Chapter Thirteen

Green Specifications and Documentation


This chapter essentially consists of an explanation of Specifications writing—Types (e.g., closed or prescriptive specifications and open specifications) and the impact that new technologies are having on specification production. Specifications are necessary and are intended to complement production drawings. The principal objectives of specification writing are explained and how green building specifications can be incorporated into Construction Specifications Institute MasterFormat. Developing project manual is examined as the general project manual requirements. The popularity of the term “greening specifications” is examined as well as various versions of automated specification writing systems such as proprietary (product) specifications and InterSpec LLC. Finally, the issue liability, particularly, as it applies to “green” products is examined.


Closed specification; CSI MasterFormat; GreenFormat; Greenguard; Greening specifications; Mock-ups; Open specification; Progress payments; Project status report; RFI log

13.1. General—Overview

Working drawings and specifications are the primary working documents used by a contractor to bid and execute a project. Specifications are the written documents that go with the construction documents and describe the materials as well as the installation methods. They consist of precisely written documentation that describes a project to be constructed, supplementing drawings and forming part of the contract and describing qualities of materials, their methods of manufacture and installation into the project, workmanship and mode of construction, in addition to providing other information not shown in the drawings including description of the final result. Many designers have considerable difficulty preparing a competent set of standard building specifications, partly because it demands a shift of gears by having to use a different medium to express design content—using written documents instead of drawing. It also propels the designer into the technical realm of materials that are not normally dealt with on a daily basis and which the designer may not be up to speed on.
Specifications should complement the drawings, not overlap or duplicate information in the drawings, and normally prescribe the quality standards of construction expected on the project. Specifications indicate the procedure by means of which it may be determined whether the requirements given are satisfied. Because specifications are an integral part of the contract documents, they are considered to be legal documents, and should therefore be comprehensive, accurate, and clear. Specification writing has two principal objectives: (1) defining the scope of work and (2) acting as a set of instructions. Defining the scope of work is at the core of specification writing. The required level of quality of the product and services must be clearly communicated to bidders and the party executing the contract and ensuring that the completed project conforms to this specified quality. Projects now generally incorporate the specifications within a project manual that is issued as part of the contract documents package along with the drawings, bidding requirements, and other contract conditions. The specification writer should ensure that the requirements are compatible with the methods that are to be employed and also that the methods selected in one specification are compatible with those selected in another.
A primary function of project specifications is to give detailed information regarding materials and methods of work for a particular construction project. They cover various components relating to the project, including general conditions, scope of work, quality of materials, and standards of workmanship. The drawings, collectively with the project specifications, define the project in detail and clearly delineate exactly how it is to be constructed. The project drawings and specifications are an integral part of the contract documents and are inseparable. The drawings reflect what the project specifications are unlikely to cover; and the project specifications indicate what the drawings are unlikely to portray. Specifications are also sometimes used to further clarify details that are not adequately covered by the drawings and notes on the drawings. Project specifications will always take precedence over the drawings, should the information on the drawings conflict with that in the project specifications.
The Construction Specifications Institute’s (CSI) MasterFormat is the most widely used standard for organizing specifications for building projects in the United States and Canada. The CSI has established a widely recognized format of organization for the technical specifications. CSI is a nationwide organization composed of different segments related to the construction industry such as architects, engineers, manufacturers’ representatives, contractors, and other interested parties and have closely collaborated to develop this system of identification. These specification standards are noted in the MasterFormat which in 2004, which was expanded from 16 to 50 divisions as is described later in this chapter. It should be noted that the previous 1995 edition of the format is no longer be supported by CSI. Also, note that the MasterFormat 2011 Update which is produced jointly by the CSI and Construction Specifications Canada (CSC), replaces all previous editions.
In recent years, we have witnessed a fundamental change in specification writing due to Technology and green-related practices which have had a tremendous impact on the construction industry and on the general way we conduct our business and to which specification writing has been radically affected. Examples of this are specification production and reproduction which in a few short years has witnessed tremendous progress due to these new technologies. Master systems are now commercially available in electronic form allowing a specifier to simply load the master system into the computer and gets instant access to the master system, complete with drawing checklist and explanation sheets. Upon editing the relevant sections, a printout can be made with an audit trail that informs and records what has been deleted and what decisions remain undetermined. The CSI further comments that “Construction projects use many different kinds of delivery methods, products, and installation methods, but one thing is common to all – the need for effective teamwork by the many parties involved to ensure the correct and timely completion of work. The successful completion of projects requires effective communication amongst the people involved, and that in turn requires easy access to essential project information. Efficient information retrieval is only possible when a standard filing system is used by everyone. MasterFormat provides such a standard filing and retrieval scheme that can be used throughout the construction industry.”
Green building specifications can be easily incorporated into CSI MasterFormat in three general ways: (1) Environmental Protection Procedures, (2) Implementing Green Building Materials, and (3) Practical Application of Environmental Specifications.
It is also worth noting that on February 26, 2016, the Council on Environmental Quality issued the 2016 version of the Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings with the intent to reflect the evolution of sustainable building design, and construction, along with the following documents: (1) Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings and Associated Instructions. (2) Determining Compliance with the Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings.
Understanding the updated version of the Guiding Principles is especially important since the federal government has over 500,000 facilities comprising more than 3 billion square feet including national park buildings, airport towers, federal courthouses, offices, hospitals, laboratories, defense facilities, and research facilities.

