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image A image

abbreviations for CW, 240–244

adjustable passband, 149

allwave receiver, 2

alternator whine, 230

Amateur Radio, overview of, 3–6

Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES), 256

amateur teleprinting over radio (AMTOR), 91–93

American Radio Relay League (ARRL), 3

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), 17, 80

amplified automatic level control (AALC), 99

amplitude modulation (AM), 18–20

analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion, 93–94


   broadside, 211–212

   coaxial, 202–203

   corner reflector, 217

   dipole, 199–200

   dish, 215–216

   effective radiated power of, 207

   efficiency of, 197–199

   end-fire, 210–211

   for shortwave listening, 54

   forward gain of, 208–209

   front-to-back ratio of, 209

   front-to-side ratio of, 209–210

   half-wave, 199–201

   helical, 216–217

   horn, 215

   indoor transmitting, 225

   J pole, 201

   longwire, 211

   loop, 60–62, 203–205

   loopstick, 204

   parasitic, 212–214

   phased, 210–212

   power gain of, 207–208

   quad, 214

   random wire, 60–61

   vertical, 201–203

   Yagi, 213–214

   zepp, 200–201

antenna tuner (transmatch), 54, 144–145, 154–156, 184–185, 221

antipode, 50

anti-VOX system, 98

ARRL Operating Manual, 227, 256

ASCII, 17, 80

aspect ratio, 103

atmospheric noise, 171–172

audio filtering, 36

audio-frequency-shift keying (AFSK), 79

audio passband filter, 149

Aurora Australis, 13

Aurora Borealis, 13

auroral propagation, 13–14

automatic frequency control (AFC), 86

automatic gain control (AGC), 153

automatic level control (ALC), 87, 98

automatic noise limiter (ANL), 149

automatic repeat request (ARQ), 88, 92

auto-tune function, 148

average forward current, 158

image B image

backfeed, 169–170

backward error correction (BEC), 92

backup generators, 165–170

balanced modulator, 21

ball mount, 187

balun, 221

bandpass filter, 36, 156

band scanning, 148

bandspread control in receiver, 43

baseband spectrum monitor, 67

basement as ham station location, 142–143

baud, 79

Baudot code, 79–80

beat-frequency oscillator (BFO), 27

binary phase-shift keying (BPSK), 83–84

birdies, 28

bits per second (bps), 76

blanking pulse, 104–105

bridge rectifier circuit, 159–160

broadband amplifier, 154

broadside array, 211–212

bulletin-board system (BBS), 95–96

image C image

capacitive coupling, 207

capacitor-input filter, 161

carbon-monoxide detector, 168–169

carrier, unmodulated, 19

ceramic filter, 150

Cassegrain dish feed, 215–216

channel scan, 148

characteristic impedance, 218, 220–221

choke-input filter, 161

circuit efficiency, 19

circular polarization, 10

Citizens Band (CB), 6–8

clarifier, 251

closed repeater, 102, 181

coaxial antenna, 202–203

coaxial cable, 218–219

code practice from W1AW, 76

coherent communications, 38

combustion generators, 165–170

contesting, 247–249

Continental code, 16

continuous receive coverage, 147

continuous waves (CW), 3, 75–79, 240–246

conventional dish feed, 215–216

converters for VLF, 63–64

corner reflector antenna, 217

coronae, 173

cosmic noise, 170

counterpoise, 206–207

current surge in antenna, 156

image D image

data redundancy in MFSK, 88

dead band delusion, 228

dead spot, 11

delta tuning, 149

desensitization, 150


   for AM, 32

   for CW, 32

   for FM, 33–34

   for FSK, 32

   for PM, 33–34

   for SSB, 35–36

deviation in FM and PM, 23–24

dielectric, 218–219

DigiPan software, 66–67, 84–86, 157

digipeater, 94–95

digital frequency display, 147

digital interface equipment, 156–157

digital-to-analog (D/A) conversion, 93–94

dipole antenna, 199–200

direct-conversion receiver, 27–28

directivity plots, 208

director in parasitic array, 213–214

dirty electricity, 65–72

discriminator, 34

dish antenna, 215–216

distortion, in AM, 18–19

dots and dashes, 3

double-conversion receiver, 28

double sideband (DSB), 21

dual-diversity reception, 37–38

