Unstructured data in AsterixDB

Consider the following JSON snippet:

"name":"John Doe",
"email" : "[email protected]",

"organizationName":"SAS Web Tech",
"organizationName":"Kirlosker Service Center",

The JSON data holds information of an employee who has a name, nickname, and username, and the date when the record was inserted. An employee can be associated with one or more organizations. To create a schema in AsterixDB, our schema could appear as follows:

create type EmploymentType as closed {
organizationName: string,
startDate: date,
endDate: date?

Notice that the schema is defined as closed. Now we can define UserType as follows:

create type UserType as open {
id: int,
username: string,
name: string,
email: string,
nickname: string,
createdAt: datetime,
friendIds: {{ int }},
employment: [EmploymentType],
gender: string

The world of data in AsterixDB is organized into data namespaces called dataverses. To set default dataverses for a series of statements, the use dataverse statement is provided. For example, to use dataverse to be TinySocial, we need to execute the following statement:

$ use dataverse TinySocial;

Now create dataset is used to create a new dataset. To create a dataset for this example, we need to run the following statements:

$ create dataset Employee(UserType) primary key id;

After that, we can create the example UserType and EmploymentType. When you run these statements, the output screen should look something like this:

Figure 11.5: Output screen of the query execution
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