13.2. Are Specifications Necessary?

The need for construction specifications is mainly because drawings alone typically fail to define the qualitative issues of a scheme. Specifications generally describe the materials and workmanship required for a development. They do not include cost, quantity, or drawn information, and so need to be read alongside other information such as quantities, schedules, and drawings. Well-executed specifications form the written portion of the contract documents that are used to execute the project. Design decisions are continuously made as drawings develop from schematic sketches to detailed design to construction documents. Drawings are intended to depict the general configuration and layout of a design, including its size, shape, and dimensions. It informs the contractor of the quantities of materials needed, their placement, and their general relationship to each other. Technical specifications are a critical component of the contract documents as they reflect the design intent and describes in detail the quality and character of materials, as well as the standards to which the materials and their installation are required to conform, in addition to other issues that are more appropriately represented in written, rather than graphic form. The bottom line is that no matter how beautiful a designer’s concept is, it is difficult to envisage the project being properly executed without clear, concise, accurate, and easily understood contract documents that include well-written specifications.
While it is true that construction drawings may contain all the information about a structure that can be presented graphically, it nevertheless omits information that the contractor must have but which is not adaptable to graphic presentation. Information in this category includes quality-related criteria for materials, specified standards of workmanship, prescribed construction methods, etc. In the event of a discrepancy existing between the drawings and the specifications, the specifications must be considered the final authority. For most projects the specification document will consist of a list of 50 divisions that usually starts with a section on general conditions. These are the rules of the job and provide the instructions for what to do in any of the anticipated situations on the project. The general conditions start with a general description of the building, including type of foundation, types of windows, character of framing, utilities to be installed, and so on. This is followed by definitions of terms used in the specs and then certain routine declarations of responsibility and other issues pertaining to the project.
Douglas D. Harding, a licensed California attorney, says that “Every project manager should be intimately aware of the general conditions to the project as part of his/her project administration effort.” Furthermore, without an actual knowledge of the general conditions on each project, contractors and subcontractors are also taking an unacceptable risk that may ultimately cause ruin. In this respect Harding lists a number of important general condition clauses that can directly impact the success of a project, if they are not given adequate attention or consideration:
• Progress Payments (when is it due? Is there a “condition precedent” clause?)
• Retention (How much and when is it due?)
• Change Orders (Overhead and profit; time extensions; inclusions)
• Delay (Notice and Time Impact Analysis)
• Scheduling (who has scheduling responsibilities? What kind of schedule is required? Is the subcontractor required to complete and maintain a schedule?)
• Order of Precedence (What is the order, do specs rule over drawings or do drawings rule over specs?)
• Notice (How many days after a delay to you have to give notice? How is notice to be delivered? verbally, by mail, by registered mail?)
It should be evident that even well-drawn construction drawings are unable to adequately reveal all the aspects of a construction project because there are many aspects that cannot be shown graphically. An example of this is trying to describe on a drawing the quality of workmanship required for the installation of electrical equipment or who bears responsibility for supplying the materials, except by extensive notes. For the majority of projects, the standard procedure then is to supplement construction drawings with written descriptions that define and limit the materials and fabrication according to the intent of the engineer or the designer. The specifications are therefore an important part of the project because they eliminate possible misinterpretation and ensure positive control of the construction.
Time and cost restraints tend to discourage individuals (or small firms) to venture to write a completely new set of specifications for each project that takes place. Because of this and other issues, specifiers often have to turn to alternative solutions. In this respect, the superiority and supremacy of using master systems over traditional specification writing is overwhelming. Moreover, because of liability issues, specifiers generally feel more comfortable relying on specifications that have repeatedly proven themselves in the past. Typical advantages of employing master systems include accuracy, the use of correct specification language and format for ease of specification preparation as well as the many sources, extensive product databases and reference material that is currently available and from which a complete set can be compiled for each new project. The master spec systems are also referred to when modification is implemented to fit the particular conditions of a given job, or new specifications are incorporated. Master systems contain guide specifications for many materials which are constantly updated; this allows the specifier to edit out unnecessary text rather than generate new information for each project. In November of 2009, CSI launched GreenFormat, an online database organizing sustainable product attributes. GreenFormat says it “is a web-based CSI format that allows manufacturers to accurately report the sustainability properties of their products. It provides designers, constructors and building operators with basic information to help meet ‘green’ requirements.
Manufacturers report the attributes of their products through a comprehensive, online questionnaire. Their entries are then displayed through, where designers, constructors and building operators can search for products that fit their projects.”
Some of the more popular sources from which specification material can be acquired are listed below, much of which can be retrieved from the Internet and public libraries:
• Master specifications (Masterspec, SPECSystem, MasterFormat, SpecText, Building Systems Design’s (BSD) Speclink, ezSPECS On-Line, 20-20 CAP Studio, and many others).
• Local and national codes and ordinances.
• Federal specifications (Specs-In-Tact, G.S.A., N.A.F.V.A.C., N.A.S.A.).
• National standards organizations such as the American National Standards Institute, National Institute of Building Sciences, the National Fire Protection Association, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Association for Contract Textiles.
• Manufacturers’ industry associations (Fire Equipment Manufacturers’ Association, American Plywood Association, The Brick Industry Association, etc.).
• Testing societies (American Society for Testing and Materials, American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Underwriters Laboratories).
• Manufacturers’ catalogs (Sweet’s Catalog File, Man-U-Spec, Spec-data).
• Industry-related magazines and publications (Construction Specifier, Architecture, Green Magazine On-line, Interior Design, Architectural Lighting, Architectural Record).
• Books on relevant subjects.
• Information from files of previously written specifications.
Additionally, numerous firms providing online specification writing services have emerged during recent years. These services can easily be found on the Internet.

13.3. Specifications—Types and Categories

In preparing a specification document, the specifier has to make an early determination in the process on which format or method is to be used to communicate the desired design intent to the contractor. Specifications vary considerably depending on the stage to which the design has been developed, ranging from basically two broad categories of specifications, performance specifications (open specifications) that require further design work to be carried out, to prescriptive specifications (closed specifications) where the design is already complete. Also, the advantage of having a prescriptive specification when a contract is tendered offers the client more certainty regarding the end product, whereas with a performance specification suppliers are given increased scope to innovate and adopt cost-effective methods of work, potentially offering better value for money. Within these two broad categories, there are four generic types of specifying construction products that are industry standards. These are:
1. Descriptive
2. Reference Standards
3. Performance
4. Proprietary
The type of specification chosen depends on several factors which are discussed below.

13.3.1. Closed or Prescriptive Specification

A closed (also called Restrictive) specification limits a product to a single manufacturer or a few brand-identified types or models and prohibits substitutions. This type of specification is more often used in the private sector in cases where specifiers feel more comfortable resorting to a specific propriety product with which they are familiar, and which will meet the specific criteria of the project. However, it should be noted that this procedure (particularly when only one product is named) is not competitive, and rarely attracts the most favorable price for the owner. Also, while the closed specification is common in private construction work, it is generally prohibited by the Code for public projects and is required by law to be bid under open specifications. An open specification allows products of any manufacturer to be used if the product meets the specified requirements.
The closed proprietary specification method is considered the easiest form to write but the most restrictive in application, because it names a specific manufacturer’s product. It generally establishes a narrower definition of acceptable quality than do performance or reference standard methods, and gives the designer complete control over what is installed. The specification can also be transformed into an open proprietary specification in which multiple manufacturers or products are named or alternatives solicited by adding the phrase “or equal.” This would increase potential competition and encourage a lower installation price from potential vendors. There are instances where a multiple choice may not be appropriate, as for example, in a renovation project where a specific brick is required for repairs to an existing brick facade. Open or Performance Specifications

Also called Nonrestrictive, this type of specification gives the contractor some choice in how to achieve the desired results and is the type required by the Public Contract Code. Proprietary specifications may also be used as open specifications but with the addition of the “or equal” clause, which allows the contractor to consider other products for bid if they are shown to be equal in performance and specifications. Due to the ambiguity surrounding this clause, and the disagreements it often perpetuates, specifiers generally shy away from incorporating it into the proprietary specifications.

Descriptive Specifications

This is a method of open specifications that are gaining popularity and are sometimes referred to as prescriptive specifications. As the name implies, this type of specification describes in detail the requirements for the material or product and the workmanship required for its fabrication and installation without providing a trade name. Government agencies sometimes stipulate this type of specifications to allow greater competition among product manufacturers. Descriptive specifications are more difficult to write than proprietary ones because the specifier is required to include all the product’s relevant physical characteristics in the specification bearing in mind the specifier has already decided that the specified product meets functional needs. For an individual product, proprietary, performance, and descriptive specifying techniques may be used.

