After the workshop

When time is up, most probably you'll have a long paper roll with a lot of sticky notes of different color. A lot of time and effort is spent to produce it, and this paper roll is often seen as a precious artifact. However, this is not exactly the case. You might want to keep evidence of what you have discussed and modeled, and especially the list of hotspots. But the main take away is the knowledge that developers and other participants just gained and will take to the bank. More domain knowledge and less ignorance are the most important although invisible artifacts of the EventStorming session.

This does not mean that you will throw the paper roll. People that do it for the first time might see such action as a move of disrespect. Keep the roll, take panoramic pictures and send it to everyone. Yes, most probably you will never open the roll again. It is much more productive to create all these events from scratch should you need to do it again. People already know, and it will be even more beneficial for them to refine the model this way. But for the sake of safety feeling of everyone, keep the roll somewhere safe for a couple of weeks:

Keep them, but you'll probably never look at them again

Remember to plan follow-up sessions to discuss hotspots. Usually, smaller groups might need to participate. Sometimes you will need to invite someone else because of the questions you have got. You might not need to repeat what is already done and concentrate on discussing the issues you have discovered. Indeed, using EventStorming in such discussions is beneficial and will enrich the model.

In the next chapter, we will also discuss how to perform the design-level EventStorming, which is a bit more technical and can only be done on a smaller functional area of the domain. The outcome of such a session can be taken straight to your issue tracker.

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