dual VFOs, 148

duplexer, 102

DX Century Club, 250

DXing, 250–253

dynamic range of receiver, 26–27, 151

image E image

E layer, 12

earth-ionosphere waveguide, 58

earth-moon-earth communications, 15

effective ground, 208

effective radiated power (ERP), 207

efficiency of antenna, 197–199

efficiency of circuit, 19

electrical ground, 205–206

electrical system for fixed ham station, 139–142

electromagnetic fields, 8–9

electromagnetic interference (EMI), 205

electromagnetic pulse (EMP), 175–176

electromagnetic spectrum, 8–9

elliptical polarization, 10

emergency preparedness, 256

end-fire array, 210–211

envelope compression, 99

envelope detection, 32

external noise, 170–176

extremely high frequency (EHF), table, 9

image F image

F layer, 12

F1 layer, 12

F2 layer, 12

facsimile (FAX), 106–107

fast-scan television (FSTV), 103–105

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 6

feed lines, 217–224

fidelity, 20

Field Day contest, 194

first floor as ham station location, 143–146

fixed-station ham radios, 146–152

flywheel tuning, 147

forward error correction (FEC), 88, 91

forward gain of antenna, 208–209

four-wire line, 220, 222

frame, in television image, 103

freebanders, 7

frequency display, digital, 147

frequency-division multiplexing, 38

frequency hopping, 39

frequency modulation (FM), 22–24, 100–103, 238–240

frequency multiplier, 24

frequency-shift keying (FSK), 17–18, 79

frequency sweeping, 40

frequency synthesizers, 23

frequency versus wavelength, 44

front end of receiver, 26, 31, 150

front-to-back ratio of antenna, 209

front-to-side ratio of antenna, 209–210

full break-in operation, 148

full quieting, 231

full-wave rectifier circuits, 159–160

fundamental frequency, 68

image G image

galactic noise, 170

gallium-arsenide field-effect transistor (GaAsFET), 27

generators, backup, 165–170

geodesic arc, 50

geomagnetic storm, 57

great circle route, 50

grey line, 51–52


   electrical, 205–206

   radio-frequency, 145–146, 206–207

ground loops, 206

ground-mounted vertical antenna, 202

ground-plane antenna, 202–203

ground systems, 205–207

image H image

half-wave antennas, 199–201

half-wave rectifier, 159

Hallicrafters SX-130 receiver, 43–44

ham radio frequency bands, 44–54

   graph of, 132

   proposed new, 137

   shorter than 2 meters, 135–137

   table of, 53

   2 meters, 134–135

   6 meters, 132–133

   10 meters, 130–131

   12 meters, 128–130

   15 meters, 126–128

   17 meters, 124–126

   20 meters, 123–124

   30 meters, 122

   40 meters, 119–121

   60 meters, 118–119

   75 meters, 115–117

   80 meters, 115–117

   160 meters, 113–114

ham radio license classes:

   Advanced, 112–113

   current, 109–112

   discontinued, 112–113

   Extra, 111–112

   General, 111

   Novice, 112

   Technician, 109–111

   Technician Plus, 112

ham radio license renewal, 112

hams, definition of, 2

HamScope software, 67, 84–86, 157

handshaking, 88

harmonic suppression, 152

harmonics, 66, 68–70, 87, 152

heavy portable operation, 184–185

helical antenna, 216–217

heterodyne detection, 32

HF mobile operation, advantages of, 181

HF portable operation, advantages of, 189–190

high-frequency (HF)

   definition of, 1

   table, 9

horizontal polarization, 10

horn antenna, 215

image I image

idle insertion, 89

ignition noise, 174–175, 180

image rejection, 151

images, 28, 151

impedance bridge, 155

impulse noise, 174

indoor transmitting antenna, 225

inductive loading, 179

intelligibility, 19

intermediate frequency (IF), 28, 31–32

intermodulation distortion (IMD), 30, 86–87

intermodulation spurious response attenuation, 151

International Morse Code, 16

ionosphere, 11–13

isolation switch, 169–170

image J image

J pole antenna, 188, 201

jamming signal, 53

junction field-effect transistor (JFET), 30

image K image

key, telegraph, 77

keyboard keyer, 77–78

keyer, electronic, 77–78, 149

image L image

ladder line, 220–221

libration fading, 15–16

license classes, ham radio:

   Advanced, 112–113

   current, 109–112

   discontinued, 112–113

   Extra, 111–112

   General, 111

   Novice, 112

   Technician, 109–111

   Technician Plus, 112

license renewal, ham radio, 112

lid, 229–230

light portable operation, 184–185

linear amplifier, 139–140, 152–154

line-of-sight waves, 10–11

local oscillator (LO), 27

long-path signal, 50

Long Range Navigation (LORAN), 113

Longwave Club of America (LWCA), 63

longwave coverage, 147

longwave radio, 2, 57–64

longwire antenna, 211

loop antenna, 60–62, 203–205

loopstick antenna, 204

loss resistance in antenna, 179, 198–199

lower sideband (LSB), 19–21, 96–97

lowest usable high frequency (LUHF), 59

low frequency (LF), table, 9

low-frequency experimental radio (lowFER), 61–63

lowpass filter, 156

image M image

magnetic mount, 180

main tuning control in receiver, 43

mark frequency in FSK, 32

maximum usable frequency (MUF), 13, 55–56

maximum usable low frequency (MULF), 59

mechanical filter, 150

medium frequency (MF), table, 9

memory, programmable, 148

meteor scatter propagation, 14–15

mixer, 27

mixing products, 30

MMTTY software, 81–82

mobile antenna considerations, 179

mobile band options, 177–182

mobile operation, 5–6, 177–184

mobile power options, 182–184

modem, 17, 76

moonbounce propagation, 15

Morse code, 3, 16–17, 75–79, 240–246

Morse code requirement, past, 77

multimeter, 140

MultiMode software, 83

multiple-frequency-shift keying (MFSK), 88–90

multiplexing, 38–39

image N image

narrowband frequency modulation (NBFM), 23–24, 101

negative feedback, 98

node, in packet radio, 94–95

noise, external, 170–176

noise blanker, 148, 173

noise-canceling antenna, 70–72

noise figure, 27, 150–151

noise limiter, 173

noise quieting, 151

non-CW text modes, operation in, 246–247

notch filter, 149–150

image O image

open dipole antenna, 199–200

open repeater, 102

open wire, 219–221

operation of a ham station:

   AMTOR, 246–247

   contest, 247–249

   CW, 240–246

   DX, 250–253

   FM, 238–240

   MFSK, 246–247

   PSK31, 246–247

   QRP, 254–255

   rag-chew, 253–254

   RTTY, 246–247

   SSB, 232–238

optical scanner, 106

overmodulation, 98

image P image

packet radio, 93–96

packet radio bulletin board system (PBBS), 95–96

packets, 88, 93–96

paddle for keyer, 77–78

panoramic reception, 149

parallel-wire line, 219–222

parasitic arrays, 212–214

parasitic element, 212–213

peak inverse voltage (PIV), 158–159

penumbra of sunspot, 54–55

phase cancellation, 175

phase modulation (PM), 22–24

phase opposition, 11

phased arrays, 210–212

phase-shift keying (PSK), 67, 83–87

phasing harness, 210

phasing system, 210

phonetic alphabet, 232–233

picket fencing, 11

pirates, 7

polarization of EM wave, 10

portable antenna considerations, 186–187

portable band options, 184–190

portable operation, 184–193

portable power options, 190–193

portable whip antenna, 188

power adapter plug, 184

power gain of antenna, 207–208

power-line noise, 175, 180

power supplies, 158–165

power-supply filtering, 160–161

power transformers, 158

power transistor, 162

preamplifier, 30, 147–148

precipitation noise, 172–173

precision readout, 147

preselector, 31

product detector, 35–36

programmable memory, 148

propagation of radio waves, 10–16

pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM), 24–25

pulse-code modulation (PCM), 25–26

pulse-duration modulation (PDM), 24–25

pulse-interval modulation (PIM), 25

pulse-width modulation (PWM), 24–25

push to talk (PTT), 97–98

image Q image

Q multiplier, 150

QRO mobile operation, advantages of, 182–183

QRO portable operation, advantages of, 191–192

QRP mobile operation, advantages of, 183–184, 254–255

QRP portable operation, advantages of, 192–193, 254–255

quad antenna, 214

quarter-wave vertical antenna, 201–203

image R image

radials in antenna system, 202–203, 206–207

radiation patterns, 208

radiation resistance, 154, 179, 197–199

radio-frequency (RF) carrier, 18

radio-frequency (RF) ground, 145–146, 206–207

radio-frequency (RF) spectrum, 8–9

radio noise, 46

Radio Shack stores, 73

radioteletype, 17–18, 79–83

radio-wave propagation, 10–16

rag chewing, 253–254

random wire antenna, 60–61

raster, 103

ratio detector, 34

receiver incremental (or offset) tuning (RIT), 148, 251

rectangular response, 148

rectifier diodes, 158–159

rectifier circuits:

   full-wave, 159–160

   half-wave, 159

repeater, 101–103, 180–181, 238–239

rectangular response, 32

reflector in parasitic array, 213–214

regenerative receiver, 42

regulator chip, 162

retracing, 104

reverse-bias voltage, 159

ribbon line, 220, 222

RigBlaster Pro interface, 81, 157

ringing in audio filter, 36

ripple suppression, 161

RST system, 230–232

image S image

Saint Elmo’s fire, 173

selective squelching, 37

selectivity of receiver, 26

semi break-in operation, 148

sensitivity of receiver, 26–27

sferics, 46, 171–172

shape factor, 31, 148, 152

short-path signal, 50

shortwave band, definition of, 1, 41

shortwave broadcast bands, 44–54

   graph of, 53

   table of, 45

   11 meters, 52

   13 meters, 51

   15 meters, 51

   16 meters, 50

   19 meters, 50

   22 meters, 49

   25 meters, 49

   31 meters, 48–49

   41 meters, 48

   49 meters, 47–48

   60 meters, 46–47

   75 meters, 46

   90 meters, 46

   120 meters, 45–46

shortwave listening (SWL), 41–57

shortwave radio, definition of, 1

shortwave receiver, 2

signal-plus-noise-to-noise ratio, 26

signal reporting, 230–232

signal-to-noise ratio, 26

simplex, 101

simplex teleprinting over radio (SITOR), 91

SINAD (signal to noise and distortion), 151

single-conversion receiver, 28–29

single sideband (SSB), 7, 20–22, 96–100, 232–238

skip zone, 47

sky waves, 11–13

slope detection, 33

slow-scan television (SSTV), 105–106

small backup generators, 165–170

small loop antenna, 60–62

solar flares, 56–57

solar flux, 55, 171

solar noise, 171

space frequency in FSK, 32

spectral display, 19, 85–86

speech clipping, 100

speech compression, 98–99

splatter, 86–87, 99–100

split-band duplex, 247

split-frequency mode, 252

squelch sensitivity, 151

squelch threshold, 36–37

squelching, 36–37

solar flares, 14

solar noise, 15

sporadic-E propagation, 12

spread spectrum, 39–40

standing-wave ratio (SWR), 153, 185, 223–224

standing waves, 223–224

step-down transformer, 158

step-up transformer, 158

sunspot cycle, 55–56

sunspots, 54–57

superheterodyne receiver, 28–29

super high frequency (SHF), table, 9

surface waves, 11

surge protector, 140

SWR meter, 185, 189

synchronized communications, 38

image T image

telegraph key, 77

teleprinter, 79–80


   fast-scan, 103–105

   slow-scan, 105–106

terminal node controller (TNC), 93

time-division multiplexing, 38

time-shifting communications, 93

tone squelching, 102

transceiver for ham radio, 3–5

transformer, power, 158

transient suppressor, 140, 163–164

transmatch, 54, 144–145, 154–156, 184–185, 221

transmission lines, 217–224

transmit/receive (T/R) switch, 88

transmitter offset, 251

tropospheric bending, 13

tropospheric ducting, 13

tropospheric propagation, 13–14

tropospheric scatter (troposcatter), 13

tubular line, 220–221

twinlead, 222

image U image

UHF mobile operation, advantages of, 180

UHF portable operation, advantages of, 187–189

ultra high frequency (UHF), definition of, 2

umbra of sunspot, 54–55

uninterruptible power supply (UPS), 163

unmodulated carrier, 19

upper floors as ham station location, 146

upper sideband (USB), 19–21, 96–97

image V image

velocity factor, 199

vertical antenna, 201–203

vertical polarization, 10

very high frequency (VHF):

   definition of, 2

   table, 9

very low frequency (VLF), table, 9

voice-mode expressions in ham radio, 235–237

voltage doubler, 160

VHF mobile operation, advantages of, 180

VHF portable operation, advantages of, 187–189

VibroKeyer Deluxe, 78

VLF converters, 63–64

voice-operated transmission (VOX), 97–98

voltage regulation, 162

volt-ohm-milliammeter (VOM), 140

image W image

waterfall display, 67, 85–86

waveguide, 223

waveguide propagation, 58

wavelength versus frequency, 44

weight control for CW, 150

wideband frequency modulation (WBFM), 24, 101

words per minute (wpm), 16, 75–76

working DX, 250–253

W1AW code practice, 76

image XYZ image

Yagi antenna, 213–214

Zener diode, 162

zepp antenna, 200–201

zero beat, 27, 247

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