Reference Standard

Reference standards specify standards such as ASTM, ASHRAE, State of California, Federal, etc. The various manufacturers must meet these standards. This standard basically describes a material, product, or process referencing a recognized industry standard or test method as the basis for the specification and is often used to specify generic materials such as portland cement or clear glass. Thus, in specifying gypsum wallboard for example, the specification can state that all gypsum wallboard products shall meet the requirements of ASTM C36. It is worth mentioning that a number of construction industry members have voiced the opinion that specifications should not only make references to the applicable standards, but they should also quote the relevant parts of the referenced standards.
With the Reference Standard specification, the product is described in detail so that the specifier is relieved of the necessity to repeat the requirements but can instead refer to the recognized industry standard. In employing a reference standard, the specifier should not only possess a copy of that standard, but should also know what is required by the standard, including choices that may be contained therein, and which should be enforced by all suppliers. This type of specification is generally short and fairly straightforward and easy to write. In addition, the use of reference standard specifications reduces a firm’s liability and the possibility for errors.

Performance Specifications

This type of specification has been developed over recent years for many types of construction operations. Rather than specifying the required construction process, performance specifications establish the performance requirements of the finished facility without dictating the methods by which the end results are to be achieved. The precise method by which this performance is obtained is left to the construction contractor. This gives the greatest latitude to contractors because it allows them to use any material or system that meets the required performance criteria, provided the results can be verified by measurement, tests, or other acceptable methods. Performance specifications are difficult to write; the specifier needs to know all the criteria for a product or system, determine an appropriate method for testing compliance, and write a clear and lucid document. This requires sufficient data to be provided to ensure that the product can be adequately demonstrated. Performance specifications are primarily used in cases where a specifier wants to inspire new ways of achieving a particular result in specifying complex systems.

Proprietary (Product) Specifications

This type of construction specification for a product often uses a combination of methods to convey the designer’s intent. It is normally written by referencing specific products by manufacturer and brand or model name and applies to materials and equipment. For example, a specification for a terra-cotta tile would use a proprietary specification to name the product or products selected by the specifier, a descriptive specification to specify the size and design, and a reference standard to specify the ASTM standard, grade, and type required. It is distinguished from prescriptive specifications in that the physical characteristics are inferred, rather than explicitly stated. For an individual product, proprietary, performance, and descriptive specifying techniques may be used. Proprietary specifications can be made “open” by adding the phrase “or equal.”

13.4. Developing the Project Manual

The CSI developed the first standard format for organizing construction information in 1963 and which later became known as MasterFormat. In 1964 the American Institute of Architects (AIA) developed the concept of the “Project Manual,” primarily to meet the pressing need for a consistent arrangement of building construction specifications. The Project Manual consists of an assemblage of documents related to the construction work on a project, and which is employed to guide the construction process. It typically includes bidding requirements (contract forms, bonds, certificates, etc.), sample documents, conditions of the contract, and the technical specifications which together with the drawings, constitute the contract documents. The project manual has gained general acceptance in the industry and is greatly preferred to the traditional method of organizing the project manual which was previously a matter of individual preference by the design firm producing them, resulting in a wide diversity of method around the country that became very confusing. As design firms and contractors became increasingly nationwide in their operations, the Project Manual continued to develop and while it may differ depending on the size and type of project, a typical project manual may include, but not be limited to:
• General Project information: This includes:
Title Page to include names and addresses of all parties responsible for the development of the project (owners, architects, civil engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, and structural engineers) in addition to a statement of compliance by the architect or engineer of record.
Table of Contents.
Schedule of Drawings.
• Bidding Requirements. This applies where contracts are awarded through the bidding process. These would include:
Invitation to Bid and Advertisement for Bids.
Instructions to Bidders, including Prequalification forms, Bid forms, Information available to bidders, date and time of bid opening and notice of pre-bid conference.
• Contract forms may include:
Sample Forms. Include Public Entity Crime Form, Owner/Contractor Agreement, Performance and Payment Bond, Change Order, Bid Form which may require the general contractor’s license number, may include a subcontractors list and license numbers, and other project forms.
Bonding Requirements. Labor and Materials payment bonds are required on projects costing above a certain amount.
Bid Security in the to be submitted in form of a certified check, cashier’s check, treasurer’s check, or bank draft of any national or state bank.
Performance Bond and Materials and Payment Bond. Each bond shall equal one hundred (100%) percent of the contract amount.
Insurance Requirements:
Worker’s compensation and employer’s liability.
Public liability to include personal injury, bodily injury, and property damage.
Products and completed operations liability.
Owner’s protective liability.
Business automobile liability, including owned, nonowned, and hired automobiles.
Property all-risks coverage to one hundred (100%) percent of the value at risk, subject to acceptable deductibles.
Contract Conditions: General conditions of the contract such as AIA Form 201 or similar preprinted forms. Supplementary conditions include anything that is not covered in the general conditions, such as addenda (changes made before contract signing), and change orders (changes made after contract signing). In addition, Contract Conditions include:
    General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions including, but not limited to, the following:
Deductive alternates must be used if bidding is to take place on a project where funds are in jeopardy of reversion and a rebid process would not be possible within remaining time available, and when the Client wants to preserve the option to negotiate with the apparent low bidder.
Notice of time limit and method of payment to the contractor including final payment.
Time limit in which the construction is to be completed.
The penalty to be paid by the contractor for failure to comply with the time limits of the contract.
Federal wage rates and hourly scales shall be used where applicable. Federal wage rates are not required for construction projects financed totally from local or state funds.
A provision setting forth who should pay for standard tests of concrete, plumbing, electrical, steel, and others as required by industry standards.
The Client may include an incentive in the contract for early completion of the project.
• Technical specifications: These provide written technical requirements concerning building materials, components, systems, and equipment shown on the Drawings with regard to standards, workmanship quality, performance of related services, and stipulated results to be achieved by application of construction methods (Fig. 13.1).
Being legal documents, the specification language must be written in a clear precise and unambiguous manner in order to communicate the intended concept. In this respect, a convention has developed over the years as to what specific information should be shown on the drawings and what should more appropriately be included in the specifications. Drawings should depict information that can be most aptly and effectively expressed graphically by means of drawings and diagrams. This would include relevant information such as dimensions, sizes, proportions, gauges, arrangements, locations, and interrelationships. Additionally, drawings are used to express quantity, whereas specifications normally describe quality. Also, drawings would denote type (e.g., wood), whereas specifications will clarify the species (e.g., oak). Well-written specifications on the other hand are essentially based on a number of broad general principles as outlined below:
• Specifications should only transmit information that lends itself to the written word, such as standards, descriptions, procedures, guarantees, and names.
• Specifications should be clear, concise, and technically correct.
• Specifications should avoid the use of ambiguous words that could lead to misinterpretation.
• Specifications should be written using simple words in short, easy-to-understand sentences.
Figure 13.1 The MasterSpec Small Project 2005 Combined Table of Contents for a small project—MasterFormat 2004—section text only. Source: American Institute of Architects.
• Specifications should use technically correct terms, and avoid slang or “field” words.
• Specifications should avoid fielding conflicting requirements.
• Specifications should avoid repeating requirements stated elsewhere in the Contract.
Confusion may result in some cases when there are exceptions to these understandings. For example, building departments of the majority of municipalities will only accept drawings with applications for building permits, and refuse to accept a project manual with specifications. Additionally, all data demonstrating building code compliance must be indicated on the drawings. However, the repetition of identical data on both the specifications and the drawings exposes the documents to potential errors and inconsistency. To achieve better communication, the specifier should:
• Avoid specifying standards that cannot be measured or phrases that are subject to wide interpretation.
• Avoid specifications that are impossible for the contractor to execute.
• Use clear, simple, direct statements, concise use of terms, and attention to grammar and punctuation. Avoid use of words or phrases that are ambiguous and imply a choice that may not be intended.
• Be impartial in designating responsibility. Avoid exculpatory clauses such as, “the General Contractor shall be totally responsible for all…,”which try to shift responsibility.
• Describe only one important idea per paragraph to make reading easier while facilitating comprehension, editing and modifying at a later date. Specifications to be kept as short and concise as possible, omitting words like all, the, an, and a.
• Capitalize the following: (1) the contract documents, such as Specifications, Working Drawings, Contract, Clause, Section, Supplementary Conditions; (2) major parties to the contract, such as Contractor, Client, Owner, Architect; (3) specific rooms within the building, such as Living Room, Kitchen, Office; (4) grade of materials, such as No. 1 Douglas Fir, FAS White Oak; and, of course, (5) all proper names.
• Avoid underlining anything in a specification, as this implies that the remaining material can be ignored.
• Ensure that the terms Shall and Will are used correctly. “Shall” designates a command: “The Contractor shall….” whereas “Will” implies choice: “The Owner or Architect will….”
It is imperative that the specifications and construction drawings are fully coordinated as they complement each other. Moreover, they should not contain conflicting requirements, errors, omissions, or duplications. Below is a summary of project manual requirements for a new construction project.

