
Many junior developers tend to think that software development is typing code and when they become more experienced in typing, will know more IDE shortcuts and learn frameworks and libraries by heart—they will be ninja developers, being able to write something like Instagram in a couple of days.

Well, the reality is harshly different. In fact, after getting some experience and after deliberately spending months and maybe years in death-marches towards impossible deadlines and unrealistic goals, people usually slow down. They begin to understand that writing code immediately after receiving some sort of specification might not be a very good idea. The reasons for this might be already obvious to you after you have read all previous sections. Being obsessed with solutions instead of understanding the problem, ignoring essential complexity and conforming biases—all these factors influence us when we are developing software. As soon as we get more experience and learn on our own mistakes and, preferably, on errors of the others, we realize that the most important part of writing useful, valuable software is the knowledge.

Software development is a learning process. Working software is a side-effect.
– Alberto Brandolini
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