
In this chapter, we have learned what EventStorming is, why every team would benefit from organizing such a workshop with domain experts, to gain domain knowledge and decrease ignorance. We also went through practical tips on how the EventStorming session can be arranged and facilitated.

The final part of this chapter is about the model for our sample business. We discussed the business flow, identified many events and some hotspots, gaining a significant amount of insights about what kind of system we are going to build throughout this book.

We have briefly touched on the behavioral aspect of EventStorming, but there is more to is, which we cannot cover in this book due to the broad nature of this topic. Check the next section to find references to Alberto Brandolini's work and plan to study the referenced materials to know more about people, their biases and behavior, and why the software development is the learning process.

In the next chapter, we will look deeper into the modeling process, with more focus on artifacts that can help us to start writing code and deliver initial prototypes as soon as possible.

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