Summary—General Project Manual Requirements (to Be Edited as Required Based on Nature of the Project)

List of contacts
Location Map/Site Plan/Building Plans/Elevations (reduced scale)
Borrowers Loan Agreement
A/E Agreement (design Services)
CM Agreement
Construction Agreement
Consultant Services Agreement
Additional Service Billings
Project Analysis Report
Project Status Report Template
Borrower’s Draw Requests
Construction Schedule
GC/CM Applications for payment (current and log)
Change Order/Pending Change Order Log
Change Orders
Submittal Log
Buyout/Subcontractor Log
Vendor Log

13.5. Specification Organization and Format

Over the decades, many revisions and expansions to MasterFormat have occurred due to changes in the construction industry. The CSI and CSC originally created the 16-division MasterFormat in 1963. Today, this format is widely used both in the United States and Canada for preparing construction specifications concerning nonresidential building projects. MasterFormat has become the standard for titling and arranging construction project manuals containing bidding requirements, contracting requirements, and specifications. Since its inception the CSI struggled to try to standardize the specification numbering system and the format of the Sections, which produced a modified MasterFormat in 1995.
During recent years, the CSI actively sought to further improve MasterFormat by adding new divisions to the system. In a concerted effort to address the rapidly evolving and growing computer and communications technology, a modified MasterFormat was introduced in 2004 which included a significant expansion and reorganization of the Project Manual Division numbers. In the new MasterFormat edition division numbers are increased from 16 to 50, of which 13 divisions are left blank to provide room for future revisions and to allow construction products and technology to evolve (Fig. 13.2). The revised numbering system allows for more than 100 times the number of subjects at the same level when compared to the old numbering system.
MasterFormat is a well-structured system employed by specifiers for organizing information into project manuals, for organizing cost data, for filing product information and other technical data, as well as for identifying drawing objects and presenting construction market data. The CSI describes it as a master list of numbers and titles for organizing information relating to construction requirements, products, and activities into a standard sequence. Although construction projects use a number of different delivery methods, products and installation, effective communication among the people involved on a project is crucial to achieve the successful completion of a project. MasterFormat facilitates standard filing and retrieval schemes throughout the construction industry, since without a standard filing system familiar to each user information retrieval would be almost impossible. This continuous effort to modify and enhance the MasterFormat is driven in part by the radical changes in the construction marketplace particularly with the development of new technologies.
The new MasterFormat standard provides a master list of divisions, and section numbers and titles within each division, to follow in organizing information about a facility’s construction requirements and associated activities. Standardizing the presentation of information improves communication among all parties involved in construction projects. A full explanation of the titles used in MasterFormat is provided giving a general description of the coverage for each title. A keyword index of requirements, products, and activities is also provided to help users find appropriate numbers and titles for construction subjects. The current MasterFormat groups, subgroups, and divisions consist essentially of dividing the Specs into 50 Divisions. The newest MasterFormat’s 2016 edition can be obtained via CSI’s online bookstore at The MasterFormat 2004 Edition Divisions are:
Figure 13.2 The revised 2004 MasterFormat edition which has replaced the 1995 edition. Source: Construction Specification Institute, Inc.
It should be noted that CSI and CSC, through a joint MasterFormat Maintenance Task Team, continuously evaluate suggestions for revisions, and update the resource biannually. The newest edition (2016 edition) has been improved to be even more useful, although the vast majority of the resource have not changed. Nevertheless it is important to visit the CSI Website for latest updates (

13.5.1. Specification Section Format

This provides a uniform standard for arranging specification text in a project manual’s sections using a three-part format, and reduces the probability of omissions or duplications in a specification section. According to the CSI, “Rather than grouping administrative, product requirements and execution requirements under each product separately, SectionFormat provides a uniform approach to organizing specification text within each section. SectionFormat is based upon the principle that a section should be organized by grouping the administrative requirements, product requirements, and execution requirements for each product together.” Thus each Specification Section covers a particular trade or subtrade (e.g., drywall, carpet, ceiling tiles). Furthermore, each Section is divided into three basic parts, each of which contains the specifications about a particular aspect of each trade or subtrade (Fig. 13.3). The updates are intended to reflect changes in the industry related to advancements in information technology and electronic publishing.
Figure 13.3 An example of a product specification, in this case a carpet for a Hilton Garden Inn hotel chosen for the guest bedrooms. The vendor is Templeton Carpet. Source: Paradigm Design Group.
CSI notes that “PageFormat offers a recommended arrangement of text on a specification page within a project manual, by providing a framework for consistently formatting and designating articles, paragraphs and subparagraphs. It also includes guidance for page numbers and margins.” CSI states that recent updates to PageFormat focused on making documents easier to read without limiting specific technology or processing methods. The updated version offers greater freedom to use sophisticated publishing and electronic media techniques on a wider variety of display devices.

