            <canvas id="gauge" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
            <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
            <script type="text/javascript" src="example.js"></script>
  2. Then write our gauge plugin code in example.js:
    (function($) {
  3. This is a support function that replaces Array.forEach and works on both single items and arrays. Our gauge will support multiple stripes, needles, and ticks, but it should also be able to work when a single one is provided:
        function eachOrOne(items, cb) {
            return (items instanceof Array ? items : [items]).map(cb);
  4. The following is a generic function that rotates the point pt around the center c (the angle amount is a). Direction is clockwise:
        function rotate(pt, a, c) {
            a = - a;
            return { x: c.x + (pt.x - c.x) * Math.cos(a) - (pt.y-c.y) * Math.sin(a),
                     y: c.y + (pt.x - c.x) * Math.sin(a) + (pt.y-c.y) * Math.cos(a) };
  5. The following is our gauge plugin
        $.gauge = function(target, options) {
            var defaults = {
                yoffset: 0.2,
                scale: {
                    type: 'linear',
                    values: [1, 200],
                    angles: [0, Math.PI]
                strip: {
                    scale: 0, radius: 0.8, width: 0.05,
                    color: "#aaa", from: 0, to: 200
                ticks: {
                    scale: 0, radius: 0.77, length: 0.1, width: 1, color: "#555",
                    values: {from: 0, to:200, step: 10},
                labels: {
                    scale: 0, radius: 0.65,
                    font: '12px Verdana', color: "#444",
                    values: {from: 0, to:200, step: 20}
                needle: {
                    scale: 0, length: 0.8, thickness: 0.1,
                    color: "#555", value: 67

    By default, our gauge has the following:

    • Is offset 20% from the top
    • Has a linear scale with a value range 1 to 200, angle range 0 to 180 degrees,
    • Has a single strip at 80% or total radius with a width of 5% of total radius colored with gray and going from 0 to 200.
    • Has a single ticks array going from 0 to 200 with step 10
    • Has labels from 0 to 200 with step 20
    • Has a single needle set at value 67
  6. We allow the user to override options and to specify more than one of any of the components mentioned previously:
            var options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options);
            for (var key in defaults) if (key != 'yoffset')
                options[key] = eachOrOne(options[key], function(item) {
                    return $.extend(true, {}, defaults[key], item);
            var $target = $(target);
            var ctx = $target[0].getContext('2d'),
  7. We construct our scale function and replace our objects specifying ranges of values with actual arrays. Note that instead of a range object, you can also specify an actual array:
            options.scale = eachOrOne(options.scale, function(s) {
                return $.gauge.scale(s);
            eachOrOne(options.ticks, function(t) {
                return t.values = $.gauge.range(t.values);
            eachOrOne(options.labels, function(l) {
                return l.values = $.gauge.range(l.values);
  8. The following is the drawing code:
            function draw(options) {
  9. We will use the gauge center as a reference point and will clear the canvas:
                var w = $target.width(), h = $target.height(),
                    c = {x: w * 0.5, y: h * (0.5 + options.yoffset)},
                    r = w * 0.5,
                    pi = Math.PI;
                ctx.clearRect(0, 0, w, h);
  10. Then we'll draw all the strips (one or more) as arcs:
                // strips
                eachOrOne(options.strip, function(s) {
                    var scale = options.scale[s.scale || 0];
                    ctx.strokeStyle = s.color;
                    ctx.lineWidth = r * s.width;
                    ctx.arc(c.x, c.y, s.radius * r, scale(s.to), scale(s.from), true);
  11. Then draw all the ticks (we use very short, very thick arcs as ticks). Our scale function turns the values in range to angles:
                // ticks
                eachOrOne(options.ticks, function(s) {
                    var scale = options.scale[s.scale || 0];
                    ctx.strokeStyle = s.color;
                    ctx.lineWidth = r * s.length;
                    var delta = scale(s.width) - scale(0);
                    s.values.forEach(function(v) {
                        ctx.arc(c.x, c.y, s.radius * r,
                            scale(v) + delta, scale(v) - delta, true);
  12. Then we draw the labels. We determine the position by placing it at the right-most vertically-centered position, then rotating it counter-clockwise by the amount scaled with the value:
                // labels
                ctx.textAlign    = 'center';
                ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
                eachOrOne(options.labels, function(s) {
                    var scale = options.scale[s.scale || 0];
                    ctx.font = s.font;
                    ctx.fillStyle = s.color;
                    s.values.forEach(function(v) {
                        var pos = rotate({x: c.x + r * s.radius, y:c.y},
                            0 - scale(v), c);
                        ctx.fillText(v, pos.x, pos.y);
  13. Finally, we draw the needles. The needles are made of a circle centered at the central rotation point of the gauge and a triangle extending from there. We rotate all three triangle points the same way we rotate the label centers:
                // needle
                eachOrOne(options.needle, function(s) {
                    var scale = options.scale[s.scale || 0];
                    var rotrad = 0 - scale(s.value);
                    var p1 = rotate({x: c.x + r * s.length, y: c.y},    rotrad, c),
                        p2 = rotate({x: c.x, y: c.y + r*s.thickness/2}, rotrad, c),
                        p3 = rotate({x: c.x, y: c.y - r*s.thickness/2}, rotrad, c);
                    ctx.fillStyle = s.color;
                    ctx.arc(c.x, c.y, r * s.thickness / 2, 0, 2*Math.PI);
                    ctx.moveTo(p1.x, p1.y);
                    ctx.lineTo(p2.x, p2.y);
                    ctx.lineTo(p3.x, p3.y);
  14. After drawing the whole gauge, the gauge function returns a function that can be used to change the gauge needle value(s) and redraw it:
            return function(val, i) {
                i = i || 0;
                options.needle[i].value = val;
  15. These are common helper functions. The range function creates an array of values, while scale creates a function that scales values from one range to another. Both support logarithmic scales:
        $.gauge.range = function(opt) {
            if (opt instanceof Array) return opt;
            var arr = [], step = opt.step;
            var last = opt.from;
            for (var k = opt.from; k <= opt.to; k+= step)
                arr.push(opt.log ? Math.pow(opt.log, k) : k);
            return arr;
        $.gauge.scale = function(opt, f) {
            if (opt.type == 'linear') opt.type = function(x) { return x; };
            else if (opt.type == 'log') opt.type = Math.log;
            var f = opt.type,
                v0 = f(opt.values[0]),
                v1 = f(opt.values[1]);
            return function(v) {
                return (f(v) - v0) / (v1 - v0)
                        * (opt.angles[1] - opt.angles[0]) + Math.PI + opt.angles[0];

    The anonymous function is invoked with the jQuery object as a parameter that, in the scope of the function, becomes $. This is a typical way to construct jQuery plugins with their own private scope, and to make jQuery available as $ within that scope regardless of whether $ is the same as jQuery in the global namespace.

  16. We will draw our gauge in example.js. The following is the content:
    $(function() {
        var g = $.gauge("#gauge", {
            scale: {
                angles: [-0.3, Math.PI+0.3],
                values: [0, 220]
            strip: [
                { from: 0,   to: 140, color:"#ada" },
                { from: 140, to: 180, color:"#dda" },
                { from: 180, to: 220, color:"#d88" }
            ticks: [{
                color: "rgba(0,0,0,0.33)",
                values: { from: 0, to: 220, step:10 },
                length:0.05, radius:0.8, width:0.3
            }, {
                color: "rgba(0,0,0,0.33)",
                values: { from: 0, to: 220, step:20 },
                length:0.11, radius: 0.77, width:0.3
            labels: {
                color: "#777",
                values: { from: 0, to: 220, step:20 },
                radius: 0.62
            needle: { color:"#678" }

How it works...

We specified a linear scale for the gauge with angles going slightly below the middle, and speed values in the range 0 to 220. We created three strips, the green one in the range 0 to 140 km/h, a yellow one in the range 140 to 180 km/h, and a red one in the range 180 to 220 km/h. We're going to use two sets of strips: one larger every 20 km/h and one smaller on every 10 km/h, both semi-transparent. Finally, we add a needle with a bluish tint.

At the end, we can set our gauge value with the returned function, which we use to set it at 25 km/h.

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