Chapter 1. Display of Textual Data

In this chapter, we're going to cover the following topics:

  • Rounding numbers for display
  • Padding numbers
  • Displaying metric and imperial measurements
  • Displaying formatted dates in the user's time zone
  • Displaying the dynamic time that has elapsed
  • Displaying Math
  • Creating an endless scrolling list
  • Creating a sortable paginated table
  • Creating multiple-choice filters
  • Creating range filters
  • Creating combined complex filters
  • Displaying code in HTML
  • Rendering Markdown
  • Autoupdating fields


The most common task related to web application development is the displaying of text. This chapter will cover some of the issues programmers face when displaying data in browsers, and will explain how to tackle the problems in a simple yet effective way, giving several different options for the programmer from which to choose. These examples will contain the rendering of markup or the conversion of other datatypes into plain text.

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