Part 1: General

This part of the specification outlines the general requirements for the section and describes the administrative, procedural, and temporary requirements unique to the section. Part 1 is an extension of subjects covered in Division 1 and amplifies information unique to the section. In general, it outlines quality control requirements, delivery and job conditions requirements, trades with which this section needs to be coordinated with, and specifies what submittals are required for review prior to ordering, fabricating, or installing material for that Section. It generally consists of the following:
1. Description and Scope: This Article should include administrative and procedural requirements specific to the Section. It should also specify the scope of the work and the interrelationships between work in this Section and the other sections. It should also include a list of important generic types of products, work, and specified requirements. In addition, it should include the following:
a. Products Supplied but not installed: List products that are only supplied under this Section but whose installation is specified in other sections.
b. Products installed but not supplied: List products that are only installed under this Section but furnished under other sections.
c. Allowances: List products and work included in the section that are covered by quantity allowances or cash allowances. Do not include cash amounts. Descriptions of items should be included in Part 2 or Part 3.
d. Unit Prices: Include statements relating to the products and work covered by unit prices and the method to be used for measuring the quantities.
e. Measurement Procedures: State the method to be used for measurement of quantities. Complete technical information for products and types of work should be specified in the appropriate articles of Part 2 and Part 3.
f. Payment Procedures: Describe the payment procedures to be used for measurement of quantities used in unit price work. Complete technical information for products and types of work should be incorporated in the appropriate articles of Part 2 and Part 3.
g. References: List standards referenced elsewhere in the Section, complete with designations and titles. Industry standards and associations may be identified here. This Article does not require compliance with standards but merely a listing of those used.
h. Definitions: Define unusual terms not explained in the Contracting Requirements and that are utilized in unique ways not included in standard references.
i. Alternates: Check whether the acceptability of alternatives is detailed in the General Requirements.
2. Quality Assurances: To include prerequisites, standards, limitations, and criteria that establishes an acceptable level of quality for products and workmanship. To achieve this the following are required to be considered:
a. Qualifications: List statements of qualifications of consultants, contractors, subcontractors, manufacturers, fabricators, installers, and applicators of products and completed work.
b. Regulatory Requirements: Describes obligations for compliance with specific code requirements for contractor designed items and for public authorities and regulatory agencies including product environmental requirements.
c. Certifications: Includes statements to certify compliance with specific requirements.
d. Field Samples: Includes statements to establish standards used to evaluate the work with the assistance of Field Samples. These are physical examples representing finishes, coatings, or a material finish such as wood, brick, or concrete.
e. Mock-ups: Includes statements to establish standards by which the work will be evaluated by the use of full Mock-ups. These are full size assemblies erected for construction review, testing, operation, coordination of specified work, and training of the trades.
f. Pre-installation Meetings: Determine requirements for meetings to coordinate products and techniques, and to sequence related work for sensitive and complex items.
3. Submittals: Include but not limited to requests for certain types of documentary data and affirmations of the manufacturer or contractor to be furnished as per the contract. Includes requests for specific types of product data and shop drawings for review as well as submittal of product samples and other relevant information, including warranties, test and field reports, environmental certifications, maintenance information, installation instructions and specifics for closeout submittals.
4. Product Handling, Delivery, and Storage: To furnish instructions for various activities to include:
a. Packing, Shipping, Handling, and Unloading: Specify requirements for packing, shipping, handling, and unloading that are pertain to products, materials, equipment, and components specified in the section.
b. Acceptance at Site: Describe the conditions of acceptance of items at the project site. This normally applies to owner provided products.
c. Storage and Protection: Outline special measures including temperature control that is needed to prevent damage to specific products prior to application or installation.
d. Waste Management and Disposal: Affirm any special measures required to minimize waste and dispose of waste for specific products.
5. Project and Site Conditions: Determine physical or environmental conditions or criteria that are to be in place prior to installation, including temperature control, humidity, ventilation, and illumination required to achieve proper installation or application. Statements that reference documents where information may be found pertaining to such items as existing structures or geophysical reports. For example, all wall tiling should be completed prior to cabinet installation.
6. Sequencing and Scheduling: This is required where timing is critical and where tasks and/or scheduling need to be coordinated and follow a specific sequence.
7. Maintenance: List items to be supplied by the contractor to the owner for future maintenance and repair. Delineate provisions for maintenance services applicable to critical systems, equipment, and landscaping.
8. Warranties: Terms and conditions of special or warranty or bonds covering the conformance and performance of the work should be spelled out and the Owner should be provided with copies.
9. System Startup, Owner’s Instructions, Commissioning: List applicable requirements to the startup of the various systems. Include requirements for the instruction of the owner’s personnel in the operation of equipment and systems. State requirements for Commissioning of applicable systems to ensure installation and operation are in full compliance with design criteria.
10. System Description: Describe performance or design requirements and functional requirements of a complete system. Limit descriptions to composite and operational properties to the extent necessary to link multiple components of a system together, and to interface with other systems.

Part 2: Products

This Section describes the materials, products, equipment, fabrications, components, mixes systems and assemblies being specified and that are required for incorporation into the project. This section also details the standards to which the materials or products must conform to so as to fulfill the specifications, and similar concerns. Materials and products are included with the quality level required. Included in the itemized subsections are:
1. Manufacturers: This Section is used when writing a proprietary specification, and will include a list approved manufacturers. The Section should be coordinated with the Product Options and Substitutions Section. Names of manufacturers may be supplemented by the addition of brand names, model numbers, or other product designations.
2. Materials, Furnishings, and Equipment: A list should be provided of materials to be used. If writing descriptive or performance specifications, detail the performance criteria for materials, furnishings, and equipment. Describe the function, operation, and other specific requirements of equipment. This article may be omitted and the materials included with the description of a particular manufactured unit, equipment, component, or accessory. Environmental concerns such as toxicity, recycled content, and recyclability can be addressed here.
3. Manufactured Units: Fully describe the complete manufactured unit, such as standard catalog items.
4. Components: Describe the specific components of a system, manufactured unit, or type of equipment.
5. Accessories: Describe requirements for secondary items that aid and assist specified primary products or are necessary for preparation or installation of those items. This Article should not include basic options available for manufactured units and equipment.
6. Mixes: This Section specifies the procedures and proportions of materials to be used when site mixing a particular product. This Article relates mainly to materials such as mortar and plaster.
7. Fabrication: Describe manufacturing, shop fabrication, shop assembly of equipment and components, and construction details should be given. Specify allowable variations from specified requirements.
8. Finishes: Describe shop or factory finishing here.
9. Source Quality Control: Indicate requirements for quality control at off-site fabrication plants.
a. Tests, Inspection: Describe tests and inspections of products that are required at the source, i.e., plant, factory, mill, or shop.
b. Verification of Performance: State requirements for procedures and methods for verification of performance or compliance with specified criteria before items leave the shop or plant.
10. Existing Products: Create list of characteristics of assemblies, components, products, or materials that much match existing work, including matching material, finish, style, or dimensions. Specify compatibility between new and existing in-place products.

