
Commands and events are not bound to any language or technology, they also describe the system behavior very well, using Ubiquitous Language and expressing the intent of our users.

Therefore, we include commands to the notation for the design-level EventStorming. Commands express the intent of users, which interact with the system, so applying commands to our system would naturally produce state transition and result in events being emitted inside our domain model. If we use blue sticky notes for commands, the regular flow for command processing will look like this:

Note that we have arrows connecting sticky notes. The flow is determined solely by placing them together, in the order of time: first, we ask the system to do something, and when the operation is accepted and performed, the system transitions its state and emits new events.

Avoid using arrows on your modeling space in general, since they create spatial locking for your sticky notes, which you will stop moving around because arrows are drawn on paper or whiteboard and cannot be moved. Such locking lowers down the modeling dynamics and prevents experimentation.

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