Creating a custom single-selection list

In the previous recipe, we used Chosen. In this recipe, we will take a deeper look into the creation of simple select boxes, making one the most user-friendly way pickers out there.

Getting ready

In this recipe, we will use Chosen ( and its dependency jQuery by adding them from a CDN.

How to do it...

We create an HTML file and the accompanying JavaScript code:

  1. First, we will start with the head section of the HTML, where we will include the Chosen CSS style:
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Single select list</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">
        <style type="text/css">
            width: 250px;
  2. We are going to create a simple form where the user can select their favorite programming language and job title. To do that, we add select elements with several available options:
            Favorite programming language:
            <select id="programming" data-placeholder="Your favorite programming language" class="drop-down">
              <option value=""></option>
              <option selected>Java Script </option>
  3. The possible options can be grouped using the optgroup element:
           You consider your self to be a:
            <select id="occupation" data-placeholder="Occupation" class="drop-down">
              <optgroup label="Software">
                  <option>Java developer</option>
                  <option>Node developer</option>
                  <option>Software Achitect</option>
                  <option selected>Engineer</option>
              <optgroup label="Hardware">
                <option>Computer Hardware Engineer</option>
  4. And at last, we just add a simple submit for the form:
        <input type="submit" />
  5. In order to include Chosen, we add their implementation from a CDN:
     <script src="//"></script>
       <script src="//"></script>
  6. To designate to what element should have Chosen applied, we use jQuery selection:
             $(function() {

How it works...

The best thing about Chosen is its simplicity; we just select the elements with jQuery and apply the plugin. There is an option allowing deselect that we can enable during creation of these kind of elements:



Note that Chosen can be used with Prototype JS instead of jQuery; there the selection of elements would be new Chosen(someElement);.

Also, we can add an attribute named data-placeholder that will contain default text, such as Occupation, as in our example. If this is not specified, it will default to Select Some Option for single select.


On select elements, the browser assumes the first element to be selected if selectedIndex is not specified or if there is no option with the selected attribute. In order to allow none selected, we can set the first option blank, thus enabling the data-placeholder text support.

There's more...

If you need to use data for the options that will change after the initial creation of Chosen, you can update the component dynamically and then trigger the liszt:updated event on the selected field. The liszt:updated event is a Chosen-specific internal event. Chosen, after calling the event, will rebuild the list based on the updated content. For example, on an element with ID as countries, the triggering would be as follows:

..................Content has been hidden....................

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