Part 3: Execution

The Section describes the quality of work—the standards and requirements specified in the installation of the products and materials. Site-built assemblies and site-manufactured products and systems are included. This part of the Specification specifies basic on-site work and includes provisions for incorporating products in the project. It also describes the conditions under which the products are to be installed, the protection required, and the closeout and postinstallation cleaning and protection procedures. The subheadings in this Section include:
1. Inspection: Define what the Contractor is required to do, for example, to the subsurface, prior to installation. Sample wording may include, “the moisture content of the concrete should meet manufacturer’s specifications, prior to installation of the flooring material.”
2. Preparation: Specify actions required to prepare the surface, area, or site to incorporate the primary products of the section. Also stipulate the improvements to be made prior to installation, application, or erection of primary products. Describe protection methods for existing work.
3. Installation, construction, and Performance: The specific requirements for each finish should be specified, as well as the quality of work to be achieved and includes:
a. Special Techniques: Describe special procedures for incorporating products which may include spacings, patterns, or unique treatments.
b. Interface with Other Work: Include descriptions specific to compatibility and transition to other materials. This may include incorporating accessories, anchorage, as well any special separation or bonding.
c. Sequences of Operations: Describe the required sequences of operation for each system or piece of equipment.
d. Site Tolerances: State allowable variations in application thicknesses or from indicated locations.
4. Field Quality Control: State quality control requirements for on-site activities and installed materials, manufactured units, equipment, components, and accessories. Specify the tests and inspection procedures to be used to determine the quality of the finished work.
5. Protection: Where special protection is necessary for a particular installation, such as marble flooring, this Section must be included. Provisions for protecting the work after installation but prior to acceptance by the owner should be cited.
6. Adjust: Describe final requirements to prepare installed products to perform properly.
7. Clean: Describe in detail the cleaning requirements for the installed products.
8. Schedules: To be used only if deemed necessary. When schedules are included indicate item/element/product/equipment and their location.
9. Demonstration: State installer or manufacturer requirements to demonstrate or to train the owner’s personnel in the operation and maintenance of equipment.

13.6. Greening Specifications

The term “greening specifications” seems to be increasingly being used in the industry. But when greening your specs, e.g., by introducing resource- or energy-efficient methods or materials, there are two important questions that should be asked:
• Should the specifications callout or emphasize new green attributes to ensure that bidders take particular notice, or should the modified specs be quietly woven in so that contractors and subcontractors don’t utilize this to make a bigger (and more expensive) deal out of the changes than they reasonably should?
• Should the “green” additions be placed throughout the body of the specs, or should it be all gathered into one place where everyone can see it and where it is easy to update over time?
There are many opinions regarding these questions and considerable merit to go around for each of the answers to them. There are also numerous articles on Green Specifications on the Internet and it would be prudent to research this. There are also several green organizations such as GreenFormat (a web-based CSI format). Below are comments that may be helpful in greening your project:
• Integrate the green specs into your conventional ones without necessarily putting a particular emphasis on them.
• Establish the purpose of going green in your general or introductory specs.
• Use a program of high-performance scopes of work that integrates the various trade contractors work with pre- and postwork checklists and performance-based verifications.
• Take advantage of available Green Specification software programs to generate your specs.
For some guidance on these early sections of your specs, see the GreenSpec “Introduction to Guideline Specifications.” According to, “These guideline specifications are designed to be modified as needed for new development, retrofits, and maintenance. They are organized into three Division 01 sections:
• 01 81 09 Testing for Indoor Air Quality
• 01 81 13 Sustainable Design Requirements
• 01 91 00 General Commissioning Requirements
Together, these three sections provide an overview of sustainable design requirements that might be appropriate in a wide variety of projects. When these sections are used in actual project specifications, specific requirements must be inserted throughout the construction documents to ensure compliance with the sustainable design intent.”
In many specifications we find the phrase “or equivalent,” or “approved equal” as a substitute for the original product. This is particularly important in green specifications because of the large amount of misinformation and “greenwashing” that plagues the market. It is therefore important to be precise and very clear upon which attributes the determination of equivalency is based upon. Some of the many green attributes that could be important in a green product specification include—recycled-content, durability, reusability, emissions, biodegradability, etc. It will not be fair to the owner, the contractor, design consultant, or the employees/occupants if it’s not clear from the outset what will constitute a fair substitution.
The CSI offers the following sample outline to illustrate its three-part SectionFormat with respect to environmental specifications of products:

CSI Green Product Specification Outline

Part 1. General
1. Environmental Requirements
1. List applicable environmental standards, regulations, and requirements.
2. Include VOC requirements.
3. List recycled content requirements.
4. Identify reuse, recycling, and salvaging methods.
5. Reference Division 1 Environmental Procedures for Construction.
i) VOCs or chemicals to avoid.
ii) General environmental procedures.
iii) Reuse, recycling, or salvaging requirements.
iv) Healthful building maintenance.
Part 2. Products
2. Specific Environmental Product Attributes
1. Product contains no xxxx chemicals (list and identify).
2. Product contains xx percent recycled content:
i) Identify postindustrial recycled content.
ii) Identify postconsumer recycled content.
3. Product is recyclable after useful life.
4. Product is certified by an independent third party.
i) Recycled content.
ii) Sustainably harvested.
5. Product is durable (list warranty).
6. Product is moisture resistant (if applicable).
7. Include any other environmental attributes.
Part 3. Execution
3. Environmental Procedures
1. Address environmental installation of materials.
2. Include protection of materials.
3. Identify environmental methods of cleanup.
4. Include recycling of scrap during construction.
5. Reference Division 1 Environmental Procedures.
The primary purpose of sample specifications is basically to supplement rather than replace the standard specifications. Model green specs are designed to be edited, adapted, and incorporated into the standard specifications of building projects and generally augment standard specifications by providing additional environmental information, such as Sustainable Building criteria, definitions, and performance requirements.

