Getting deeper knowledge

Let us get back to the moment when we left our team finished with the Big Picture EventStorming workshop. They spent a couple of hours discussing essential topics like:

  • What processes the business runs?
  • What kind of objects participate in these processes?
  • What facts can we record about the system behavior?
  • Who does what?
  • What essential terms do we need to learn and use?

Discussions about these points brought them to a diagram with a lot of orange sticky notes, representing facts of life, which we call domain events. There are also some pink sticky to be found here and there, indicating hotspots - something that needs attention, further clarification or causes worry. Usually, this means missing knowledge.

All this brings the team somewhat closer to the actual implementation, but they don't feel like start coding just yet. T need to go deeper into the design and gain more specific knowledge about what actions can be performed in the system and by whom.

It is a topic for another type of EventStorming workshops - the design-level EventStorming. Let's look closer to how such workshop can be organized.

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