13.7. Computerized Specification Writing Systems

Computer technology has been evolving at an unusually rapid pace in recent years, which may be why the era of manually prepared building specifications finds itself rapidly disappearing into the annals of history. Indeed, over the past decade, a number of firms have emerged that have developed various versions of automated specification writing systems and many now offer these services online to architects, interior designers, engineers, and others. And while computer-aided drafting (CAD) has revolutionized the drawing process, many architects and designers no longer possess the knowledge, expertise, or interest to write specifications for their projects. Computer software has reduced the need for some of the traditional skills shaped by years of experience writing construction specifications. Computer resources offer practitioners greater efficiency and the ability to deal with continually expanding compilations of information and provide almost immediate access to information from thousands of applicable electronic databases. This is coupled with an increasingly complex construction industry, changing methods of procurement, and the tremendous pressure on architects and designers to prepare contract documentation, including the specifications of the highest quality and in less time. This is further complicated by the fact that the complexity of new commercial construction requires continually updated knowledge, particularly with the adoption of new “green” codes (e.g., The International Green Construction Codes) and more eco-friendly products. With the changing nature of the industry and its new energy-efficient products, laws, environmental regulations, techniques for assembling products, and building industry practices cannot be adequately presented in educational courses for engineers and architects. Specialists are therefore urgently needed to manage and update information gathered from the many new products and innovations in the construction industry.
Today, there are an increasing number of automated CAD specification packages on the market. Of the better known firms is BSD SpecLink. This is an automated master guide and specification management system for production of specifications, with built-in intelligence designed to help you significantly speed up editing tasks and reduce specification production time while minimizing errors and omissions. Combined with the industry’s most comprehensive and up-to-date master database, SpecLink enables you to accelerate your specification development with tremendous accuracy and integrity.
The software system includes specification sections designed for use in construction documents, short form specifications, and design criteria documents. Furthermore, with SpecLink images can now be inserted into the text of up to 100K in size, from any of the following formats: Windows bitmap (.bmp), Windows metafile (.wmf), Portable Network Graphics (.png), JPEG File Interchange Format (.jpg,.jpeg), or Graphics Interchange Format (.gif). Hyperlinks can also now be inserted to Websites into the text. SpecLink uses master guide specifications in CSI 3-part format, and contains a database of over 780 master specification sections and over 120,000 data links that automatically include related requirements and exclude incompatible options as you select specification text. BSD also developed the PerSpective early design performance specifications organized by CSI UniFormat, which is the industry’s first commercially available database of performance-based specifications (Fig. 13.4).
Another well-known program is InterSpec LLC which uses a proprietary technology that provides construction document management solutions and services built on its patented e-SPECS specification management technology (Fig. 13.5). e-SPECS software automates the specification process by extracting the product and material requirements directly from the project drawings; it also connects a large database of building specifications to an electronic architectural drawing of the project. Furthermore, e-SPECS integrates directly with Autodesk’s AutoCAD, AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD MEP, and all Revit based applications in addition to supporting all libraries of MasterSpec. Interspec also has a do-it-yourself program designed for architects and designers with small projects which can be very helpful for the small firm.
For architects and engineers who spend many hours on every project preparing construction specifications, e-SPECS software is a proprietary browser-based specification management system that saves time and money while ensuring that the specifications agree with the construction documents. With this system the designer can also access the specs through the Internet and make alterations as the specs are being written. Like other automated systems, e-Specs service will enable design professionals to increase their productivity while simultaneously reduce their costs. Also, by linking the architect’s CAD drawings to the master guide specifications, there is no longer the need to mail or deliver large blueprint drawings to the spec writer. Moreover, with these automated systems, the designer can input all required information at the earliest phases of the project, before any drawings are even available, in addition to being able to almost instantly obtain an outline or preliminary specification of the project. InterSpec also announced a major upgrade to its e-SPECS specification management systems, and has recently released its Version 7.0 of e-SPECS which includes Revit Phase Support, Office Master Updater, and Enhanced Publishing Functionality. GreenWizard and InterSpec have formed Collaborative Partnership, and InterSpec says that future integrated tools from InterSpec and GreenWizard will help solve issues of green and LEED-oriented materials’ specification, including product discovery and evaluation.
Figure 13.4 Building Systems Design’s SpecLink Summary Catalog Listing and Computer Screen printout. SpecLink is one of the many electronic specification services that have emerged in recent years. Source: Building Systems Design, Inc.
Figure 13.5 e-SPECS is an automated computer software system that integrates specifications with CAD and BIM applications. It can extract all the project requirements from the Revit model and allows direct access to the specs directly within Revit facilitating redlining and commenting in collaboration with the team members. Source: InterSpec, Inc.
SpecsIntact System (Specifications-Kept-Intact) is another automated software system available for preparing standardized facility construction specifications used in facility construction projects worldwide. SpecsIntact was initially developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to assist architects, engineers, specification writers, project managers, construction managers, and other professionals doing business with the three government agencies using it, i.e., the NASA, the US Naval Facilities Engineering Command, and the US Army Corps of Engineers. According to its authors, the system provides quality assurance reports and automated functions that reduce the time required to complete project specifications. The Unified Facilities Guide Specifications Master that is employed by SpecsIntact are divided into functional Divisions according to the CSI format, with each Division containing related specification Sections. The principal elements within the Sections are annotated using SpecsIntact’s application of the Extensible Markup Language. This tagging scheme provides the intelligence that SpecsIntact uses in automatically processing these Sections.
20-20 CAP Studio is an integrated package of applications that automate the design and specification process, and contains two base applications, 20-20 CAP Designer and 20-20 CAP Worksheet. CAP Designer is a CAD-based design tool operated within AutoCAD. CAP Worksheet is a power specification tool used for product pricing, specification, and estimating. The program has the ability to import complete large-scale space plans and layouts into CAP Worksheet for full specification, discounting, and order entry. The program specializes in furniture specification.
ARCOM recently announced its “revolutionary” Altarix product, a new productivity tool in its SpecWare suite of specification software. Its authors claim that “Altarix is easy and intuitive to use, with a sleek interface that is more than just a document processor. Altarix provides standard functions like the ability to:
• Add, delete, and edit specification text
• Select options and automatically add punctuation
• Globally format all sections in a project
• Globally set headers and footers for a project
But Altarix goes beyond these basic capabilities and provides tools specially designed for specifiers, allowing them to:
• Add project notes and automatically track their status and resolution
• Insert specification sections into a project from another project
• Easily jump from one location in a specification section to another location
• Track completion progress for each specification section
Specifiers have complete control over their documents and can change the specifications as fast as clients change their mind.” Specifiers can also produce complete project manuals with the Altarix program.
This continuously evolving technology is transforming the way architects and interior designers prepare specifications for construction projects. The main advantages of automated systems are that they can provide greater accuracy, in less time, and at a lower cost. These systems also eliminate or minimize costly construction modifications caused by omissions, discrepancies, or improper quality controls. A firm’s proprietary interactive online editing systems can be integrated into the specification development process over the Internet with secure password access. A completed specification manual can readily be delivered online for client downloading, and easily be printed and bound, or presented on CD-ROM. For smaller design firms that lack necessary resources, outsourcing may be worth considering as the most effective way to proceed on a project.

13.8. Liability Issues

There are several international associations in place to facilitate legal, technical, and political issues of international concern to the construction industry. All professionals including architects and engineers are expected to exercise reasonable care and skill in the implementation and execution of the various aspects of their work. The level of performance by professionals should be consistent with that normally provided by other qualified practitioners under similar circumstances. However, this does not imply that projects will be executed to 100% perfection at all times, although the risk is now increased with the presence of “green” liability issues. In this respect, Advanced Control Corp. claims that “Many challenges facing risk managers and insurers in developing coverage for “green” construction projects are similar to traditional construction risks with just a few differences. The difference generally being new technology and materials, which are untested and often experimental, and can lead to unfounded expectations. Green construction focus has brought to the table a whole new set of problems regarding what kind of damages may arise from green building projects, all the way from how to define them in insurance policies to coverage of damages and the services provided.”
However, the law relating to professional responsibility and liability has in recent years become very active and has assumed unprecedented urgency; the parameters of risk and exposure have expanded dramatically in professional practice, so that under current law, if a professional designer enters into a contractual agreement and specifies a subsystem of a commercial or institutional space, he/she assumes responsibility for the satisfactory performance of that system. Another area that is emerging and that is causing significant concern is exposure relating to the liability of the professional designer to third parties who have no connection with the contract for claims of negligence or design errors that allegedly lead to injury of persons using the building. The legal bases for the majority of liability suits often overlap, but generally include professional negligence, breach of contract, implied warranty or misrepresentation, joint and several liability and liability without fault for design defects. Moreover, if designers fail to reject defective work by a contractor or supplier, they may now be considered to be professionally negligent and in breach of contract.
Product liability, i.e., building product performance is another area of exposure in which the architect is held responsible for damages caused by faulty materials and components and sometimes for the cost of their replacement. This additional burden places a heavy emphasis on the appropriate selection and specification of building products with long records of satisfactory performance, thus often discouraging the introduction of new materials (e.g., green products), and methods. Product liability is primarily concerned with negligence and is discussed in Chapter 16. It especially affects manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers, and distributors. Furthermore, with the upsurge of green delivery systems, designers and specifiers are increasingly finding themselves involved in product liability suits. The best way to minimize these product liability actions is by specifying products that are manufactured for the intended use and that have been adequately tested.
Finally, design professionals can more effectively protect themselves from potential liability suits by working within their area of expertise, using concise contracts and specifications, complying with codes and regulations, using reputable and licensed contractors, maintaining accurate records, maintaining legal counsel and ensuring that adequate and appropriate liability insurance is in place.

13.9. Referenced Standards

• ASHRAE—American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers—
62.1-2016: Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
62.2-2016: Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
90.1-2013: Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
90.2-2007: Energy Efficient Design of Low-Rise Residential Buildings
62.1-2007: Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
90.1-2004: Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
189.1-2014, Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings
• ASTM—American Society for Testing and Materials International—
C518-04—Test Method for Steady-State Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus
C1371-04a—Standard Test Method for Determination of Emittance of Materials Near Room Temperature Using Portable Emissometers
C1549-04—Standard Test Method for Determination of Solar Reflectance Near Ambient Temperature Using a Portable Solar Reflectometer
D6400-04—Standard Specification for Compostable Plastics
D6868-03—Standard Specification for Biodegradable Plastics Used as Coatings on Paper and Other Conpostable Substrates
D7081-05—Standard Specification for Non-Floating Biodegradable Plastics in the Marine Environment
E408-71 (2008)—Standard Test Methods for Total Normal Emittance of Surfaces Using Inspection-Meter Techniques
E1333-96—Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Concentrations in Air and Emissions Rates from Wood Products Using a Large Chamber
E1980-01—Standard Practice for Calculating Solar Reflectance Index of Horizontal and Low-Sloped Opaque Surfaces
• BIFMA—Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association—
• CRI—Carpet and Rug Institute—
Green Label Plus Testing Program (Carpet and Carpet Adhesive)
Green Label Testing Program (Carpet Pad)
• CRRC—Cool Roof Rating Council—
1—Product Rating Program Manual
• CRS—Center for Resource Solutions—
green-e Product Certification Requirements (for Renewable Energy)
• CSA—Canadian Standards Association—
2810: Life Cycle Impact Assessment: Pulp and Paper Production Phase
• EPAct—Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 1992 (water fixture maximum flow rates)
• EPA—Environmental Protection Agency—
Comprehensive Procurement Guide—
Energy Star Rating System—
National VOC Emission Standard—
Priority PBT List—
Reference Test Method 24—Surface Coatings
• FSC—Forest Stewardship Council’s Principles and Criteria—
• GREENGUARD Environmental Institute—
• GREENGUARD Certification Standards for Low Emitting Products for the Indoor Environment
• GREENGUARD Product Emission Standard for Children and Schools
• Green Seal—
GC-09—Residential Central Air Conditioning Systems—
GC-13—Split-Ductless Air-Source Heat Pumps (GC-13)—
GC-15—Residential Central Air Source Heat Pumps—
GS-05—Compact Fluorescent Lamps—
GS-32—Photovoltaic Modules—
GS-36—Commercial Adhesives, October 19, 2000—
GS-37—Industrial and Institutional Cleaners: Green Seal Environmental Standard for General-Purpose, Bathroom, Glass, and Carpet Cleaners Used for Industrial and Institutional Purposes—
GS-37 Standard, Edition 7.2
GS-40—Industrial and Institutional Floor Care Products: Finishes and Compatible Strippers Used for Industrial and Institutional Purposes—
GS-43—Recycled-Content Latex Paint, August 1 2006
• IDA—International Dark-Sky Association—
• ISO—International Organization for Standardization—
14001:1996—Environmental Management Systems—Specification with Guidance for Use
14021:1999—Environmental Labels and Declarations—Self-Declared Environmental Claims (Type II Environmental Labeling)
14024:1999—Environmental Labels and Declarations—Type I Environmental Labeling - Principles and Procedures
14025:2006—Environmental Labels and Declarations—Type III Environmental Declarations—Principles and Procedures
14040:2006—Environmental Management—Life Cycle Assessment—Principles and Framework
21930—Sustainability in Building Construction—Environmental Declaration of Building Products
• NFRC—National Fenestration Rating Council—
100-04—Procedure for Determining Fenestration Product Thermal Properties
200-04—Procedure for Determining Fenestration Product Solar Heat Gain Coefficients at Normal Incidence
300-04—Procedures for Determining Solar Optical Properties of Simple Fenestration Products
400-04—Procedure for Determining Fenestration Product Air Leakage
500-04—Procedure for Determining Fenestration Product Condensation Resistance Values
• PEFC—Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification—
• RFCI—Resilient Floor Covering Institute—
• FloorScore—Testing program certified by SCS to comply with the VOC emissions criteria of the CA CHPS Section 01350 emissions standard—
• SCS—Scientific Certification Systems—
• SFI—Sustainable Forestry Initiative—
• SGS—SGS Group—
• NSF—National Science Foundation—
140—Sustainable Carpet Assessment
• Soil Association—
• SCAQMD—South Coast Air Quality Management District—
South Coast Rule #1113, Architectural Coatings—
South Coast Rule #1168, October 3, 2003, Adhesive/Sealant VOC Limits (, State of California
• CHPS—The Collaborative for High Performance Schools
• Section 01350—Special Environmental Requirements (emissions testing requirements)—
• OEHHA—Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
• California Proposition 65 Chemicals—List of chemicals known by California EPA to cause cancer
• UL—Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
• USDA—US Department of Agriculture—
Bio-based Compliant Program
• US Energy Policy Act 1992—
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